openapi: 3.0.1 info: title: Intercom API version: '2.9' description: The intercom API reference. contact: name: Intercom Developer Hub url: license: name: MIT url: paths: /me: get: summary: Identify an admin parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Admins operationId: identifyAdmin description: > You can view the currently authorised admin along with the embedded app object (a "workspace" in legacy terminology). > 🚧 Single Sign On > > If you are building a custom "Log in with Intercom" flow for your site, and you call the `/me` endpoint to identify the logged-in user, you should not accept any sign-ins from users with unverified email addresses as it poses a potential impersonation security risk. responses: '200': description: Successful response content: application/json: examples: Successful response: value: type: admin id: '991267242' email: name: Ciaran1 Lee email_verified: true app: type: app id_code: this_is_an_id1_that_should_be_at_least_40 name: MyApp 1 created_at: 1717021328 secure: false identity_verification: false timezone: America/Los_Angeles region: US avatar: type: avatar image_url: >- has_inbox_seat: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/admin_with_app' /admins/{id}/away: put: summary: Set an admin to away parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: The unique identifier of a given admin schema: type: integer tags: - Admins operationId: setAwayAdmin description: You can set an Admin as away for the Inbox. responses: '200': description: Successful response content: application/json: examples: Successful response: value: type: admin id: '991267243' name: Ciaran2 Lee email: away_mode_enabled: true away_mode_reassign: true has_inbox_seat: true team_ids: [] schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/admin' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: ee1782d2-154b-4a94-824b-144059b4e321 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Admin not found content: application/json: examples: Admin not found: value: type: error.list request_id: 20a813b6-c6b4-4430-a9db-12956e806ec1 errors: - code: admin_not_found message: Admin for admin_id not found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object required: - away_mode_enabled - away_mode_reassign properties: away_mode_enabled: type: boolean description: Set to "true" to change the status of the admin to away. example: true default: true away_mode_reassign: type: boolean description: >- Set to "true" to assign any new conversation replies to your default inbox. example: false default: false examples: successful_response: summary: Successful response value: away_mode_enabled: true away_mode_reassign: true admin_not_found: summary: Admin not found value: away_mode_enabled: true away_mode_reassign: true unauthorized: summary: Unauthorized value: away_mode_enabled: true away_mode_reassign: true /admins/activity_logs: get: summary: List all activity logs parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: created_at_after in: query required: true description: >- The start date that you request data for. It must be formatted as a UNIX timestamp. example: '1677253093' schema: type: string - name: created_at_before in: query required: false description: >- The end date that you request data for. It must be formatted as a UNIX timestamp. example: '1677861493' schema: type: string tags: - Admins operationId: listActivityLogs description: You can get a log of activities by all admins in an app. responses: '200': description: Successful response content: application/json: examples: Successful response: value: type: activity_log.list pages: type: pages next: null page: 1 per_page: 20 total_pages: 1 activity_logs: - id: b12d89d1-922f-4bec-b532-247bb581fd15 performed_by: type: admin id: '991267247' email: ip: metadata: message: id: 123 title: Initial message title before: Initial message title after: Eventual message title created_at: 1717021333 activity_type: message_state_change activity_description: >- Ciaran5 Lee changed your Initial message title message from Initial message title to Eventual message title. - id: ab862e22-dac4-430a-bd06-6324b9bfbe53 performed_by: type: admin id: '991267247' email: ip: metadata: before: before after: after created_at: 1717021333 activity_type: app_name_change activity_description: >- Ciaran5 Lee changed your app name from before to after. schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/activity_log_list' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 69a6cf16-1eaf-42f3-bf89-e4a9944f5f89 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /admins: get: summary: List all admins parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Admins operationId: listAdmins description: You can fetch a list of admins for a given workspace. responses: '200': description: Successful response content: application/json: examples: Successful response: value: type: admin.list admins: - type: admin email: id: '991267249' name: Ciaran7 Lee away_mode_enabled: false away_mode_reassign: false has_inbox_seat: true team_ids: [] schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/admin_list' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 7ce06acd-f398-4faf-8fe8-7c5b8bc5c3ca errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /admins/{id}: get: summary: Retrieve an admin parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: The unique identifier of a given admin example: 123 schema: type: integer tags: - Admins operationId: retrieveAdmin description: You can retrieve the details of a single admin. responses: '200': description: Admin found content: application/json: examples: Admin found: value: type: admin id: '991267251' name: Ciaran9 Lee email: away_mode_enabled: false away_mode_reassign: false has_inbox_seat: true team_ids: [] schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/admin' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 231aad72-f519-4f47-b436-663eb5046063 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Admin not found content: application/json: examples: Admin not found: value: type: error.list request_id: 8d8d85cb-c827-44f2-abee-58edbb4d1dda errors: - code: admin_not_found message: Admin not found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /articles: get: summary: List all articles parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Articles operationId: listArticles description: > You can fetch a list of all articles by making a GET request to ``. > 📘 How are the articles sorted and ordered? > > Articles will be returned in descending order on the `updated_at` attribute. This means if you need to iterate through results then we'll show the most recently updated articles first. responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: type: list pages: type: pages page: 1 per_page: 25 total_pages: 1 total_count: 1 data: - id: '35' type: article workspace_id: this_is_an_id33_that_should_be_at_least_4 parent_id: 145 parent_type: collection parent_ids: [] title: This is the article title description: '' body: '' author_id: 991267254 state: published created_at: 1717021340 updated_at: 1717021340 url: >- http://help-center.test/myapp-33/en/articles/35-this-is-the-article-title schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_list' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 78e7c2d8-6d98-4b85-af8a-3e4ae5438eb3 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' post: summary: Create an article parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Articles operationId: createArticle description: >- You can create a new article by making a POST request to ``. responses: '200': description: article created content: application/json: examples: article created: value: id: '38' type: article workspace_id: this_is_an_id37_that_should_be_at_least_4 parent_id: 147 parent_type: collection parent_ids: [] statistics: type: article_statistics views: 0 conversations: 0 reactions: 0 happy_reaction_percentage: 0 neutral_reaction_percentage: 0 sad_reaction_percentage: 0 title: Thanks for everything description: Description of the Article body:

Body of the Article

author_id: 991267259 state: published created_at: 1717021342 updated_at: 1717021342 url: >- http://help-center.test/myapp-37/en/articles/38-thanks-for-everything schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/article' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: examples: Bad Request: value: type: error.list request_id: dc6520ae-9647-4c5e-a83f-344532dc9a59 errors: - code: parameter_not_found message: >- author_id must be in the main body or default locale translated_content object schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 58823089-52e6-4242-8693-b881c74a26d7 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/create_article_request' examples: article_created: summary: article created value: title: Thanks for everything description: Description of the Article body: Body of the Article author_id: 991267259 state: published parent_id: 147 parent_type: collection translated_content: fr: title: Merci pour tout description: Description de l'article body: Corps de l'article author_id: 991267259 state: published bad_request: summary: Bad Request value: title: Thanks for everything description: Description of the Article body: Body of the Article state: published /articles/{id}: get: summary: Retrieve an article parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: The unique identifier for the article which is given by Intercom. example: 123 schema: type: integer tags: - Articles operationId: retrieveArticle description: >- You can fetch the details of a single article by making a GET request to ``. responses: '200': description: Article found content: application/json: examples: Article found: value: id: '41' type: article workspace_id: this_is_an_id43_that_should_be_at_least_4 parent_id: 150 parent_type: collection parent_ids: [] statistics: type: article_statistics views: 0 conversations: 0 reactions: 0 happy_reaction_percentage: 0 neutral_reaction_percentage: 0 sad_reaction_percentage: 0 title: This is the article title description: '' body: '' author_id: 991267264 state: published created_at: 1717021344 updated_at: 1717021344 url: >- http://help-center.test/myapp-43/en/articles/41-this-is-the-article-title schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/article' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 4df4917b-c4d0-45a9-a61e-6c3597e96e10 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Article not found content: application/json: examples: Article not found: value: type: error.list request_id: f15f878f-3fb3-47f0-acc7-c7adcef0c61d errors: - code: not_found message: Resource Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' put: summary: Update an article parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: The unique identifier for the article which is given by Intercom. example: 123 schema: type: integer tags: - Articles operationId: updateArticle description: >- You can update the details of a single article by making a PUT request to ``. responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: id: '44' type: article workspace_id: this_is_an_id49_that_should_be_at_least_4 parent_id: 153 parent_type: collection parent_ids: [] statistics: type: article_statistics views: 0 conversations: 0 reactions: 0 happy_reaction_percentage: 0 neutral_reaction_percentage: 0 sad_reaction_percentage: 0 title: Christmas is here! description: '' body: >-

New gifts in store for the jolly season

author_id: 991267270 state: published created_at: 1717021347 updated_at: 1717021347 url: >- http://help-center.test/myapp-49/en/articles/44-christmas-is-here schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/article' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: b48c9005-6e42-46aa-a792-ffe1279164c0 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Article Not Found content: application/json: examples: Article Not Found: value: type: error.list request_id: ebc188c3-3680-4724-a6a4-939f760cf1ff errors: - code: not_found message: Resource Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/update_article_request' examples: successful: summary: successful value: title: Christmas is here! body:

New gifts in store for the jolly season

article_not_found: summary: Article Not Found value: title: Christmas is here! body:

New gifts in store for the jolly season

delete: summary: Delete an article parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: The unique identifier for the article which is given by Intercom. example: 123 schema: type: integer tags: - Articles operationId: deleteArticle description: >- You can delete a single article by making a DELETE request to ``. responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: id: '47' object: article deleted: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/deleted_article_object' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 50e2264e-9795-4eda-839b-8435da6eb115 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Article Not Found content: application/json: examples: Article Not Found: value: type: error.list request_id: 1c891e3d-b5c7-4f63-93f1-c131397c71ec errors: - code: not_found message: Resource Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /help_center/collections: get: summary: List all collections parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Help Center operationId: listAllCollections description: > You can fetch a list of all collections by making a GET request to ``. Collections will be returned in descending order on the `updated_at` attribute. This means if you need to iterate through results then we'll show the most recently updated collections first. responses: '200': description: Successful content: application/json: examples: Successful: value: type: list data: - id: '161' workspace_id: this_is_an_id63_that_should_be_at_least_4 name: English collection title url: http://help-center.test/myapp-63/collection-17 order: 17 created_at: 1717021353 updated_at: 1717021353 description: english collection description icon: bookmark help_center_id: 89 type: collection total_count: 1 pages: type: pages page: 1 per_page: 20 total_pages: 1 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/collection_list' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 26131e21-0b21-495d-8931-162525858184 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' post: summary: Create a collection parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Help Center operationId: createCollection description: >- You can create a new collection by making a POST request to `` responses: '200': description: collection created content: application/json: examples: collection created: value: id: '167' workspace_id: this_is_an_id67_that_should_be_at_least_4 name: Thanks for everything url: http://help-center.test/myapp-67/ order: 1 created_at: 1717021354 updated_at: 1717021354 description: '' icon: book-bookmark help_center_id: 91 type: collection schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/collection' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: examples: Bad Request: value: type: error.list request_id: 7ad38384-798f-4780-a4e7-98e6e52ca290 errors: - code: parameter_not_found message: Name is a required parameter. schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 834f5ddd-4c83-457a-848f-054e4bd86eae errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/create_collection_request' examples: collection_created: summary: collection created value: name: Thanks for everything bad_request: summary: Bad Request value: description: Missing required parameter /help_center/collections/{id}: get: summary: Retrieve a collection parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: The unique identifier for the collection which is given by Intercom. example: 123 schema: type: integer tags: - Help Center operationId: retrieveCollection description: >- You can fetch the details of a single collection by making a GET request to ``. responses: '200': description: Collection found content: application/json: examples: Collection found: value: id: '172' workspace_id: this_is_an_id73_that_should_be_at_least_4 name: English collection title url: http://help-center.test/myapp-73/collection-22 order: 22 created_at: 1717021355 updated_at: 1717021355 description: english collection description icon: bookmark help_center_id: 94 type: collection schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/collection' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: f4bd9fb5-b105-4f16-971a-7f0ba29023f1 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Collection not found content: application/json: examples: Collection not found: value: type: error.list request_id: c5a684d9-dde7-426d-b220-e624931cc6df errors: - code: not_found message: Resource Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' put: summary: Update a collection parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: The unique identifier for the collection which is given by Intercom. example: 123 schema: type: integer tags: - Help Center operationId: updateCollection description: >- You can update the details of a single collection by making a PUT request to ``. responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: id: '178' workspace_id: this_is_an_id79_that_should_be_at_least_4 name: Update collection name url: http://help-center.test/myapp-79/collection-25 order: 25 created_at: 1717021357 updated_at: 1717021357 description: english collection description icon: folder help_center_id: 97 type: collection schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/collection' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 7ba596ad-8e27-4dbc-8c3d-4982d3c8b988 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Collection Not Found content: application/json: examples: Collection Not Found: value: type: error.list request_id: 63095699-29bc-4fd8-bb65-0de9b8e547a1 errors: - code: not_found message: Resource Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/update_collection_request' examples: successful: summary: successful value: name: Update collection name collection_not_found: summary: Collection Not Found value: name: Update collection name delete: summary: Delete a collection parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: The unique identifier for the collection which is given by Intercom. example: 123 schema: type: integer tags: - Help Center operationId: deleteCollection description: >- You can delete a single collection by making a DELETE request to ``. responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: id: '184' object: collection deleted: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/deleted_collection_object' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 0c63c1fa-7eef-47e7-a49c-cff4bb859cb2 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: collection Not Found content: application/json: examples: collection Not Found: value: type: error.list request_id: 4d55ff13-21ee-4dae-835a-dca073c727e6 errors: - code: not_found message: Resource Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /help_center/help_centers/{id}: get: summary: Retrieve a Help Center parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: The unique identifier for the collection which is given by Intercom. example: 123 schema: type: integer tags: - Help Center operationId: retrieveHelpCenter description: >- You can fetch the details of a single Help Center by making a GET request to ``. responses: '200': description: Collection found content: application/json: examples: Collection found: value: id: '103' workspace_id: this_is_an_id91_that_should_be_at_least_4 created_at: 1717021361 updated_at: 1717021361 identifier: help-center-1 website_turned_on: false display_name: Intercom Help Center schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/help_center' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: ba42a13b-92b4-4322-8c13-10ed6ffd493e errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Collection not found content: application/json: examples: Collection not found: value: type: error.list request_id: 19d9dda0-1643-4a16-8b4e-e1690ef5d27c errors: - code: not_found message: Resource Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /help_center/help_centers: get: summary: List all Help Centers parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Help Center operationId: listHelpCenters description: >- You can list all Help Centers by making a GET request to ``. responses: '200': description: Help Centers found content: application/json: examples: Help Centers found: value: type: list data: [] schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/help_center_list' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 8f33a54a-8db1-43c2-9a80-59e0e6779333 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /help_center/sections: get: summary: List all sections parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Help Center operationId: listAllSections description: > You can fetch a list of all sections by making a GET request to ``. > 📘 How are the sections sorted and ordered? > > Sections will be returned in descending order on the `updated_at` attribute. This means if you need to iterate through results then we'll show the most recently updated sections first. responses: '200': description: Successful content: application/json: examples: Successful: value: type: list data: - id: '191' workspace_id: this_is_an_id101_that_should_be_at_least_ name: English section title url: http://help-center.test/myapp-101/section-15 order: 15 created_at: 1717021363 updated_at: 1717021363 type: section parent_id: 190 total_count: 1 pages: type: pages page: 1 per_page: 20 total_pages: 1 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/section_list' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: cf47bffc-9759-4792-8556-a25fbe66ed45 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' post: summary: Create a section parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Help Center operationId: createSection description: >- You can create a new section by making a POST request to `` responses: '200': description: section created content: application/json: examples: section created: value: id: '196' workspace_id: this_is_an_id105_that_should_be_at_least_ name: Thanks for everything url: http://help-center.test/myapp-105/ order: 1 created_at: 1717021364 updated_at: 1717021364 type: section parent_id: '194' schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/section' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 3053d544-e1a1-4fd8-9662-0f74ff782f14 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/create_section_request' examples: section_created: summary: section created value: name: Thanks for everything parent_id: 194 /help_center/sections/{id}: get: summary: Retrieve a section parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: The unique identifier for the section which is given by Intercom. example: 123 schema: type: integer tags: - Help Center operationId: retrieveSection description: >- You can fetch the details of a single section by making a GET request to ``. responses: '200': description: Section found content: application/json: examples: Section found: value: id: '200' workspace_id: this_is_an_id109_that_should_be_at_least_ name: English section title url: http://help-center.test/myapp-109/section-19 order: 19 created_at: 1717021365 updated_at: 1717021365 type: section parent_id: 199 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/section' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: ddd1b999-84bc-414b-8e83-d47e3fb1660a errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Section not found content: application/json: examples: Section not found: value: type: error.list request_id: 6fccbab7-24fa-4eed-8686-c241d4bbdb86 errors: - code: not_found message: Resource Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' put: summary: Update a section parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: The unique identifier for the section which is given by Intercom. example: 123 schema: type: integer tags: - Help Center operationId: updateSection description: >- You can update the details of a single section by making a PUT request to ``. responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: id: '206' workspace_id: this_is_an_id115_that_should_be_at_least_ name: Update section name url: http://help-center.test/myapp-115/section-22 order: 22 created_at: 1717021366 updated_at: 1717021367 type: section parent_id: '205' schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/section' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 1c08c7df-d5a9-4227-aba7-d252280baaaa errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Section Not Found content: application/json: examples: Section Not Found: value: type: error.list request_id: 70d7d473-e3d1-4630-b310-3e7a327e9a74 errors: - code: not_found message: Resource Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/update_section_request' examples: successful: summary: successful value: name: Update section name parent_id: 205 section_not_found: summary: Section Not Found value: name: Update section name parent_id: 207 delete: summary: Delete a section parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: The unique identifier for the section which is given by Intercom. example: 123 schema: type: integer tags: - Help Center operationId: deleteSection description: >- You can delete a single section by making a DELETE request to ``. responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: id: '212' object: section deleted: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/deleted_section_object' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: f48d51c1-cebd-4805-9268-4a8c8459cc4f errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: section Not Found content: application/json: examples: section Not Found: value: type: error.list request_id: d2b2e713-177e-43e9-9e07-51ba367845c9 errors: - code: not_found message: Resource Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /companies: post: summary: Create or Update a company parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Companies operationId: createOrUpdateCompany description: > You can create or update a company. Companies will be only visible in Intercom when there is at least one associated user. Companies are looked up via `company_id` in a `POST` request, if not found via `company_id`, the new company will be created, if found, that company will be updated. {% admonition type="attention" name="Using `company_id`" %} You can set a unique `company_id` value when creating a company. However, it is not possible to update `company_id`. Be sure to set a unique value once upon creation of the company. {% /admonition %} responses: '200': description: Successful content: application/json: examples: Successful: value: type: company company_id: company_remote_id id: 6657aaba6abd0164c24b0c8e app_id: this_is_an_id127_that_should_be_at_least_ name: my company remote_created_at: 1374138000 created_at: 1717021370 updated_at: 1717021370 monthly_spend: 0 session_count: 0 user_count: 0 tags: type: tag.list tags: [] segments: type: segment.list segments: [] plan: {} custom_attributes: creation_source: api schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/company' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: examples: Bad Request: value: type: error.list request_id: null errors: - code: bad_request message: bad 'test' parameter schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: bfe6a349-0654-4e5e-b9c8-f3fdda83e0fa errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/create_or_update_company_request' examples: successful: summary: Successful value: company_id: company_remote_id name: my company remote_created_at: 1374138000 bad_request: summary: Bad Request value: test: invalid get: summary: Retrieve companies parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: name in: query required: false description: The `name` of the company to filter by. example: my company schema: type: string - name: company_id in: query required: false description: The `company_id` of the company to filter by. example: '12345' schema: type: string - name: tag_id in: query required: false description: The `tag_id` of the company to filter by. example: '678910' schema: type: string - name: segment_id in: query required: false description: The `segment_id` of the company to filter by. example: '98765' schema: type: string - name: page in: query required: false description: The page of results to fetch. Defaults to first page example: 1 schema: type: integer - name: per_page in: query required: false description: How many results to display per page. Defaults to 15 example: 15 schema: type: integer tags: - Companies operationId: retrieveCompany description: > You can fetch a single company by passing in `company_id` or `name`. `{name}` `{company_id}` You can fetch all companies and filter by `segment_id` or `tag_id` as a query parameter. `{tag_id}` `{segment_id}` responses: '200': description: Successful content: application/json: examples: Successful: value: type: list data: - type: company company_id: remote_companies_scroll_2 id: 6657aabc6abd0164c24b0c96 app_id: this_is_an_id133_that_should_be_at_least_ name: IntercomQATest1 remote_created_at: 1717021372 created_at: 1717021372 updated_at: 1717021372 monthly_spend: 0 session_count: 0 user_count: 4 tags: type: tag.list tags: [] segments: type: segment.list segments: [] plan: {} custom_attributes: {} pages: type: pages next: null page: 1 per_page: 15 total_pages: 1 total_count: 1 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/company_list' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 7aebb259-19d4-4319-87ef-5be8441c07b6 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Company Not Found content: application/json: examples: Company Not Found: value: type: error.list request_id: 1f01a6c6-5bfd-4b36-9778-aaf35e7c40b3 errors: - code: company_not_found message: Company Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /companies/{id}: get: summary: Retrieve a company by ID parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: The unique identifier for the company which is given by Intercom example: 5f4d3c1c-7b1b-4d7d-a97e-6095715c6632 schema: type: string tags: - Companies operationId: RetrieveACompanyById description: You can fetch a single company. responses: '200': description: Successful content: application/json: examples: Successful: value: type: company company_id: '1' id: 6657aabe6abd0164c24b0ca1 app_id: this_is_an_id139_that_should_be_at_least_ name: company1 remote_created_at: 1717021374 created_at: 1717021374 updated_at: 1717021374 monthly_spend: 0 session_count: 0 user_count: 1 tags: type: tag.list tags: [] segments: type: segment.list segments: [] plan: {} custom_attributes: {} schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/company' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: a2e85fb1-4b73-4001-81f1-59b1eae9acbe errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Company Not Found content: application/json: examples: Company Not Found: value: type: error.list request_id: 6f14da94-ea76-4693-8ee8-f7d0cfdf4c6e errors: - code: company_not_found message: Company Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' put: summary: Update a company parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: The unique identifier for the company which is given by Intercom example: 5f4d3c1c-7b1b-4d7d-a97e-6095715c6632 schema: type: string tags: - Companies operationId: UpdateCompany description: | You can update a single company using the Intercom provisioned `id`. {% admonition type="attention" name="Using `company_id`" %} When updating a company it is not possible to update `company_id`. This can only be set once upon creation of the company. {% /admonition %} responses: '200': description: Successful content: application/json: examples: Successful: value: type: company company_id: '1' id: 6657aac06abd0164c24b0cab app_id: this_is_an_id145_that_should_be_at_least_ name: company2 remote_created_at: 1717021376 created_at: 1717021376 updated_at: 1717021376 monthly_spend: 0 session_count: 0 user_count: 1 tags: type: tag.list tags: [] segments: type: segment.list segments: [] plan: {} custom_attributes: {} schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/company' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 5457ba38-3d4e-47c1-98f2-8ea519cbd63f errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Company Not Found content: application/json: examples: Company Not Found: value: type: error.list request_id: 1dc7b16f-9368-42a7-97e7-db4068df5c6c errors: - code: company_not_found message: Company Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' delete: summary: Delete a company parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: The unique identifier for the company which is given by Intercom example: 5f4d3c1c-7b1b-4d7d-a97e-6095715c6632 schema: type: string tags: - Companies operationId: deleteCompany description: You can delete a single company. responses: '200': description: Successful content: application/json: examples: Successful: value: id: 6657aac36abd0164c24b0cb5 object: company deleted: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/deleted_company_object' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: b1857b1c-7be0-4c1b-b417-991e48903439 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Company Not Found content: application/json: examples: Company Not Found: value: type: error.list request_id: fc9dc442-d14b-4500-bd17-340d4081e0a8 errors: - code: company_not_found message: Company Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /companies/{id}/contacts: get: summary: List attached contacts parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: The unique identifier for the company which is given by Intercom example: 5f4d3c1c-7b1b-4d7d-a97e-6095715c6632 schema: type: string tags: - Companies - Contacts operationId: ListAttachedContacts description: You can fetch a list of all contacts that belong to a company. responses: '200': description: Successful content: application/json: examples: Successful: value: type: list data: [] total_count: 0 pages: type: pages page: 1 per_page: 50 total_pages: 0 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/company_attached_contacts' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 8c869368-88be-4489-8a12-588bae568529 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Company Not Found content: application/json: examples: Company Not Found: value: type: error.list request_id: 3f658ef0-56a2-48f2-a3ba-f86b379a75eb errors: - code: company_not_found message: Company Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /companies/{id}/segments: get: summary: List attached segments for companies parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: The unique identifier for the company which is given by Intercom example: 5f4d3c1c-7b1b-4d7d-a97e-6095715c6632 schema: type: string tags: - Companies operationId: ListAttachedSegmentsForCompanies description: You can fetch a list of all segments that belong to a company. responses: '200': description: Successful content: application/json: examples: Successful: value: type: list data: [] schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/company_attached_segments' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: d835d6ef-48b4-4ba9-9814-86e66e5bd8e9 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Company Not Found content: application/json: examples: Company Not Found: value: type: error.list request_id: 4b8e5c25-306a-4073-b5ae-d87a2c96519d errors: - code: company_not_found message: Company Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /companies/list: post: summary: List all companies parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: page in: query required: false description: The page of results to fetch. Defaults to first page example: 1 schema: type: integer - name: per_page in: query required: false description: How many results to return per page. Defaults to 15 example: 15 schema: type: integer - name: order in: query required: false description: >- `asc` or `desc`. Return the companies in ascending or descending order. Defaults to desc example: desc schema: type: string tags: - Companies operationId: listAllCompanies description: > You can list companies. The company list is sorted by the `last_request_at` field and by default is ordered descending, most recently requested first. Note that the API does not include companies who have no associated users in list responses. When using the Companies endpoint and the pages object to iterate through the returned companies, there is a limit of 10,000 Companies that can be returned. If you need to list or iterate on more than 10,000 Companies, please use the [Scroll API]( {% admonition type="warning" name="Pagination" %} You can use pagination to limit the number of results returned. The default is `20` results per page. See the [pagination section]( for more details on how to use the `starting_after` param. {% /admonition %} responses: '200': description: Successful content: application/json: examples: Successful: value: type: list data: - type: company company_id: remote_companies_scroll_2 id: 6657aac96abd0164c24b0cd1 app_id: this_is_an_id169_that_should_be_at_least_ name: IntercomQATest1 remote_created_at: 1717021385 created_at: 1717021385 updated_at: 1717021385 monthly_spend: 0 session_count: 0 user_count: 4 tags: type: tag.list tags: [] segments: type: segment.list segments: [] plan: {} custom_attributes: {} pages: type: pages next: null page: 1 per_page: 15 total_pages: 1 total_count: 1 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/company_list' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: b672ed4c-464a-4606-b2c1-8d40edef7951 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /companies/scroll: get: summary: Scroll over all companies parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: scroll_param in: query required: false description: '' schema: type: string tags: - Companies operationId: scrollOverAllCompanies description: >2 The `list all companies` functionality does not work well for huge datasets, and can result in errors and performance problems when paging deeply. The Scroll API provides an efficient mechanism for iterating over all companies in a dataset. - Each app can only have 1 scroll open at a time. You'll get an error message if you try to have more than one open per app. - If the scroll isn't used for 1 minute, it expires and calls with that scroll param will fail - If the end of the scroll is reached, "companies" will be empty and the scroll parameter will expire {% admonition type="info" name="Scroll Parameter" %} You can get the first page of companies by simply sending a GET request to the scroll endpoint. For subsequent requests you will need to use the scroll parameter from the response. {% /admonition %} {% admonition type="danger" name="Scroll network timeouts" %} Since scroll is often used on large datasets network errors such as timeouts can be encountered. When this occurs you will see a HTTP 500 error with the following message: "Request failed due to an internal network error. Please restart the scroll operation." If this happens, you will need to restart your scroll query: It is not possible to continue from a specific point when using scroll. {% /admonition %} responses: '200': description: Successful content: application/json: examples: Successful: value: type: list data: - type: company company_id: remote_companies_scroll_2 id: 6657aacb6abd0164c24b0cd7 app_id: this_is_an_id173_that_should_be_at_least_ name: IntercomQATest1 remote_created_at: 1717021387 created_at: 1717021387 updated_at: 1717021387 monthly_spend: 0 session_count: 0 user_count: 4 tags: type: tag.list tags: [] segments: type: segment.list segments: [] plan: {} custom_attributes: {} pages: null total_count: null scroll_param: 759035f4-de24-45cf-9f63-9aa86aba1248 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/company_scroll' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: f40dc354-ebc0-4eaa-b713-ac942902b635 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /contacts/{id}/companies: post: summary: Attach a Contact to a Company parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: The unique identifier for the contact which is given by Intercom schema: type: string tags: - Companies - Contacts operationId: attachContactToACompany description: You can attach a company to a single contact. responses: '200': description: Successful content: application/json: examples: Successful: value: type: company company_id: '1' id: 6657aacd6abd0164c24b0ce0 app_id: this_is_an_id177_that_should_be_at_least_ name: company6 remote_created_at: 1717021389 created_at: 1717021389 updated_at: 1717021389 monthly_spend: 0 session_count: 0 user_count: 1 tags: type: tag.list tags: [] segments: type: segment.list segments: [] plan: {} custom_attributes: {} schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/company' '400': description: Bad Request content: application/json: examples: Bad Request: value: type: error.list request_id: acd7e8d3-23e0-4a81-9027-dc73d9eb94f9 errors: - code: parameter_not_found message: company not specified schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: a8b4fc2f-3e2c-4339-ba90-7df1c7f55d94 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Company Not Found content: application/json: examples: Company Not Found: value: type: error.list request_id: 9b32d40e-a76d-4391-8058-c4856f47f30f errors: - code: company_not_found message: Company Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object required: - id properties: id: type: string description: >- The unique identifier for the company which is given by Intercom example: 58a430d35458202d41b1e65b examples: successful: summary: Successful value: id: 6657aacd6abd0164c24b0ce0 bad_request: summary: Bad Request value: null company_not_found: summary: Company Not Found value: id: '123' get: summary: List attached companies for contact parameters: - name: id in: path description: The unique identifier for the contact which is given by Intercom example: 63a07ddf05a32042dffac965 required: true schema: type: string - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Contacts - Companies operationId: listCompaniesForAContact description: You can fetch a list of companies that are associated to a contact. responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: type: list data: - type: company company_id: '1' id: 6657aad36abd0164c24b0d01 app_id: this_is_an_id193_that_should_be_at_least_ name: company12 remote_created_at: 1717021395 created_at: 1717021395 updated_at: 1717021395 last_request_at: 1716848595 monthly_spend: 0 session_count: 0 user_count: 1 tags: type: tag.list tags: [] segments: type: segment.list segments: [] plan: {} custom_attributes: {} pages: type: pages next: null page: 1 per_page: 50 total_pages: 1 total_count: 1 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact_attached_companies' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 569829f1-97e6-43ae-82bf-1ddc978fd525 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Contact not found content: application/json: examples: Contact not found: value: type: error.list request_id: 310fc913-3cc2-4222-9de9-2b327149f0dd errors: - code: not_found message: User Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /contacts/{contact_id}/companies/{id}: delete: summary: Detach a contact from a company parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: contact_id in: path required: true description: The unique identifier for the contact which is given by Intercom example: 58a430d35458202d41b1e65b schema: type: string - name: id in: path required: true description: The unique identifier for the company which is given by Intercom example: 58a430d35458202d41b1e65b schema: type: string tags: - Companies - Contacts operationId: detachContactFromACompany description: You can detach a company from a single contact. responses: '200': description: Successful content: application/json: examples: Successful: value: type: company company_id: '1' id: 6657aad06abd0164c24b0cf0 app_id: this_is_an_id185_that_should_be_at_least_ name: company8 remote_created_at: 1717021392 created_at: 1717021392 updated_at: 1717021392 monthly_spend: 0 session_count: 0 user_count: 0 tags: type: tag.list tags: [] segments: type: segment.list segments: [] plan: {} custom_attributes: {} schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/company' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 2933cb04-d47e-4ad9-b764-f6abef8a224b errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Contact Not Found content: application/json: examples: Company Not Found: value: type: error.list request_id: f5af06b4-da5a-442a-8610-960fa3e1ea3f errors: - code: company_not_found message: Company Not Found Contact Not Found: value: type: error.list request_id: 16ac995d-d962-4fe6-8a45-571d40a85932 errors: - code: not_found message: User Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /contacts/{id}/notes: get: summary: List all notes parameters: - name: id in: path required: true description: The unique identifier of a contact. schema: type: integer - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Notes - Contacts operationId: listNotes description: You can fetch a list of notes that are associated to a contact. responses: '200': description: Successful response content: application/json: examples: Successful response: value: type: list data: - type: note id: '29' created_at: 1716416598 contact: type: contact id: 6657aad66abd0164c24b0d0c author: type: admin id: '991267352' name: Ciaran110 Lee email: away_mode_enabled: false away_mode_reassign: false body:

This is a note.

- type: note id: '28' created_at: 1716330198 contact: type: contact id: 6657aad66abd0164c24b0d0c author: type: admin id: '991267352' name: Ciaran110 Lee email: away_mode_enabled: false away_mode_reassign: false body:

This is a note.

- type: note id: '27' created_at: 1716330197 contact: type: contact id: 6657aad66abd0164c24b0d0c author: type: admin id: '991267352' name: Ciaran110 Lee email: away_mode_enabled: false away_mode_reassign: false body:

This is a note.

total_count: 3 pages: type: pages next: null page: 1 per_page: 50 total_pages: 1 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/note_list' '404': description: Contact not found content: application/json: examples: Contact not found: value: type: error.list request_id: 5c017b27-069c-45ac-8012-4fd96bc575a1 errors: - code: not_found message: User Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' post: summary: Create a note parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: The unique identifier of a given contact. example: '123' schema: type: integer tags: - Notes - Contacts operationId: createNote description: You can add a note to a single contact. responses: '200': description: Successful response content: application/json: examples: Successful response: value: type: note id: '34' created_at: 1717021399 contact: type: contact id: 6657aad76abd0164c24b0d0e author: type: admin id: '991267354' name: Ciaran112 Lee email: away_mode_enabled: false away_mode_reassign: false body:


schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/note' '404': description: Contact not found content: application/json: examples: Admin not found: value: type: error.list request_id: b4f4eb11-8a81-49b9-91db-42e8c1eca575 errors: - code: not_found message: Resource Not Found Contact not found: value: type: error.list request_id: 385e508f-749b-462b-a1a7-fa63325e488e errors: - code: not_found message: User Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object required: - body properties: body: type: string description: The text of the note. example: New note contact_id: type: string description: The unique identifier of a given contact. example: '123' admin_id: type: string description: The unique identifier of a given admin. example: '123' examples: successful_response: summary: Successful response value: contact_id: 6657aad76abd0164c24b0d0e admin_id: 991267354 body: Hello admin_not_found: summary: Admin not found value: contact_id: 6657aad76abd0164c24b0d0f admin_id: 123 body: Hello contact_not_found: summary: Contact not found value: contact_id: 123 admin_id: 991267356 body: Hello /contacts/{contact_id}/segments: get: summary: List attached segments for contact parameters: - name: contact_id in: path description: The unique identifier for the contact which is given by Intercom example: 63a07ddf05a32042dffac965 required: true schema: type: string - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Contacts - Segments operationId: listSegmentsForAContact description: You can fetch a list of segments that are associated to a contact. responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: type: list data: - type: segment id: 6657aad96abd0164c24b0d11 name: segment created_at: 1717021401 updated_at: 1717021401 person_type: user schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact_segments' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 35d42f23-43c1-47e0-86ec-66e17a98c904 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Contact not found content: application/json: examples: Contact not found: value: type: error.list request_id: 9451e8b0-0b60-4a3c-8eda-9e644eaec3a0 errors: - code: not_found message: User Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /contacts/{contact_id}/subscriptions: get: summary: List subscriptions for a contact parameters: - name: contact_id in: path description: The unique identifier for the contact which is given by Intercom example: 63a07ddf05a32042dffac965 required: true schema: type: string - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Contacts - Subscription Types operationId: listSubscriptionsForAContact description: > You can fetch a list of subscription types that are attached to a contact. These can be subscriptions that a user has 'opted-in' to or has 'opted-out' from, depending on the subscription type. This will return a list of Subscription Type objects that the contact is associated with. The data property will show a combined list of: 1.Opt-out subscription types that the user has opted-out from. 2.Opt-in subscription types that the user has opted-in to receiving. responses: '200': description: Successful content: application/json: examples: Successful: value: type: list data: - type: subscription id: '93' state: live consent_type: opt_out default_translation: name: Newsletters description: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet locale: en translations: - name: Newsletters description: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet locale: en content_types: - email - type: subscription id: '95' state: live consent_type: opt_in default_translation: name: Newsletters description: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet locale: en translations: - name: Newsletters description: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet locale: en content_types: - sms_message schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/subscription_type_list' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 917619e6-202c-4837-bc02-24fcfe95e17c errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Contact not found content: application/json: examples: Contact not found: value: type: error.list request_id: de54f84d-185c-4565-b1f8-4b9a6d8a5b6a errors: - code: not_found message: User Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' post: summary: Add subscription to a contact tags: - Subscription Types - Contacts parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: contact_id in: path description: The unique identifier for the contact which is given by Intercom example: 63a07ddf05a32042dffac965 required: true schema: type: string operationId: attachSubscriptionTypeToContact description: > You can add a specific subscription to a contact. In Intercom, we have two different subscription types based on user consent - opt-out and opt-in: 1.Attaching a contact to an opt-out subscription type will opt that user out from receiving messages related to that subscription type. 2.Attaching a contact to an opt-in subscription type will opt that user in to receiving messages related to that subscription type. This will return a subscription type model for the subscription type that was added to the contact. responses: '200': description: Successful content: application/json: examples: Successful: value: type: subscription id: '108' state: live consent_type: opt_in default_translation: name: Newsletters description: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet locale: en translations: - name: Newsletters description: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet locale: en content_types: - sms_message schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/subscription_type' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 6e57c92f-9224-46d6-9315-38263aff308b errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Resource not found content: application/json: examples: Contact not found: value: type: error.list request_id: f0eaf097-047e-40a0-bdcf-bc124bffe683 errors: - code: not_found message: User Not Found Resource not found: value: type: error.list request_id: f9e0a206-a1b0-4bc3-a5b2-58925130e490 errors: - code: not_found message: Resource Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object required: - id - consent_type properties: id: type: string description: >- The unique identifier for the subscription which is given by Intercom example: '37846' consent_type: type: string description: The consent_type of a subscription, opt_out or opt_in. example: opt_in examples: successful: summary: Successful value: id: 108 consent_type: opt_in contact_not_found: summary: Contact not found value: id: 112 consent_type: opt_in resource_not_found: summary: Resource not found value: id: invalid_id consent_type: opt_in /contacts/{contact_id}/subscriptions/{id}: delete: summary: Remove subscription from a contact tags: - Subscription Types - Contacts parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: contact_id in: path description: The unique identifier for the contact which is given by Intercom example: 63a07ddf05a32042dffac965 required: true schema: type: string - name: id in: path description: >- The unique identifier for the subscription type which is given by Intercom example: '37846' required: true schema: type: string operationId: detachSubscriptionTypeToContact description: >- You can remove a specific subscription from a contact. This will return a subscription type model for the subscription type that was removed from the contact. responses: '200': description: Successful content: application/json: examples: Successful: value: type: subscription id: '124' state: live consent_type: opt_in default_translation: name: Newsletters description: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet locale: en translations: - name: Newsletters description: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet locale: en content_types: - sms_message schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/subscription_type' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 79a857ea-0495-4122-a11c-7e00140bdaf3 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Resource not found content: application/json: examples: Contact not found: value: type: error.list request_id: 10fb9404-d330-4531-81ca-c04ca4d55947 errors: - code: not_found message: User Not Found Resource not found: value: type: error.list request_id: 2879d387-dc58-4b94-91e3-e4abbc4ac50d errors: - code: not_found message: Resource Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /contacts/{contact_id}/tags: get: summary: List tags attached to a contact tags: - Contacts - Tags parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: contact_id in: path description: The unique identifier for the contact which is given by Intercom example: 63a07ddf05a32042dffac965 required: true schema: type: string operationId: listTagsForAContact description: >- You can fetch a list of all tags that are attached to a specific contact. responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: type: list data: - type: tag id: '83' name: Manual tag schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/tag_list' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 889da38c-3715-4edd-829f-c6234c6b61c5 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Contact not found content: application/json: examples: Contact not found: value: type: error.list request_id: 9831ae15-042d-4df0-8709-05712becdc48 errors: - code: not_found message: User Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' post: summary: Add tag to a contact tags: - Tags - Contacts parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: contact_id in: path description: The unique identifier for the contact which is given by Intercom example: 63a07ddf05a32042dffac965 required: true schema: type: string operationId: attachTagToContact description: >- You can tag a specific contact. This will return a tag object for the tag that was added to the contact. responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: type: tag id: '84' name: Manual tag schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/tag' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: e33c99ea-541f-4662-bd11-677745c60510 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Tag not found content: application/json: examples: Contact not found: value: type: error.list request_id: 56dc903d-e3b7-49e9-aeeb-44f658ec1881 errors: - code: not_found message: User Not Found Tag not found: value: type: error.list request_id: bed647c1-2d8b-4fa0-b16e-92184a12ef6f errors: - code: not_found message: Resource Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object required: - id properties: id: type: string description: The unique identifier for the tag which is given by Intercom example: '7522907' examples: successful: summary: successful value: id: 84 contact_not_found: summary: Contact not found value: id: 85 tag_not_found: summary: Tag not found value: id: '123' /contacts/{contact_id}/tags/{id}: delete: summary: Remove tag from a contact tags: - Tags - Contacts parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: contact_id in: path description: The unique identifier for the contact which is given by Intercom example: 63a07ddf05a32042dffac965 required: true schema: type: string - name: id in: path description: The unique identifier for the tag which is given by Intercom example: '7522907' required: true schema: type: string operationId: detachTagFromContact description: >- You can remove tag from a specific contact. This will return a tag object for the tag that was removed from the contact. responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: type: tag id: '87' name: Manual tag schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/tag' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 994fceee-e6d2-455f-b5e4-ae7304feec2e errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Tag not found content: application/json: examples: Contact not found: value: type: error.list request_id: f5167a40-7d57-4480-921a-7144ab21e273 errors: - code: not_found message: User Not Found Tag not found: value: type: error.list request_id: c0dc7099-cb44-4f33-9efe-e22d24c1a227 errors: - code: not_found message: Resource Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /contacts/{id}: put: summary: Update a contact parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path description: id example: 63a07ddf05a32042dffac965 required: true schema: type: string tags: - Contacts operationId: UpdateContact description: You can update an existing contact (ie. user or lead). responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: type: contact id: 6657aae76abd0164c24b0d28 workspace_id: this_is_an_id259_that_should_be_at_least_ external_id: '70' role: user email: phone: null name: joe bloggs avatar: null owner_id: null social_profiles: type: list data: [] has_hard_bounced: false marked_email_as_spam: false unsubscribed_from_emails: false created_at: 1717021415 updated_at: 1717021415 signed_up_at: 1717021415 last_seen_at: null last_replied_at: null last_contacted_at: null last_email_opened_at: null last_email_clicked_at: null language_override: null browser: null browser_version: null browser_language: null os: null location: type: location country: null region: null city: null country_code: null continent_code: null android_app_name: null android_app_version: null android_device: null android_os_version: null android_sdk_version: null android_last_seen_at: null ios_app_name: null ios_app_version: null ios_device: null ios_os_version: null ios_sdk_version: null ios_last_seen_at: null custom_attributes: {} tags: type: list data: [] url: /contacts/6657aae76abd0164c24b0d28/tags total_count: 0 has_more: false notes: type: list data: [] url: /contacts/6657aae76abd0164c24b0d28/notes total_count: 0 has_more: false companies: type: list data: [] url: /contacts/6657aae76abd0164c24b0d28/companies total_count: 0 has_more: false opted_out_subscription_types: type: list data: [] url: /contacts/6657aae76abd0164c24b0d28/subscriptions total_count: 0 has_more: false opted_in_subscription_types: type: list data: [] url: /contacts/6657aae76abd0164c24b0d28/subscriptions total_count: 0 has_more: false utm_campaign: null utm_content: null utm_medium: null utm_source: null utm_term: null referrer: null schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: babb0a78-a81a-4c20-b2b6-b407dfeb6b2d errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/update_contact_request' examples: successful: summary: successful value: email: name: joe bloggs get: summary: Get a contact parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path description: id example: 63a07ddf05a32042dffac965 required: true schema: type: string tags: - Contacts operationId: ShowContact description: You can fetch the details of a single contact. responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: type: contact id: 6657aae86abd0164c24b0d29 workspace_id: this_is_an_id263_that_should_be_at_least_ external_id: '70' role: user email: phone: null name: Joe Bloggs avatar: null owner_id: null social_profiles: type: list data: [] has_hard_bounced: false marked_email_as_spam: false unsubscribed_from_emails: false created_at: 1717021416 updated_at: 1717021416 signed_up_at: 1717021416 last_seen_at: null last_replied_at: null last_contacted_at: null last_email_opened_at: null last_email_clicked_at: null language_override: null browser: null browser_version: null browser_language: null os: null location: type: location country: null region: null city: null country_code: null continent_code: null android_app_name: null android_app_version: null android_device: null android_os_version: null android_sdk_version: null android_last_seen_at: null ios_app_name: null ios_app_version: null ios_device: null ios_os_version: null ios_sdk_version: null ios_last_seen_at: null custom_attributes: {} tags: type: list data: [] url: /contacts/6657aae86abd0164c24b0d29/tags total_count: 0 has_more: false notes: type: list data: [] url: /contacts/6657aae86abd0164c24b0d29/notes total_count: 0 has_more: false companies: type: list data: [] url: /contacts/6657aae86abd0164c24b0d29/companies total_count: 0 has_more: false opted_out_subscription_types: type: list data: [] url: /contacts/6657aae86abd0164c24b0d29/subscriptions total_count: 0 has_more: false opted_in_subscription_types: type: list data: [] url: /contacts/6657aae86abd0164c24b0d29/subscriptions total_count: 0 has_more: false utm_campaign: null utm_content: null utm_medium: null utm_source: null utm_term: null referrer: null schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 4101d4ef-8205-4e5f-b513-479f749c34c9 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' delete: summary: Delete a contact parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path description: id required: true schema: type: string tags: - Contacts operationId: DeleteContact description: You can delete a single contact. responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: id: 6657aaea6abd0164c24b0d2a object: contact deleted: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact_deleted' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 13311953-9f38-4984-a63f-83d70dee0110 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /contacts/merge: post: summary: Merge a lead and a user parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Contacts operationId: MergeContact description: >- You can merge a contact with a `role` of `lead` into a contact with a `role` of `user`. responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: type: contact id: 6657aaeb6abd0164c24b0d2c workspace_id: this_is_an_id271_that_should_be_at_least_ external_id: '70' role: user email: phone: null name: Joe Bloggs avatar: null owner_id: null social_profiles: type: list data: [] has_hard_bounced: false marked_email_as_spam: false unsubscribed_from_emails: false created_at: 1717021419 updated_at: 1717021420 signed_up_at: 1717021419 last_seen_at: null last_replied_at: null last_contacted_at: null last_email_opened_at: null last_email_clicked_at: null language_override: null browser: null browser_version: null browser_language: null os: null location: type: location country: null region: null city: null country_code: null continent_code: null android_app_name: null android_app_version: null android_device: null android_os_version: null android_sdk_version: null android_last_seen_at: null ios_app_name: null ios_app_version: null ios_device: null ios_os_version: null ios_sdk_version: null ios_last_seen_at: null custom_attributes: {} tags: type: list data: [] url: /contacts/6657aaeb6abd0164c24b0d2c/tags total_count: 0 has_more: false notes: type: list data: [] url: /contacts/6657aaeb6abd0164c24b0d2c/notes total_count: 0 has_more: false companies: type: list data: [] url: /contacts/6657aaeb6abd0164c24b0d2c/companies total_count: 0 has_more: false opted_out_subscription_types: type: list data: [] url: /contacts/6657aaeb6abd0164c24b0d2c/subscriptions total_count: 0 has_more: false opted_in_subscription_types: type: list data: [] url: /contacts/6657aaeb6abd0164c24b0d2c/subscriptions total_count: 0 has_more: false utm_campaign: null utm_content: null utm_medium: null utm_source: null utm_term: null referrer: null schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 8084b6b3-60e7-46b9-96ab-ed0d9ef45e67 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/merge_contacts_request' examples: successful: summary: successful value: from: 6657aaeb6abd0164c24b0d2b into: 6657aaeb6abd0164c24b0d2c /contacts/search: post: summary: Search contacts parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Contacts operationId: SearchContacts description: > You can search for multiple contacts by the value of their attributes in order to fetch exactly who you want. To search for contacts, you need to send a `POST` request to ``. This will accept a query object in the body which will define your filters in order to search for contacts. {% admonition type="warning" name="Optimizing search queries" %} Search queries can be complex, so optimizing them can help the performance of your search. Use the `AND` and `OR` operators to combine multiple filters to get the exact results you need and utilize pagination to limit the number of results returned. The default is `50` results per page. See the [pagination section]( for more details on how to use the `starting_after` param. {% /admonition %} ### Contact Creation Delay If a contact has recently been created, there is a possibility that it will not yet be available when searching. This means that it may not appear in the response. This delay can take a few minutes. If you need to be instantly notified it is recommended to use webhooks and iterate to see if they match your search filters. ### Nesting & Limitations You can nest these filters in order to get even more granular insights that pinpoint exactly what you need. Example: (1 OR 2) AND (3 OR 4). There are some limitations to the amount of multiple's there can be: * There's a limit of max 2 nested filters * There's a limit of max 15 filters for each AND or OR group ### Searching for Timestamp Fields All timestamp fields (created_at, updated_at etc.) are indexed as Dates for Contact Search queries; Datetime queries are not currently supported. This means you can only query for timestamp fields by day - not hour, minute or second. For example, if you search for all Contacts with a created_at value greater (>) than 1577869200 (the UNIX timestamp for January 1st, 2020 9:00 AM), that will be interpreted as 1577836800 (January 1st, 2020 12:00 AM). The search results will then include Contacts created from January 2nd, 2020 12:00 AM onwards. If you'd like to get contacts created on January 1st, 2020 you should search with a created_at value equal (=) to 1577836800 (January 1st, 2020 12:00 AM). This behaviour applies only to timestamps used in search queries. The search results will still contain the full UNIX timestamp and be sorted accordingly. ### Accepted Fields Most key listed as part of the Contacts Model are searchable, whether writeable or not. The value you search for has to match the accepted type, otherwise the query will fail (ie. as `created_at` accepts a date, the `value` cannot be a string such as `"foorbar"`). | Field | Type | | ---------------------------------- | ------------------------------ | | id | String | | role | String
Accepts user or lead | | name | String | | avatar | String | | owner_id | Integer | | email | String | | email_domain | String | | phone | String | | formatted_phone | String | | external_id | String | | created_at | Date (UNIX Timestamp) | | signed_up_at | Date (UNIX Timestamp) | | updated_at | Date (UNIX Timestamp) | | last_seen_at | Date (UNIX Timestamp) | | last_contacted_at | Date (UNIX Timestamp) | | last_replied_at | Date (UNIX Timestamp) | | last_email_opened_at | Date (UNIX Timestamp) | | last_email_clicked_at | Date (UNIX Timestamp) | | language_override | String | | browser | String | | browser_language | String | | os | String | | | String | | location.region | String | | | String | | unsubscribed_from_emails | Boolean | | marked_email_as_spam | Boolean | | has_hard_bounced | Boolean | | ios_last_seen_at | Date (UNIX Timestamp) | | ios_app_version | String | | ios_device | String | | ios_app_device | String | | ios_os_version | String | | ios_app_name | String | | ios_sdk_version | String | | android_last_seen_at | Date (UNIX Timestamp) | | android_app_version | String | | android_device | String | | android_app_name | String | | andoid_sdk_version | String | | segment_id | String | | tag_id | String | | custom_attributes.{attribute_name} | String | ### Accepted Operators {% admonition type="attention" name="Searching based on `created_at`" %} You cannot use the `<=` or `>=` operators to search by `created_at`. {% /admonition %} The table below shows the operators you can use to define how you want to search for the value. The operator should be put in as a string (`"="`). The operator has to be compatible with the field's type (eg. you cannot search with `>` for a given string value as it's only compatible for integer's and dates). | Operator | Valid Types | Description | | :------- | :------------------------------- | :--------------------------------------------------------------- | | = | All | Equals | | != | All | Doesn't Equal | | IN | All | In
Shortcut for `OR` queries
Values must be in Array | | NIN | All | Not In
Shortcut for `OR !` queries
Values must be in Array | | > | Integer
Date (UNIX Timestamp) | Greater than | | < | Integer
Date (UNIX Timestamp) | Lower than | | ~ | String | Contains | | !~ | String | Doesn't Contain | | ^ | String | Starts With | | $ | String | Ends With | responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: type: list data: [] total_count: 0 pages: type: pages page: 1 per_page: 5 total_pages: 0 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact_list' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 019c15bc-59b6-46e0-a99c-9ff87e13255b errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/search_request' examples: successful: summary: successful value: query: operator: AND value: - field: created_at operator: '>' value: '1306054154' pagination: per_page: 5 /contacts: get: summary: List all contacts parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Contacts operationId: ListContacts description: > You can fetch a list of all contacts (ie. users or leads) in your workspace. {% admonition type="warning" name="Pagination" %} You can use pagination to limit the number of results returned. The default is `50` results per page. See the [pagination section]( for more details on how to use the `starting_after` param. {% /admonition %} responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: type: list data: [] total_count: 0 pages: type: pages page: 1 per_page: 10 total_pages: 0 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact_list' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: e8bd0d1b-622c-4343-b613-01ba2803cbca errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' post: summary: Create contact parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Contacts operationId: CreateContact description: You can create a new contact (ie. user or lead). responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: type: contact id: 6657aaf06abd0164c24b0d2f workspace_id: this_is_an_id283_that_should_be_at_least_ external_id: null role: user email: phone: null name: null avatar: null owner_id: null social_profiles: type: list data: [] has_hard_bounced: false marked_email_as_spam: false unsubscribed_from_emails: false created_at: 1717021424 updated_at: 1717021424 signed_up_at: null last_seen_at: null last_replied_at: null last_contacted_at: null last_email_opened_at: null last_email_clicked_at: null language_override: null browser: null browser_version: null browser_language: null os: null location: type: location country: null region: null city: null country_code: null continent_code: null android_app_name: null android_app_version: null android_device: null android_os_version: null android_sdk_version: null android_last_seen_at: null ios_app_name: null ios_app_version: null ios_device: null ios_os_version: null ios_sdk_version: null ios_last_seen_at: null custom_attributes: {} tags: type: list data: [] url: /contacts/6657aaf06abd0164c24b0d2f/tags total_count: 0 has_more: false notes: type: list data: [] url: /contacts/6657aaf06abd0164c24b0d2f/notes total_count: 0 has_more: false companies: type: list data: [] url: /contacts/6657aaf06abd0164c24b0d2f/companies total_count: 0 has_more: false opted_out_subscription_types: type: list data: [] url: /contacts/6657aaf06abd0164c24b0d2f/subscriptions total_count: 0 has_more: false opted_in_subscription_types: type: list data: [] url: /contacts/6657aaf06abd0164c24b0d2f/subscriptions total_count: 0 has_more: false utm_campaign: null utm_content: null utm_medium: null utm_source: null utm_term: null referrer: null schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 555fa590-2a77-4f14-a607-7fb420b1bc8b errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/create_contact_request' examples: successful: summary: successful value: email: /contacts/{id}/archive: post: summary: Archive contact parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path description: id example: 63a07ddf05a32042dffac965 required: true schema: type: string tags: - Contacts operationId: ArchiveContact description: You can archive a single contact. responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: id: 6657aaf26abd0164c24b0d30 object: contact archived: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact_archived' /contacts/{id}/unarchive: post: summary: Unarchive contact parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path description: id example: 63a07ddf05a32042dffac965 required: true schema: type: string tags: - Contacts operationId: UnarchiveContact description: You can unarchive a single contact. responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: id: 6657aaf26abd0164c24b0d31 object: contact archived: false schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact_unarchived' /conversations/{conversation_id}/tags: post: summary: Add tag to a conversation parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: conversation_id in: path description: conversation_id example: '64619700005694' required: true schema: type: string tags: - Tags - Conversations operationId: attachTagToConversation description: >- You can tag a specific conversation. This will return a tag object for the tag that was added to the conversation. responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: type: tag id: '89' name: Manual tag schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/tag' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: d610fe70-342b-44fa-9e29-0bcfcaf1865f errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Conversation not found content: application/json: examples: Conversation not found: value: type: error.list request_id: 1f017fec-9524-406d-9587-8dafdac7b0b2 errors: - code: not_found message: Conversation not found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object required: - id - admin_id properties: id: type: string description: The unique identifier for the tag which is given by Intercom example: '7522907' admin_id: type: string description: >- The unique identifier for the admin which is given by Intercom. example: '780' examples: successful: summary: successful value: id: 89 admin_id: 991267387 conversation_not_found: summary: Conversation not found value: id: 90 admin_id: 991267389 /conversations/{conversation_id}/tags/{id}: delete: summary: Remove tag from a conversation parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: conversation_id in: path description: conversation_id example: '64619700005694' required: true schema: type: string - name: id in: path description: id example: '7522907' required: true schema: type: string tags: - Tags - Conversations operationId: detachTagFromConversation description: >- You can remove tag from a specific conversation. This will return a tag object for the tag that was removed from the conversation. responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: type: tag id: '92' name: Manual tag schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/tag' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 8591b1dd-51af-4927-a3eb-2f92738d5fe3 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Tag not found content: application/json: examples: Conversation not found: value: type: error.list request_id: 196f750c-77c5-458d-95cd-a2eb06eb93c9 errors: - code: not_found message: Conversation not found Tag not found: value: type: error.list request_id: 7bf65c4c-15a4-42da-9c01-3a7fd9801d41 errors: - code: tag_not_found message: Tag not found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: type: object required: - admin_id properties: admin_id: type: string description: >- The unique identifier for the admin which is given by Intercom. example: '123' examples: successful: summary: successful value: admin_id: 991267391 conversation_not_found: summary: Conversation not found value: admin_id: 991267393 tag_not_found: summary: Tag not found value: admin_id: 991267394 /conversations: get: summary: List all conversations parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: per_page in: query schema: type: integer default: 20 maximum: 150 required: false description: How many results per page - name: starting_after in: query required: false description: String used to get the next page of conversations. schema: type: string tags: - Conversations operationId: listConversations description: > You can fetch a list of all conversations. You can optionally request the result page size and the cursor to start after to fetch the result. {% admonition type="warning" name="Pagination" %} You can use pagination to limit the number of results returned. The default is `20` results per page. See the [pagination section]( for more details on how to use the `starting_after` param. {% /admonition %} responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: type: conversation.list pages: type: pages page: 1 per_page: 20 total_pages: 1 total_count: 1 conversations: - type: conversation id: '301' created_at: 1717021435 updated_at: 1717021435 waiting_since: null snoozed_until: null source: type: conversation id: '403918227' delivered_as: admin_initiated subject: '' body:

this is the message body

author: type: admin id: '991267397' name: Ciaran152 Lee email: attachments: [] url: null redacted: false contacts: type: contact.list contacts: - type: contact id: 6657aafb6abd0164c24b0d35 first_contact_reply: null admin_assignee_id: null team_assignee_id: null open: false state: closed read: false tags: type: tag.list tags: [] priority: not_priority sla_applied: null statistics: null conversation_rating: null teammates: null title: null custom_attributes: {} topics: {} ticket: null schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/paginated_response' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: de4b1b6d-c724-4b8b-829b-12f7fcb40473 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '403': description: API plan restricted content: application/json: examples: API plan restricted: value: type: error.list request_id: ae58f677-d8b7-4a9d-8686-2418c79b060f errors: - code: api_plan_restricted message: Active subscription needed. schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' post: summary: Creates a conversation parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Conversations operationId: createConversation description: >+ You can create a conversation that has been initiated by a contact (ie. user or lead). The conversation can be an in-app message only. {% admonition type="info" name="Sending for visitors" %} You can also send a message from a visitor by specifying their `user_id` or `id` value in the `from` field, along with a `type` field value of `contact`. This visitor will be automatically converted to a contact with a lead role once the conversation is created. {% /admonition %} This will return the Message model that has been created. responses: '200': description: conversation created content: application/json: examples: conversation created: value: type: user_message id: '403918237' created_at: 1717021458 body: Hello there message_type: inapp conversation_id: '329' schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/message' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 11e20110-32ad-4b8b-92db-a3430d929f55 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '403': description: API plan restricted content: application/json: examples: API plan restricted: value: type: error.list request_id: f304a890-faa2-4a77-90ad-6a711da1f79a errors: - code: api_plan_restricted message: Active subscription needed. schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Contact Not Found content: application/json: examples: Contact Not Found: value: type: error.list request_id: ffaf1bd9-3b6d-47bc-97ec-644e7739e0b0 errors: - code: not_found message: User Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/create_conversation_request' examples: conversation_created: summary: conversation created value: from: type: user id: 6657ab116abd0164c24b0d4d body: Hello there contact_not_found: summary: Contact Not Found value: from: type: user id: 123_doesnt_exist body: Hello there /conversations/{id}: get: summary: Retrieve a conversation parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: The id of the conversation to target example: 123 schema: type: integer - name: display_as in: query required: false description: Set to plaintext to retrieve conversation messages in plain text. example: plaintext schema: type: string tags: - Conversations operationId: retrieveConversation description: > You can fetch the details of a single conversation. This will return a single Conversation model with all its conversation parts. {% admonition type="warning" name="Hard limit of 500 parts" %} The maximum number of conversation parts that can be returned via the API is 500. If you have more than that we will return the 500 most recent conversation parts. {% /admonition %} For AI agent conversation metadata, please note that you need to have the agent enabled in your workspace, which is a [paid feature]( responses: '200': description: conversation found content: application/json: examples: conversation found: value: type: conversation id: '333' created_at: 1717021463 updated_at: 1717021463 waiting_since: null snoozed_until: null source: type: conversation id: '403918241' delivered_as: admin_initiated subject: '' body:

this is the message body

author: type: admin id: '991267414' name: Ciaran162 Lee email: attachments: [] url: null redacted: false contacts: type: contact.list contacts: - type: contact id: 6657ab176abd0164c24b0d51 first_contact_reply: null admin_assignee_id: null team_assignee_id: null open: false state: closed read: false tags: type: tag.list tags: [] priority: not_priority sla_applied: null statistics: null conversation_rating: null teammates: null title: null custom_attributes: {} topics: {} ticket: null conversation_parts: type: conversation_part.list conversation_parts: [] total_count: 0 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/conversation' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 9ba8124b-f405-4d50-a274-7c91a0ccd624 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '403': description: API plan restricted content: application/json: examples: API plan restricted: value: type: error.list request_id: ffffbffd-8a8c-49df-a4c1-74e76782150c errors: - code: api_plan_restricted message: Active subscription needed. schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Not found content: application/json: examples: Not found: value: type: error.list request_id: 3b602881-22c9-4fd1-86d4-668e2befa292 errors: - code: not_found message: Resource Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' put: summary: Update a conversation parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: The id of the conversation to target example: 123 schema: type: integer - name: display_as in: query required: false description: Set to plaintext to retrieve conversation messages in plain text. example: plaintext schema: type: string tags: - Conversations operationId: updateConversation description: >+ You can update an existing conversation. {% admonition type="info" name="Replying and other actions" %} If you want to reply to a coveration or take an action such as assign, unassign, open, close or snooze, take a look at the reply and manage endpoints. {% /admonition %} responses: '200': description: conversation found content: application/json: examples: conversation found: value: type: conversation id: '337' created_at: 1717021469 updated_at: 1717021471 waiting_since: null snoozed_until: null source: type: conversation id: '403918245' delivered_as: admin_initiated subject: '' body:

this is the message body

author: type: admin id: '991267422' name: Ciaran166 Lee email: attachments: [] url: null redacted: false contacts: type: contact.list contacts: - type: contact id: 6657ab1d6abd0164c24b0d55 first_contact_reply: null admin_assignee_id: null team_assignee_id: null open: false state: closed read: true tags: type: tag.list tags: [] priority: not_priority sla_applied: null statistics: null conversation_rating: null teammates: null title: null custom_attributes: issue_type: Billing priority: High topics: {} ticket: null conversation_parts: type: conversation_part.list conversation_parts: - type: conversation_part id: '68' part_type: conversation_attribute_updated_by_admin body: null created_at: 1717021471 updated_at: 1717021471 notified_at: 1717021471 assigned_to: null author: id: '991267423' type: bot name: Operator email: >- attachments: [] external_id: null redacted: false - type: conversation_part id: '69' part_type: conversation_attribute_updated_by_admin body: null created_at: 1717021471 updated_at: 1717021471 notified_at: 1717021471 assigned_to: null author: id: '991267423' type: bot name: Operator email: >- attachments: [] external_id: null redacted: false total_count: 2 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/conversation' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 91390a0b-072d-460f-8479-68b449551f18 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '403': description: API plan restricted content: application/json: examples: API plan restricted: value: type: error.list request_id: 550bb111-91b0-4b1a-a0ba-7a0d4d4fe4a5 errors: - code: api_plan_restricted message: Active subscription needed. schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Not found content: application/json: examples: Not found: value: type: error.list request_id: 10e790d1-780d-44c8-8f3d-10ad1e4ada0c errors: - code: not_found message: Resource Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/update_conversation_request' examples: conversation_found: summary: conversation found value: read: true custom_attributes: issue_type: Billing priority: High not_found: summary: Not found value: read: true custom_attributes: issue_type: Billing priority: High /conversations/search: post: summary: Search conversations parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Conversations operationId: searchConversations description: > You can search for multiple conversations by the value of their attributes in order to fetch exactly which ones you want. To search for conversations, you need to send a `POST` request to ``. This will accept a query object in the body which will define your filters in order to search for conversations. {% admonition type="warning" name="Optimizing search queries" %} Search queries can be complex, so optimizing them can help the performance of your search. Use the `AND` and `OR` operators to combine multiple filters to get the exact results you need and utilize pagination to limit the number of results returned. The default is `20` results per page and maximum is `150`. See the [pagination section]( for more details on how to use the `starting_after` param. {% /admonition %} ### Nesting & Limitations You can nest these filters in order to get even more granular insights that pinpoint exactly what you need. Example: (1 OR 2) AND (3 OR 4). There are some limitations to the amount of multiple's there can be: - There's a limit of max 2 nested filters - There's a limit of max 15 filters for each AND or OR group ### Accepted Fields Most keys listed as part of the The conversation model is searchable, whether writeable or not. The value you search for has to match the accepted type, otherwise the query will fail (ie. as `created_at` accepts a date, the `value` cannot be a string such as `"foorbar"`). The `source.body` field is unique as the search will not be performed against the entire value, but instead against every element of the value separately. For example, when searching for a conversation with a `"I need support"` body - the query should contain a `=` operator with the value `"support"` for such conversation to be returned. A query with a `=` operator and a `"need support"` value will not yield a result. | Field | Type | | :---------------------------------------- | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | id | String | | created_at | Date (UNIX timestamp) | | updated_at | Date (UNIX timestamp) | | source.type | String
Accepted fields are `conversation`, `email`, `facebook`, `instagram`, `phone_call`, `phone_switch`, `push`, `sms`, `twitter` and `whatsapp`. | | | String | | source.delivered_as | String | | source.subject | String | | source.body | String | | | String | | | String | | | String | | | String | | source.url | String | | contact_ids | String | | teammate_ids | String | | admin_assignee_id | String | | team_assignee_id | String | | channel_initiated | String | | open | Boolean | | read | Boolean | | state | String | | waiting_since | Date (UNIX timestamp) | | snoozed_until | Date (UNIX timestamp) | | tag_ids | String | | priority | String | | statistics.time_to_assignment | Integer | | statistics.time_to_admin_reply | Integer | | statistics.time_to_first_close | Integer | | statistics.time_to_last_close | Integer | | statistics.median_time_to_reply | Integer | | statistics.first_contact_reply_at | Date (UNIX timestamp) | | statistics.first_assignment_at | Date (UNIX timestamp) | | statistics.first_admin_reply_at | Date (UNIX timestamp) | | statistics.first_close_at | Date (UNIX timestamp) | | statistics.last_assignment_at | Date (UNIX timestamp) | | statistics.last_assignment_admin_reply_at | Date (UNIX timestamp) | | statistics.last_contact_reply_at | Date (UNIX timestamp) | | statistics.last_admin_reply_at | Date (UNIX timestamp) | | statistics.last_close_at | Date (UNIX timestamp) | | statistics.last_closed_by_id | String | | statistics.count_reopens | Integer | | statistics.count_assignments | Integer | | statistics.count_conversation_parts | Integer | | conversation_rating.requested_at | Date (UNIX timestamp) | | conversation_rating.replied_at | Date (UNIX timestamp) | | conversation_rating.score | Integer | | conversation_rating.remark | String | | conversation_rating.contact_id | String | | conversation_rating.admin_d | String | | ai_agent_participated | Boolean | | ai_agent.resolution_state | String | | ai_agent.last_answer_type | String | | ai_agent.rating | Integer | | ai_agent.rating_remark | String | | ai_agent.source_type | String | | ai_agent.source_title | String | ### Accepted Operators The table below shows the operators you can use to define how you want to search for the value. The operator should be put in as a string (`"="`). The operator has to be compatible with the field's type (eg. you cannot search with `>` for a given string value as it's only compatible for integer's and dates). | Operator | Valid Types | Description | | :------- | :----------------------------- | :----------------------------------------------------------- | | = | All | Equals | | != | All | Doesn't Equal | | IN | All | In Shortcut for `OR` queries Values most be in Array | | NIN | All | Not In Shortcut for `OR !` queries Values must be in Array | | > | Integer Date (UNIX Timestamp) | Greater (or equal) than | | < | Integer Date (UNIX Timestamp) | Lower (or equal) than | | ~ | String | Contains | | !~ | String | Doesn't Contain | | ^ | String | Starts With | | $ | String | Ends With | responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: type: conversation.list pages: type: pages page: 1 per_page: 5 total_pages: 1 total_count: 1 conversations: - type: conversation id: '344' created_at: 1717021480 updated_at: 1717021480 waiting_since: null snoozed_until: null source: type: conversation id: '403918252' delivered_as: admin_initiated subject: '' body:

this is the message body

author: type: admin id: '991267452' name: Ciaran189 Lee email: attachments: [] url: null redacted: false contacts: type: contact.list contacts: - type: contact id: 6657ab286abd0164c24b0d5c first_contact_reply: null admin_assignee_id: null team_assignee_id: null open: false state: closed read: false tags: type: tag.list tags: [] priority: not_priority sla_applied: null statistics: null conversation_rating: null teammates: null title: null custom_attributes: {} topics: {} ticket: null schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/conversation_list' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/search_request' examples: successful: summary: successful value: query: operator: AND value: - field: created_at operator: '>' value: '1306054154' pagination: per_page: 5 /conversations/{id}/reply: post: summary: Reply to a conversation parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: >- The Intercom provisioned identifier for the conversation or the string "last" to reply to the last part of the conversation example: 123 or "last" schema: type: string tags: - Conversations operationId: replyConversation description: >- You can reply to a conversation with a message from an admin or on behalf of a contact, or with a note for admins. responses: '200': description: User last conversation reply content: application/json: examples: User reply: value: type: conversation id: '353' created_at: 1717021487 updated_at: 1717021489 waiting_since: 1717021488 snoozed_until: null source: type: conversation id: '403918255' delivered_as: admin_initiated subject: '' body:

this is the message body

author: type: admin id: '991267455' name: Ciaran191 Lee email: attachments: [] url: null redacted: false contacts: type: contact.list contacts: - type: contact id: 6657ab2f6abd0164c24b0d64 first_contact_reply: created_at: 1717021488 type: conversation url: null admin_assignee_id: null team_assignee_id: null open: true state: open read: false tags: type: tag.list tags: [] priority: not_priority sla_applied: null statistics: null conversation_rating: null teammates: null title: null custom_attributes: {} topics: {} ticket: null conversation_parts: type: conversation_part.list conversation_parts: - type: conversation_part id: '71' part_type: open body:

Thanks again :)

created_at: 1717021488 updated_at: 1717021488 notified_at: 1717021488 assigned_to: null author: id: 6657ab2f6abd0164c24b0d64 type: user name: Joe Bloggs email: attachments: [] external_id: null redacted: false - type: conversation_part id: '72' part_type: language_detection_details body: null created_at: 1717021489 updated_at: 1717021489 notified_at: 1717021489 assigned_to: null author: id: '991267456' type: bot name: Operator email: >- attachments: [] external_id: null redacted: false total_count: 2 Admin note reply: value: type: conversation id: '354' created_at: 1717021490 updated_at: 1717021491 waiting_since: null snoozed_until: null source: type: conversation id: '403918256' delivered_as: admin_initiated subject: '' body:

this is the message body

author: type: admin id: '991267457' name: Ciaran192 Lee email: attachments: [] url: null redacted: false contacts: type: contact.list contacts: - type: contact id: 6657ab326abd0164c24b0d65 first_contact_reply: null admin_assignee_id: null team_assignee_id: null open: false state: closed read: false tags: type: tag.list tags: [] priority: not_priority sla_applied: null statistics: null conversation_rating: null teammates: null title: null custom_attributes: {} topics: {} ticket: null conversation_parts: type: conversation_part.list conversation_parts: - type: conversation_part id: '73' part_type: note body: |-

An Unordered HTML List

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An Ordered HTML List

  1. Coffee
  2. Tea
  3. Milk
created_at: 1717021491 updated_at: 1717021491 notified_at: 1717021491 assigned_to: null author: id: '991267457' type: admin name: Ciaran192 Lee email: attachments: [] external_id: null redacted: false total_count: 1 User last conversation reply: value: type: conversation id: '356' created_at: 1717021493 updated_at: 1717021494 waiting_since: 1717021494 snoozed_until: null source: type: conversation id: '403918258' delivered_as: admin_initiated subject: '' body:

this is the message body

author: type: admin id: '991267461' name: Ciaran194 Lee email: attachments: [] url: null redacted: false contacts: type: contact.list contacts: - type: contact id: 6657ab356abd0164c24b0d67 first_contact_reply: created_at: 1717021494 type: conversation url: null admin_assignee_id: null team_assignee_id: null open: true state: open read: false tags: type: tag.list tags: [] priority: not_priority sla_applied: null statistics: null conversation_rating: null teammates: null title: null custom_attributes: {} topics: {} ticket: null conversation_parts: type: conversation_part.list conversation_parts: - type: conversation_part id: '74' part_type: open body:

Thanks again :)

created_at: 1717021494 updated_at: 1717021494 notified_at: 1717021494 assigned_to: null author: id: 6657ab356abd0164c24b0d67 type: user name: Joe Bloggs email: attachments: [] external_id: null redacted: false - type: conversation_part id: '75' part_type: language_detection_details body: null created_at: 1717021494 updated_at: 1717021494 notified_at: 1717021494 assigned_to: null author: id: '991267462' type: bot name: Operator email: >- attachments: [] external_id: null redacted: false total_count: 2 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/conversation' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: b7b53b82-b194-4cca-ae16-e96b5f026b32 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '403': description: API plan restricted content: application/json: examples: API plan restricted: value: type: error.list request_id: 14779f4f-31d1-46cc-a4fa-7d799bdcbef6 errors: - code: api_plan_restricted message: Active subscription needed. schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Not found content: application/json: examples: Not found: value: type: error.list request_id: 89de1a37-4535-4bd5-84d8-8ce890d12fa5 errors: - code: not_found message: Resource Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/reply_conversation_request' examples: user_reply: summary: User reply value: message_type: comment type: user intercom_user_id: 6657ab2f6abd0164c24b0d64 body: Thanks again :) admin_note_reply: summary: Admin note reply value: message_type: note type: admin admin_id: 991267457 body: >-

An Unordered HTML List

  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Milk

An Ordered HTML List

  1. Coffee
  2. Tea
  3. Milk
user_last_conversation_reply: summary: User last conversation reply value: message_type: comment type: user intercom_user_id: 6657ab356abd0164c24b0d67 body: Thanks again :) not_found: summary: Not found value: message_type: comment type: user intercom_user_id: 6657ab376abd0164c24b0d68 body: Thanks again :) /conversations/{id}/parts: post: summary: Manage a conversation parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: The identifier for the conversation as given by Intercom. example: '123' schema: type: string tags: - Conversations operationId: manageConversation description: | For managing conversations you can: - Close a conversation - Snooze a conversation to reopen on a future date - Open a conversation which is `snoozed` or `closed` - Assign a conversation to an admin and/or team. responses: '200': description: Assign a conversation content: application/json: examples: Close a conversation: value: type: conversation id: '360' created_at: 1717021500 updated_at: 1717021501 waiting_since: null snoozed_until: null source: type: conversation id: '403918262' delivered_as: admin_initiated subject: '' body:

this is the message body

author: type: admin id: '991267469' name: Ciaran198 Lee email: attachments: [] url: null redacted: false contacts: type: contact.list contacts: - type: contact id: 6657ab3c6abd0164c24b0d6b first_contact_reply: null admin_assignee_id: null team_assignee_id: null open: false state: closed read: false tags: type: tag.list tags: [] priority: not_priority sla_applied: null statistics: null conversation_rating: null teammates: null title: null custom_attributes: {} topics: {} ticket: null conversation_parts: type: conversation_part.list conversation_parts: - type: conversation_part id: '76' part_type: close body:

Goodbye :)

created_at: 1717021501 updated_at: 1717021501 notified_at: 1717021501 assigned_to: null author: id: '991267469' type: admin name: Ciaran198 Lee email: attachments: [] external_id: null redacted: false total_count: 1 Snooze a conversation: value: type: conversation id: '361' created_at: 1717021502 updated_at: 1717021503 waiting_since: null snoozed_until: 1717025103 source: type: conversation id: '403918263' delivered_as: admin_initiated subject: '' body:

this is the message body

author: type: admin id: '991267471' name: Ciaran199 Lee email: attachments: [] url: null redacted: false contacts: type: contact.list contacts: - type: contact id: 6657ab3e6abd0164c24b0d6c first_contact_reply: null admin_assignee_id: null team_assignee_id: null open: true state: snoozed read: false tags: type: tag.list tags: [] priority: not_priority sla_applied: null statistics: null conversation_rating: null teammates: null title: null custom_attributes: {} topics: {} ticket: null conversation_parts: type: conversation_part.list conversation_parts: - type: conversation_part id: '77' part_type: snoozed body: null created_at: 1717021503 updated_at: 1717021503 notified_at: 1717021503 assigned_to: null author: id: '991267471' type: admin name: Ciaran199 Lee email: attachments: [] external_id: null redacted: false total_count: 1 Open a conversation: value: type: conversation id: '366' created_at: 1717021502 updated_at: 1717021512 waiting_since: null snoozed_until: null source: type: conversation id: '403918264' delivered_as: admin_initiated subject: '' body:

this is the message body

author: type: admin id: '991267473' name: Ciaran200 Lee email: attachments: [] url: null redacted: false contacts: type: contact.list contacts: - type: contact id: 6657ab426abd0164c24b0d71 first_contact_reply: null admin_assignee_id: null team_assignee_id: null open: true state: open read: true tags: type: tag.list tags: [] priority: not_priority sla_applied: null statistics: null conversation_rating: null teammates: null title: '' custom_attributes: {} topics: {} ticket: null conversation_parts: type: conversation_part.list conversation_parts: - type: conversation_part id: '79' part_type: open body: null created_at: 1717021512 updated_at: 1717021512 notified_at: 1717021512 assigned_to: null author: id: '991267473' type: admin name: Ciaran200 Lee email: attachments: [] external_id: null redacted: false total_count: 1 Assign a conversation: value: type: conversation id: '371' created_at: 1717021513 updated_at: 1717021514 waiting_since: null snoozed_until: null source: type: conversation id: '403918267' delivered_as: admin_initiated subject: '' body:

this is the message body

author: type: admin id: '991267476' name: Ciaran202 Lee email: attachments: [] url: null redacted: false contacts: type: contact.list contacts: - type: contact id: 6657ab496abd0164c24b0d75 first_contact_reply: null admin_assignee_id: 991267476 team_assignee_id: null open: true state: open read: false tags: type: tag.list tags: [] priority: not_priority sla_applied: null statistics: null conversation_rating: null teammates: null title: null custom_attributes: {} topics: {} ticket: null conversation_parts: type: conversation_part.list conversation_parts: - type: conversation_part id: '80' part_type: assign_and_reopen body: null created_at: 1717021514 updated_at: 1717021514 notified_at: 1717021514 assigned_to: type: admin id: '991267476' author: id: '991267476' type: admin name: Ciaran202 Lee email: attachments: [] external_id: null redacted: false total_count: 1 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/conversation' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 09df82cc-f148-4e0a-aceb-de32ffccc17a errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '403': description: API plan restricted content: application/json: examples: API plan restricted: value: type: error.list request_id: 8e3d0d18-8021-46c4-a041-2dc3993810ee errors: - code: api_plan_restricted message: Active subscription needed. schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Not found content: application/json: examples: Not found: value: type: error.list request_id: 69371e02-f296-471e-a494-1a532b5a1aa2 errors: - code: not_found message: Resource Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/close_conversation_request' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/snooze_conversation_request' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/open_conversation_request' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/assign_conversation_request' examples: close_a_conversation: summary: Close a conversation value: message_type: close type: admin admin_id: 991267469 body: Goodbye :) snooze_a_conversation: summary: Snooze a conversation value: message_type: snoozed admin_id: 991267471 snoozed_until: 1717025103 open_a_conversation: summary: Open a conversation value: message_type: open admin_id: 991267473 assign_a_conversation: summary: Assign a conversation value: message_type: assignment type: admin admin_id: 991267476 assignee_id: 991267476 not_found: summary: Not found value: message_type: close type: admin admin_id: 991267478 body: Goodbye :) /conversations/{id}/run_assignment_rules: post: summary: Run Assignment Rules on a conversation parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: The identifier for the conversation as given by Intercom. example: '123' schema: type: string tags: - Conversations operationId: autoAssignConversation description: > You can let a conversation be automatically assigned following assignment rules. {% admonition type="attention" name="When using workflows" %} It is not possible to use this endpoint with Workflows. {% /admonition %} responses: '200': description: Assign a conversation using assignment rules content: application/json: examples: Assign a conversation using assignment rules: value: type: conversation id: '375' created_at: 1717021520 updated_at: 1717021521 waiting_since: null snoozed_until: null source: type: conversation id: '403918271' delivered_as: admin_initiated subject: '' body:

this is the message body

author: type: admin id: '991267484' name: Ciaran206 Lee email: attachments: [] url: null redacted: false contacts: type: contact.list contacts: - type: contact id: 6657ab4f6abd0164c24b0d79 first_contact_reply: null admin_assignee_id: null team_assignee_id: null open: false state: closed read: false tags: type: tag.list tags: [] priority: not_priority sla_applied: null statistics: null conversation_rating: null teammates: null title: null custom_attributes: {} topics: {} ticket: null conversation_parts: type: conversation_part.list conversation_parts: - type: conversation_part id: '81' part_type: default_assignment body: null created_at: 1717021521 updated_at: 1717021521 notified_at: 1717021521 assigned_to: type: nobody_admin id: null author: id: '991267485' type: bot name: Operator email: >- attachments: [] external_id: null redacted: false total_count: 1 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/conversation' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 469fd3bb-93cc-440a-92dc-a13b1677d376 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '403': description: API plan restricted content: application/json: examples: API plan restricted: value: type: error.list request_id: 5315a8cb-df46-4bb3-90ec-143d787edda3 errors: - code: api_plan_restricted message: Active subscription needed. schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Not found content: application/json: examples: Not found: value: type: error.list request_id: 57b08a56-d3a2-4b62-9c10-7779a72d3b40 errors: - code: not_found message: Resource Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /conversations/{id}/customers: post: summary: Attach a contact to a conversation parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: The identifier for the conversation as given by Intercom. example: '123' schema: type: string tags: - Conversations operationId: attachContactToConversation description: >+ You can add participants who are contacts to a conversation, on behalf of either another contact or an admin. {% admonition type="attention" name="Contacts without an email" %} If you add a contact via the email parameter and there is no user/lead found on that workspace with he given email, then we will create a new contact with `role` set to `lead`. {% /admonition %} responses: '200': description: Attach a contact to a conversation content: application/json: examples: Attach a contact to a conversation: value: customers: - type: user id: 6657ab566abd0164c24b0d7d schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/conversation' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 1c005bf9-c6f0-4fc1-b352-53e84c675cc5 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '403': description: API plan restricted content: application/json: examples: API plan restricted: value: type: error.list request_id: 717510bb-f9b8-4237-a89d-41bccf8dca5c errors: - code: api_plan_restricted message: Active subscription needed. schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Not found content: application/json: examples: Not found: value: type: error.list request_id: d203f7a5-6175-4a1a-9c64-cc807288bcda errors: - code: not_found message: Resource Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/attach_contact_to_conversation_request' examples: attach_a_contact_to_a_conversation: summary: Attach a contact to a conversation value: admin_id: 991267492 customer: intercom_user_id: 6657ab566abd0164c24b0d7d not_found: summary: Not found value: admin_id: 991267494 customer: intercom_user_id: 6657ab576abd0164c24b0d7e /conversations/{conversation_id}/customers/{contact_id}: delete: summary: Detach a contact from a group conversation parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: conversation_id in: path required: true description: The identifier for the conversation as given by Intercom. example: '123' schema: type: string - name: contact_id in: path required: true description: The identifier for the contact as given by Intercom. example: '123' schema: type: string tags: - Conversations operationId: detachContactFromConversation description: >+ You can add participants who are contacts to a conversation, on behalf of either another contact or an admin. {% admonition type="attention" name="Contacts without an email" %} If you add a contact via the email parameter and there is no user/lead found on that workspace with he given email, then we will create a new contact with `role` set to `lead`. {% /admonition %} responses: '200': description: Detach a contact from a group conversation content: application/json: examples: Detach a contact from a group conversation: value: customers: - type: user id: 6657ab636abd0164c24b0d89 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/conversation' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: f4ac4049-1de5-4587-ae47-42149bab024a errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '403': description: API plan restricted content: application/json: examples: API plan restricted: value: type: error.list request_id: 6c084c7f-9ff4-47d9-94ce-f7241256d119 errors: - code: api_plan_restricted message: Active subscription needed. schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Contact not found content: application/json: examples: Conversation not found: value: type: error.list request_id: 52dc69da-3bbd-486a-b932-adf6bcd9bfce errors: - code: not_found message: Resource Not Found Contact not found: value: type: error.list request_id: 08be5e8d-4a8d-4bdc-9352-5044268a97a8 errors: - code: not_found message: User Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '422': description: Last customer content: application/json: examples: Last customer: value: type: error.list request_id: e1e0f127-bd7e-4d98-923e-792ceaca8575 errors: - code: parameter_invalid message: Removing the last customer is not allowed schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/detach_contact_from_conversation_request' examples: detach_a_contact_from_a_group_conversation: summary: Detach a contact from a group conversation value: admin_id: 991267500 customer: intercom_user_id: 6657ab5c6abd0164c24b0d81 conversation_not_found: summary: Conversation not found value: admin_id: 991267503 customer: intercom_user_id: 6657ab656abd0164c24b0d8a contact_not_found: summary: Contact not found value: admin_id: 991267506 customer: intercom_user_id: 6657ab6c6abd0164c24b0d92 last_customer: summary: Last customer value: admin_id: 991267509 customer: intercom_user_id: 6657ab736abd0164c24b0d9a /conversations/redact: post: summary: Redact a conversation part parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Conversations operationId: redactConversation description: >+ You can redact a conversation part or the source message of a conversation (as seen in the source object). {% admonition type="info" name="Redacting parts and messages" %} If you are redacting a conversation part, it must have a `body`. If you are redacting a source message, it must have been created by a contact. We will return a `conversation_part_not_redactable` error if these criteria are not met. {% /admonition %} responses: '200': description: Redact a conversation part content: application/json: examples: Redact a conversation part: value: type: conversation id: '437' created_at: 1717021579 updated_at: 1717021582 waiting_since: 1717021580 snoozed_until: null source: type: conversation id: '403918297' delivered_as: admin_initiated subject: '' body:

this is the message body

author: type: admin id: '991267518' name: Ciaran226 Lee email: attachments: [] url: null redacted: false contacts: type: contact.list contacts: - type: contact id: 6657ab8b6abd0164c24b0db2 first_contact_reply: created_at: 1717021580 type: conversation url: null admin_assignee_id: null team_assignee_id: null open: true state: open read: true tags: type: tag.list tags: [] priority: not_priority sla_applied: null statistics: null conversation_rating: null teammates: null title: null custom_attributes: {} topics: {} ticket: null conversation_parts: type: conversation_part.list conversation_parts: - type: conversation_part id: '89' part_type: open body:

This message was deleted

created_at: 1717021580 updated_at: 1717021582 notified_at: 1717021580 assigned_to: null author: id: 6657ab8b6abd0164c24b0db2 type: user name: Joe Bloggs email: attachments: [] external_id: null redacted: true - type: conversation_part id: '90' part_type: language_detection_details body: null created_at: 1717021580 updated_at: 1717021580 notified_at: 1717021580 assigned_to: null author: id: '991267519' type: bot name: Operator email: >- attachments: [] external_id: null redacted: false total_count: 2 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/conversation' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 892510d5-1003-4dae-ae3a-16f032ce47ed errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Not found content: application/json: examples: Not found: value: type: error.list request_id: 4bfb74f7-a3f1-491f-bed8-6d1f7a9231cc errors: - code: conversation_part_or_message_not_found message: Conversation part or message not found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/redact_conversation_request' examples: redact_a_conversation_part: summary: Redact a conversation part value: type: conversation_part conversation_id: 437 conversation_part_id: 89 not_found: summary: Not found value: type: conversation_part conversation_id: really_123_doesnt_exist conversation_part_id: really_123_doesnt_exist /data_attributes: get: summary: List all data attributes parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: model in: query required: false description: Specify the data attribute model to return. schema: type: string enum: - contact - company - conversation example: company - name: include_archived in: query required: false description: >- Include archived attributes in the list. By default we return only non archived data attributes. example: false schema: type: boolean tags: - Data Attributes operationId: lisDataAttributes description: >- You can fetch a list of all data attributes belonging to a workspace for contacts, companies or conversations. responses: '200': description: Successful response content: application/json: examples: Successful response: value: type: list data: - type: data_attribute name: name full_name: name label: Company name description: The name of a company data_type: string api_writable: true ui_writable: false messenger_writable: true custom: false archived: false model: company - type: data_attribute name: company_id full_name: company_id label: Company ID description: A number identifying a company data_type: string api_writable: false ui_writable: false messenger_writable: true custom: false archived: false model: company - type: data_attribute name: last_request_at full_name: last_request_at label: Company last seen description: >- The last day anyone from a company visited your site or app data_type: date api_writable: false ui_writable: false messenger_writable: true custom: false archived: false model: company - type: data_attribute name: remote_created_at full_name: remote_created_at label: Company created at description: The day a company was added to Intercom data_type: date api_writable: true ui_writable: false messenger_writable: true custom: false archived: false model: company - type: data_attribute name: user_count full_name: user_count label: People description: The number of people in a company data_type: integer api_writable: false ui_writable: false messenger_writable: true custom: false archived: false model: company - type: data_attribute name: session_count full_name: session_count label: Company web sessions description: >- All visits from anyone in a company to your product's site or app data_type: integer api_writable: false ui_writable: false messenger_writable: true custom: false archived: false model: company - type: data_attribute name: name full_name: label: Plan description: >- A specific plan or level within your product that companies have signed up to data_type: string api_writable: false ui_writable: false messenger_writable: true custom: false archived: false model: company - type: data_attribute name: monthly_spend full_name: monthly_spend label: Monthly Spend description: The monthly revenue you receive from a company data_type: float api_writable: true ui_writable: false messenger_writable: true custom: false archived: false model: company - type: data_attribute name: size full_name: size label: Company size description: >- The number of people employed in this company, expressed as a single number data_type: integer api_writable: true ui_writable: false messenger_writable: true custom: false archived: false model: company - type: data_attribute name: industry full_name: industry label: Company industry description: >- The category or domain this company belongs to e.g. 'ecommerce' or 'SaaS' data_type: string api_writable: true ui_writable: false messenger_writable: true custom: false archived: false model: company - type: data_attribute name: website full_name: website label: Company website description: >- The web address for the company's primary marketing site data_type: string api_writable: true ui_writable: false messenger_writable: true custom: false archived: false model: company - id: 34 type: data_attribute name: The One Ring full_name: custom_attributes.The One Ring label: The One Ring description: >- One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. data_type: string api_writable: true ui_writable: false messenger_writable: true custom: true archived: false admin_id: '991267543' created_at: 1717021596 updated_at: 1717021596 model: company - type: data_attribute name: id full_name: id label: ID description: The Intercom defined id representing the company data_type: string api_writable: false ui_writable: false messenger_writable: true custom: false archived: false model: company - type: data_attribute name: created_at full_name: created_at label: Created at description: The time the company was added to Intercom data_type: date api_writable: false ui_writable: false messenger_writable: true custom: false archived: false model: company - type: data_attribute name: updated_at full_name: updated_at label: Updated at description: The last time the company was updated data_type: date api_writable: false ui_writable: false messenger_writable: true custom: false archived: false model: company - type: data_attribute name: id full_name: label: Plan ID description: The Intercom defined id representing the plan data_type: string api_writable: false ui_writable: false messenger_writable: true custom: false archived: false model: company - type: data_attribute name: app_id full_name: app_id label: App ID description: The Intercom defined id representing the app data_type: string api_writable: false ui_writable: false messenger_writable: true custom: false archived: false model: company schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/data_attribute_list' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 347e1bef-2b93-48e7-994f-2d84b5754cca errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' post: summary: Create a data attribute parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Data Attributes operationId: createDataAttribute description: You can create a data attributes for a `contact` or a `company`. responses: '200': description: Successful content: application/json: examples: Successful: value: id: 37 type: data_attribute name: Mithril Shirt full_name: custom_attributes.Mithril Shirt label: Mithril Shirt data_type: string api_writable: true ui_writable: false messenger_writable: true custom: true archived: false admin_id: '991267545' created_at: 1717021597 updated_at: 1717021597 model: company schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/data_attribute' '400': description: Too few options for list content: application/json: examples: Same name already exists: value: type: error.list request_id: cc7918cc-666a-4e83-b82c-0bf0c8a71376 errors: - code: parameter_invalid message: >- You already have 'The One Ring' in your company data. To save this as new people data, use a different name. Invalid name: value: type: error.list request_id: a482b171-5581-4f05-a8b4-71a9aca2246d errors: - code: parameter_invalid message: >- Your name for this attribute must only contain alphanumeric characters, currency symbols, and hyphens Attribute already exists: value: type: error.list request_id: 82f80d44-20a6-45bb-a69c-abb1eeaab5ff errors: - code: parameter_invalid message: >- You already have 'The One Ring' in your company data. To save this as new company data, use a different name. Invalid Data Type: value: type: error.list request_id: 48e4900b-b047-4064-a060-d19d936986f2 errors: - code: parameter_invalid message: Data Type isn't an option Too few options for list: value: type: error.list request_id: 9671eab5-6cb1-47ea-bef6-9877d24aa8be errors: - code: parameter_invalid message: >- The Data Attribute model field must be either contact or company schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 5b7162e1-b827-4c54-9299-1923661ab15a errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/create_data_attribute_request' examples: successful: summary: Successful value: name: Mithril Shirt model: company data_type: string same_name_already_exists: summary: Same name already exists value: name: The One Ring model: contact data_type: integer invalid_name: summary: Invalid name value: name: '!nv@l!d n@me' model: company data_type: string attribute_already_exists: summary: Attribute already exists value: name: The One Ring model: company data_type: string invalid_data_type: summary: Invalid Data Type value: name: The Second Ring model: company data_type: mithril too_few_options_for_list: summary: Too few options for list value: description: Just a plain old ring options: - value: 1-10 archived: false /data_attributes/{id}: put: summary: Update a data attribute parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: The data attribute id example: 1 schema: type: integer tags: - Data Attributes operationId: updateDataAttribute description: > You can update a data attribute. > 🚧 Updating the data type is not possible > > It is currently a dangerous action to execute changing a data attribute's type via the API. You will need to update the type via the UI instead. responses: '200': description: Successful content: application/json: examples: Successful: value: id: 44 type: data_attribute name: The One Ring full_name: custom_attributes.The One Ring label: The One Ring description: Just a plain old ring data_type: string options: - 1-10 - 11-20 api_writable: true ui_writable: false messenger_writable: true custom: true archived: false admin_id: '991267552' created_at: 1717021600 updated_at: 1717021601 model: company schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/data_attribute' '400': description: Too few options in list content: application/json: examples: Too few options in list: value: type: error.list request_id: 3f2e9798-2691-4757-8ddd-990cd23b1ee4 errors: - code: parameter_invalid message: Options isn't an array schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 3f503566-39bd-4e10-a030-dc0bf2a305cb errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Attribute Not Found content: application/json: examples: Attribute Not Found: value: type: error.list request_id: 364ec895-b362-42d0-96c8-f3ad314a25a6 errors: - code: field_not_found message: We couldn't find that data attribute to update schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '422': description: Has Dependant Object content: application/json: examples: Has Dependant Object: value: type: error.list request_id: 0ae09d21-a5ec-4cea-a56f-d22d4423112e errors: - code: data_invalid message: >- The Data Attribute you are trying to archive has a dependant object schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/update_data_attribute_request' examples: successful: summary: Successful value: description: Just a plain old ring options: - value: 1-10 - value: 11-20 archived: false too_few_options_in_list: summary: Too few options in list value: description: Too few options options: value: 1-10 archived: false attribute_not_found: summary: Attribute Not Found value: description: Just a plain old ring options: - value: 1-10 - value: 11-20 archived: false has_dependant_object: summary: Has Dependant Object value: description: Trying to archieve archived: true /events: post: summary: Submit a data event parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Data Events operationId: createDataEvent description: >+ You will need an Access Token that has write permissions to send Events. Once you have a key you can submit events via POST to the Events resource, which is located at, or you can send events using one of the client libraries. When working with the HTTP API directly a client should send the event with a `Content-Type` of `application/json`. When using the JavaScript API, [adding the code to your app]( makes the Events API available. Once added, you can submit an event using the `trackEvent` method. This will associate the event with the Lead or currently logged-in user or logged-out visitor/lead and send it to Intercom. The final parameter is a map that can be used to send optional metadata about the event. With the Ruby client you pass a hash describing the event to `Intercom::Event.create`, or call the `track_user` method directly on the current user object (e.g. `user.track_event`). **NB: For the JSON object types, please note that we do not currently support nested JSON structure.** | Type | Description | Example | | :-------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | String | The value is a JSON String | `"source":"desktop"` | | Number | The value is a JSON Number | `"load": 3.67` | | Date | The key ends with the String `_date` and the value is a [Unix timestamp](, assumed to be in the [UTC]( timezone. | `"contact_date": 1392036272` | | Link | The value is a HTTP or HTTPS URI. | `"article": ""` | | Rich Link | The value is a JSON object that contains `url` and `value` keys. | `"article": {"url": "", "value":"the dude abides"}` | | Monetary Amount | The value is a JSON object that contains `amount` and `currency` keys. The `amount` key is a positive integer representing the amount in cents. The price in the example to the right denotes €349.99. | `"price": {"amount": 34999, "currency": "eur"}` | **Lead Events** When submitting events for Leads, you will need to specify the Lead's `id`. **Metadata behaviour** - We currently limit the number of tracked metadata keys to 10 per event. Once the quota is reached, we ignore any further keys we receive. The first 10 metadata keys are determined by the order in which they are sent in with the event. - It is not possible to change the metadata keys once the event has been sent. A new event will need to be created with the new keys and you can archive the old one. - There might be up to 24 hrs delay when you send a new metadata for an existing event. **Event de-duplication** The API may detect and ignore duplicate events. Each event is uniquely identified as a combination of the following data - the Workspace identifier, the Contact external identifier, the Data Event name and the Data Event created time. As a result, it is **strongly recommended** to send a second granularity Unix timestamp in the `created_at` field. Duplicated events are responded to using the normal `202 Accepted` code - an error is not thrown, however repeat requests will be counted against any rate limit that is in place. ### HTTP API Responses - Successful responses to submitted events return `202 Accepted` with an empty body. - Unauthorised access will be rejected with a `401 Unauthorized` or `403 Forbidden` response code. - Events sent about users that cannot be found will return a `404 Not Found`. - Event lists containing duplicate events will have those duplicates ignored. - Server errors will return a `500` response code and may contain an error message in the body. responses: '202': description: successful '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 5ebeb1a3-2867-48c4-8122-4ab53e63a6b7 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/create_data_event_request' get: summary: List all data events parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - in: query name: filter required: true style: form explode: true schema: type: object oneOf: - title: user_id query parameter properties: user_id: type: string required: - user_id additionalProperties: false - title: intercom_user_id query parameter properties: intercom_user_id: type: string required: - intercom_user_id additionalProperties: false - title: email query parameter properties: email: type: string required: - email additionalProperties: false - name: type in: query required: true description: The value must be user schema: type: string - name: summary in: query required: false description: summary flag schema: type: boolean tags: - Data Events operationId: lisDataEvents description: > > 🚧 > > Please note that you can only 'list' events that are less than 90 days old. Event counts and summaries will still include your events older than 90 days but you cannot 'list' these events individually if they are older than 90 days The events belonging to a customer can be listed by sending a GET request to `` with a user or lead identifier along with a `type` parameter. The identifier parameter can be one of `user_id`, `email` or `intercom_user_id`. The `type` parameter value must be `user`. - `{user_id}` - `{email}` - `{id}` (this call can be used to list leads) The `email` parameter value should be [url encoded]( when sending. You can optionally define the result page size as well with the `per_page` parameter. responses: '200': description: Successful response content: application/json: examples: Successful response: value: type: event.summary events: [] pages: next: http://api.intercom.test/events?next page email: intercom_user_id: 6657aba56abd0164c24b0dbb user_id: 3ecf64d0-9ed1-4e9f-88e1-da7d6e6782f3 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/data_event_summary' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 80fcaff4-e81a-4155-82de-3130830c6f2c errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /events/summaries: post: summary: Create event summaries parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Data Events operationId: dataEventSummaries description: >+ Create event summaries for a user. Event summaries are used to track the number of times an event has occurred, the first time it occurred and the last time it occurred. responses: '200': description: successful '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 6721c78e-3aaf-4da1-8fb5-ff546b6560c2 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/create_data_event_summaries_request' /export/content/data: post: summary: Create content data export parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Data Export operationId: createDataExport description: > To create your export job, you need to send a `POST` request to the export endpoint ``. The only parameters you need to provide are the range of dates that you want exported. >🚧 Limit of one active job > > You can only have one active job per workspace. You will receive a HTTP status code of 429 with the message Exceeded rate limit of 1 pending message data export jobs if you attempt to create a second concurrent job. >❗️ Updated_at not included > > It should be noted that the timeframe only includes messages sent during the time period and not messages that were only updated during this period. For example, if a message was updated yesterday but sent two days ago, you would need to set the created_at_after date before the message was sent to include that in your retrieval job. >📘 Date ranges are inclusive > > Requesting data for 2018-06-01 until 2018-06-30 will get all data for those days including those specified - e.g. 2018-06-01 00:00:00 until 2018-06-30 23:59:99. responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: job_identifier: m3489fdme82zmm0j status: pending download_url: '' download_expires_at: '' schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/data_export' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/create_data_exports_request' examples: successful: summary: successful value: created_at_after: 1717003608 created_at_before: 1717021608 /export/content/data/{job_identifier}: get: summary: Show content data export parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: job_identifier in: path description: job_identifier required: true schema: type: string tags: - Data Export operationId: getDataExport description: > You can view the status of your job by sending a `GET` request to the URL `{job_identifier}` - the `{job_identifier}` is the value returned in the response when you first created the export job. More on it can be seen in the Export Job Model. > 🚧 Jobs expire after two days > All jobs that have completed processing (and are thus available to download from the provided URL) will have an expiry limit of two days from when the export ob completed. After this, the data will no longer be available. responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: job_identifier: nhhv3bazoxu29hxd status: pending download_url: '' download_expires_at: '' schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/data_export' /export/cancel/{job_identifier}: post: summary: Cancel content data export parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: job_identifier in: path description: job_identifier required: true schema: type: string tags: - Data Export operationId: cancelDataExport description: You can cancel your job responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: job_identifier: 63tf5lz9hk0ean3z status: canceled download_url: '' download_expires_at: '' schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/data_export' /download/content/data/{job_identifier}: get: summary: Download content data export parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: job_identifier in: path description: job_identifier required: true schema: type: string tags: - Data Export operationId: downloadDataExport description: > When a job has a status of complete, and thus a filled download_url, you can download your data by hitting that provided URL, formatted like so: Your exported message data will be streamed continuously back down to you in a gzipped CSV format. > 📘 Octet header required > > You will have to specify the header Accept: `application/octet-stream` when hitting this endpoint. responses: '200': description: successful /messages: post: summary: Create a message parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Messages operationId: createMessage description: > You can create a message that has been initiated by an admin. The conversation can be either an in-app message or an email. > 🚧 Sending for visitors > > There can be a short delay between when a contact is created and when a contact becomes available to be messaged through the API. A 404 Not Found error will be returned in this case. This will return the Message model that has been created. > 🚧 Retrieving Associated Conversations > > As this is a message, there will be no conversation present until the contact responds. Once they do, you will have to search for a contact's conversations with the id of the message. responses: '200': description: admin message created content: application/json: examples: user message created: value: type: user_message id: '403918302' created_at: 1717021611 body: heyy message_type: inapp conversation_id: '442' lead message created: value: type: user_message id: '403918303' created_at: 1717021612 body: heyy message_type: inapp conversation_id: '443' admin message created: value: type: admin_message id: '15' created_at: 1717021614 subject: heyy body: heyy message_type: inapp owner: type: admin id: '991267575' name: Ciaran276 Lee email: away_mode_enabled: false away_mode_reassign: false schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/message' '400': description: No body supplied for email message content: application/json: examples: No body supplied for message: value: type: error.list request_id: 049f5096-216f-467e-8fd0-2331ac74a002 errors: - code: parameter_invalid message: Body is required No body supplied for email message: value: type: error.list request_id: 26b582f5-81ba-4f2a-a533-fbce3944c563 errors: - code: parameter_invalid message: Body is required schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 24f9aaf3-e8a7-40cd-b439-0841baa44805 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '403': description: API plan restricted content: application/json: examples: API plan restricted: value: type: error.list request_id: 4b08a866-f009-468a-893a-865e7d8ced74 errors: - code: api_plan_restricted message: Active subscription needed. schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '422': description: No subject supplied for email message content: application/json: examples: No subject supplied for email message: value: type: error.list request_id: 29713c7a-484b-499e-8c50-1e39d999b495 errors: - code: parameter_not_found message: No subject supplied for email message schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/create_message_request' examples: user_message_created: summary: user message created value: from: type: user id: 6657abab6abd0164c24b0dc0 body: heyy referer: lead_message_created: summary: lead message created value: from: type: lead id: 6657abac6abd0164c24b0dc1 body: heyy referer: admin_message_created: summary: admin message created value: from: type: admin id: '991267575' to: type: user id: 6657abad6abd0164c24b0dc2 message_type: conversation body: heyy no_body_supplied_for_message: summary: No body supplied for message value: from: type: admin id: '991267577' to: type: user id: 6657abaf6abd0164c24b0dc3 message_type: inapp body: null subject: heyy no_subject_supplied_for_email_message: summary: No subject supplied for email message value: from: type: admin id: '991267578' to: type: user user_id: '70' message_type: email body: hey there no_body_supplied_for_email_message: summary: No body supplied for email message value: from: type: admin id: '991267579' to: type: user id: 6657abb06abd0164c24b0dc5 message_type: email body: null subject: heyy /news/news_items: get: summary: List all news items parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - News operationId: listNewsItems description: You can fetch a list of all news items responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: type: list pages: page: 1 per_page: 10 total_pages: 1 type: pages data: - id: '30' type: news-item workspace_id: this_is_an_id503_that_should_be_at_least_ title: We have news body:

Hello there,

sender_id: 991267586 state: draft labels: [] cover_image_url: null reactions: - null - null - null - null deliver_silently: false created_at: 1717021618 updated_at: 1717021618 newsfeed_assignments: [] - id: '29' type: news-item workspace_id: this_is_an_id503_that_should_be_at_least_ title: We have news body:

Hello there,

sender_id: 991267584 state: draft labels: [] cover_image_url: null reactions: - null - null - null - null deliver_silently: false created_at: 1717021617 updated_at: 1717021617 newsfeed_assignments: [] total_count: 2 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/paginated_response' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 8a9a7c2e-15b7-4dba-a3c7-1aa75decb59e errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' post: summary: Create a news item parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - News operationId: createNewsItem description: You can create a news item responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: id: '33' type: news-item workspace_id: this_is_an_id507_that_should_be_at_least_ title: Halloween is here! body:

New costumes in store for this spooky season

sender_id: 991267593 state: live labels: - New - Product - Update cover_image_url: null reactions: - 😆 - 😅 deliver_silently: true created_at: 1717021620 updated_at: 1717021620 newsfeed_assignments: - newsfeed_id: 53 published_at: 1664638214 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/news_item' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: d8bfbb7c-b0b6-405a-8bbd-5422697e1dc1 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/news_item_request' examples: successful: summary: successful value: title: Halloween is here! body:

New costumes in store for this spooky season

labels: - Product - Update - New sender_id: 991267593 deliver_silently: true reactions: - 😆 - 😅 state: live newsfeed_assignments: - newsfeed_id: 53 published_at: 1664638214 /news/news_items/{id}: get: summary: Retrieve a news item parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: The unique identifier for the news item which is given by Intercom. example: 123 schema: type: integer tags: - News operationId: retrieveNewsItem description: You can fetch the details of a single news item. responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: id: '34' type: news-item workspace_id: this_is_an_id511_that_should_be_at_least_ title: We have news body:

Hello there,

sender_id: 991267596 state: live labels: [] cover_image_url: null reactions: - null - null - null - null deliver_silently: false created_at: 1717021621 updated_at: 1717021621 newsfeed_assignments: - newsfeed_id: 55 published_at: 1717021621 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/news_item' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: e67ea708-23ce-417d-b8d0-5f0feadcf33c errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: News Item Not Found content: application/json: examples: News Item Not Found: value: type: error.list request_id: f4423d98-b41c-42f7-ba88-79d792097cf8 errors: - code: not_found message: Resource Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' put: summary: Update a news item parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: The unique identifier for the news item which is given by Intercom. example: 123 schema: type: integer tags: - News operationId: updateNewsItem responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: id: '37' type: news-item workspace_id: this_is_an_id517_that_should_be_at_least_ title: Christmas is here! body:

New gifts in store for the jolly season

sender_id: 991267604 state: live labels: [] cover_image_url: null reactions: - 😝 - 😂 deliver_silently: false created_at: 1717021623 updated_at: 1717021624 newsfeed_assignments: [] schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/news_item' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 403da25a-8045-4987-9a34-b3347a02c8b0 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: News Item Not Found content: application/json: examples: News Item Not Found: value: type: error.list request_id: 500997db-736a-473c-a8be-58a7a89b89d5 errors: - code: not_found message: Resource Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/news_item_request' examples: successful: summary: successful value: title: Christmas is here! body:

New gifts in store for the jolly season

sender_id: 991267604 reactions: - 😝 - 😂 news_item_not_found: summary: News Item Not Found value: title: Christmas is here! body:

New gifts in store for the jolly season

sender_id: 991267607 reactions: - 😝 - 😂 delete: summary: Delete a news item parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: The unique identifier for the news item which is given by Intercom. example: 123 schema: type: integer tags: - News operationId: deleteNewsItem description: You can delete a single news item. responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: id: '40' object: news-item deleted: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/deleted_object' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: f990d4f8-43c3-4719-9560-ee30422462ce errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: News Item Not Found content: application/json: examples: News Item Not Found: value: type: error.list request_id: 7a923ed2-c82a-45b5-b859-ac8d35bedecc errors: - code: not_found message: Resource Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /news/newsfeeds/{id}/items: get: summary: List all live newsfeed items parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: >- The unique identifier for the news feed item which is given by Intercom. example: '123' schema: type: string tags: - News operationId: listLiveNewsfeedItems description: You can fetch a list of all news items that are live on a given newsfeed responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: type: list pages: page: 1 per_page: 20 total_pages: 0 type: pages data: [] total_count: 0 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/paginated_response' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: a9bb7a8c-ce91-4197-9732-b0d68678ea42 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /news/newsfeeds: get: summary: List all newsfeeds parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - News operationId: listNewsfeeds description: You can fetch a list of all newsfeeds responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: type: list pages: page: 1 per_page: 10 total_pages: 1 type: pages data: - id: '68' type: newsfeed name: Visitor Feed created_at: 1717021629 updated_at: 1717021629 - id: '69' type: newsfeed name: Visitor Feed created_at: 1717021629 updated_at: 1717021629 total_count: 2 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/paginated_response' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 98f77a2e-a0fa-461a-9ca7-b388f1dea32c errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /news/newsfeeds/{id}: get: summary: Retrieve a newsfeed parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: >- The unique identifier for the news feed item which is given by Intercom. example: '123' schema: type: string tags: - News operationId: retrieveNewsfeed description: You can fetch the details of a single newsfeed responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: id: '72' type: newsfeed name: Visitor Feed created_at: 1717021630 updated_at: 1717021630 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/newsfeed' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: b3ac2f76-21d8-444c-80d3-4d28ad72da7f errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /notes/{id}: get: summary: Retrieve a note parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: The unique identifier of a given note example: 1 schema: type: integer tags: - Notes operationId: retrieveNote description: You can fetch the details of a single note. responses: '200': description: Note found content: application/json: examples: Note found: value: type: note id: '37' created_at: 1716330431 contact: type: contact id: 6657abbf6abd0164c24b0dc8 author: type: admin id: '991267623' name: Ciaran323 Lee email: away_mode_enabled: false away_mode_reassign: false body:

This is a note.

schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/note' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 6ae7fce4-8d40-4c5f-b4dd-d88f1faae666 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Note not found content: application/json: examples: Note not found: value: type: error.list request_id: 011cacd4-8b6a-47d2-8c62-d53840407296 errors: - code: not_found message: Resource Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /segments: get: summary: List all segments parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: include_count in: query required: false description: It includes the count of contacts that belong to each segment. example: true schema: type: boolean tags: - Segments operationId: listSegments description: You can fetch a list of all segments. responses: '200': description: Successful response content: application/json: examples: Successful response: value: type: segment.list segments: - type: segment id: 6657abc16abd0164c24b0dcb name: John segment created_at: 1717021633 updated_at: 1717021633 person_type: user - type: segment id: 6657abc16abd0164c24b0dcc name: Jane segment created_at: 1717021633 updated_at: 1717021633 person_type: user schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/segment_list' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 8f262c81-9866-4bc9-a311-7f0d5626063d errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /segments/{id}: get: summary: Retrieve a segment parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: The unique identified of a given segment. example: '123' schema: type: string tags: - Segments operationId: retrieveSegment description: You can fetch the details of a single segment. responses: '200': description: Successful response content: application/json: examples: Successful response: value: type: segment id: 6657abc26abd0164c24b0dcf name: John segment created_at: 1717021634 updated_at: 1717021634 person_type: user schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/segment' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 2a342688-3235-4ff6-b05b-d22fe703b554 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Segment not found content: application/json: examples: Segment not found: value: type: error.list request_id: 1031750e-cb16-44a9-acae-3fdefacf973c errors: - code: not_found message: Resource Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /subscription_types: get: summary: List subscription types parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Subscription Types operationId: listSubscriptionTypes description: >- You can list all subscription types. A list of subscription type objects will be returned. responses: '200': description: Successful content: application/json: examples: Successful: value: type: list data: - type: subscription id: '137' state: live consent_type: opt_out default_translation: name: Newsletters description: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet locale: en translations: - name: Newsletters description: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet locale: en content_types: - email schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/subscription_type_list' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 387640aa-d3cb-40c0-b8b7-ed3d52a57f17 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /phone_call_redirects: post: summary: Create a phone Switch parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Switch operationId: createPhoneSwitch description: > You can use the API to deflect phone calls to the Intercom Messenger. Calling this endpoint will send an SMS with a link to the Messenger to the phone number specified. If custom attributes are specified, they will be added to the user or lead's custom data attributes. responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: url: >- type: phone_call_redirect schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/phone_switch' '400': description: bad request - invalid number content: application/json: examples: bad request - exception sending sms: value: error_key: sms_failed message: SMS was not sent due to an unknown error bad request - invalid number: value: error_key: invalid_phone_number message: Invalid phone number '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 67b6c667-7107-406f-9d87-ff6116dca52b errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '422': description: unprocessable entity content: application/json: examples: unprocessable entity: value: error_key: some_error requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/create_phone_switch_request' examples: successful: summary: successful value: phone: '+353832345678' custom_attributes: issue_type: Billing priority: High bad_request_-_exception_sending_sms: summary: bad request - exception sending sms value: phone: '+353832345678' custom_attributes: issue_type: Billing priority: High bad_request_-_invalid_number: summary: bad request - invalid number value: phone: '+353832345678' custom_attributes: issue_type: Billing priority: High unprocessable_entity: summary: unprocessable entity value: phone: '+40241100100' custom_attributes: issue_type: Billing priority: High /tags: get: summary: List all tags parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Tags operationId: listTags description: |+ You can fetch a list of all tags for a given workspace. responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: type: list data: - type: tag id: '105' name: Manual tag 1 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/tag_list' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 3c4758e2-e787-4f70-9fdf-d56ee7d3d830 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' post: summary: Create or update a tag, Tag or untag companies, Tag contacts parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Tags operationId: createTag description: | You can use this endpoint to perform the following operations: **1. Create a new tag:** You can create a new tag by passing in the tag name as specified in "Create or Update Tag Request Payload" described below. **2. Update an existing tag:** You can update an existing tag by passing the id of the tag as specified in "Create or Update Tag Request Payload" described below. **3. Tag Companies:** You can tag single company or a list of companies. You can tag a company by passing in the tag name and the company details as specified in "Tag Company Request Payload" described below. Also, if the tag doesn't exist then a new one will be created automatically. **4. Untag Companies:** You can untag a single company or a list of companies. You can untag a company by passing in the tag id and the company details as specified in "Untag Company Request Payload" described below. **5. Tag Multiple Users:** You can tag a list of users. You can tag the users by passing in the tag name and the user details as specified in "Tag Users Request Payload" described below. Each operation will return a tag object. responses: '200': description: Action successful content: application/json: examples: Action successful: value: type: tag id: '108' name: test schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/tag' '400': description: Invalid parameters content: application/json: examples: Invalid parameters: value: type: error.list request_id: e25d8bd7-817a-4171-b5f3-9fad4c76cf00 errors: - code: parameter_invalid message: invalid tag parameters schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: bae6bbdb-8eb5-4ee5-8db9-141bb17bd32b errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: User not found content: application/json: examples: Company not found: value: type: error.list request_id: a9716d1d-378f-4f9f-b86a-88b3a0237d99 errors: - code: company_not_found message: Company Not Found User not found: value: type: error.list request_id: a7430819-e714-4464-b909-efee0a364a27 errors: - code: not_found message: User Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/create_or_update_tag_request' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/tag_company_request' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/untag_company_request' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/tag_multiple_users_request' examples: action_successful: summary: Action successful value: name: test invalid_parameters: summary: Invalid parameters value: test: invalid company_not_found: summary: Company not found value: name: test companies: - company_id: '123' user_not_found: summary: User not found value: name: test users: - id: '123' /tags/{id}: get: summary: Find a specific tag parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path description: The unique identifier of a given tag example: '123' required: true schema: type: string tags: - Tags operationId: findTag description: | You can fetch the details of tags that are on the workspace by their id. This will return a tag object. responses: '200': description: Tag found content: application/json: examples: Tag found: value: type: tag id: '116' name: Manual tag schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/tag' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 6fbffa27-6ff2-4eac-9595-3eaff5d9e998 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Tag not found content: application/json: examples: Tag not found: value: type: error.list request_id: c19e3e7f-3095-4e68-9d6e-015abdff20e5 errors: - code: not_found message: Resource Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' delete: summary: Delete tag parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path description: The unique identifier of a given tag example: '123' required: true schema: type: string tags: - Tags operationId: deleteTag description: >- You can delete the details of tags that are on the workspace by passing in the id. responses: '200': description: Successful '400': description: Tag has dependent objects content: application/json: examples: Tag has dependent objects: value: type: error.list request_id: f8f3114a-ce4b-48b5-a43a-adfd8eb25a53 errors: - code: tag_has_dependent_objects message: >- Unable to delete Tag with dependent objects. Segments: Seg 1. schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 283deaf2-c25c-49c7-a076-db7fa2b60201 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Resource not found content: application/json: examples: Resource not found: value: type: error.list request_id: 6c9d0394-0a09-46ba-8ba5-b78b8c7e1e82 errors: - code: not_found message: Resource Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /teams: get: summary: List all teams parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Teams operationId: listTeams description: This will return a list of team objects for the App. responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: type: team.list teams: [] schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/team_list' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: f4b16541-5c75-45d1-887c-b9cf7ca35de7 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /teams/{id}: get: summary: Retrieve a team parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: The unique identifier of a given team. example: '123' schema: type: string tags: - Teams operationId: retrieveTeam description: >- You can fetch the details of a single team, containing an array of admins that belong to this team. responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: type: team id: '991267661' name: team 1 admin_ids: [] schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/team' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 5e20abcf-e0f9-4ba3-aab2-f966923ecf21 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Team not found content: application/json: examples: Team not found: value: type: error.list request_id: 1afb669d-00be-48c8-afcf-ae3a2ab35c39 errors: - code: team_not_found message: Team not found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /ticket_types/{ticket_type_id}/attributes: post: summary: Create a new attribute for a ticket type parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: ticket_type_id in: path required: true description: >- The unique identifier for the ticket type which is given by Intercom. schema: type: string tags: - Ticket Type Attributes description: You can create a new attribute for a ticket type. operationId: createTicketTypeAttribute responses: '200': description: Ticket Type Attribute created content: application/json: examples: Ticket Type Attribute created: value: type: ticket_type_attribute id: '163' workspace_id: this_is_an_id609_that_should_be_at_least_ name: Attribute Title description: Attribute Description data_type: string input_options: multiline: false order: 2 required_to_create: false required_to_create_for_contacts: false visible_on_create: true visible_to_contacts: true default: false ticket_type_id: 51 archived: false created_at: 1717021654 updated_at: 1717021654 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ticket_type_attribute' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 094e1e29-ba56-453f-8faa-5008558e1aab errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/create_ticket_type_attribute_request' examples: ticket_type_attribute_created: summary: Ticket Type Attribute created value: name: Attribute Title description: Attribute Description data_type: string required_to_create: false /ticket_types/{ticket_type_id}/attributes/{id}: put: summary: Update an existing attribute for a ticket type parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: ticket_type_id in: path required: true description: >- The unique identifier for the ticket type which is given by Intercom. schema: type: string - name: id in: path required: true description: >- The unique identifier for the ticket type attribute which is given by Intercom. schema: type: string tags: - Ticket Type Attributes description: You can update an existing attribute for a ticket type. operationId: updateTicketTypeAttribute responses: '200': description: Ticket Type Attribute updated content: application/json: examples: Ticket Type Attribute updated: value: type: ticket_type_attribute id: '168' workspace_id: this_is_an_id613_that_should_be_at_least_ name: name description: New Attribute Description data_type: string order: 0 required_to_create: false required_to_create_for_contacts: false visible_on_create: false visible_to_contacts: false default: false ticket_type_id: 53 archived: false created_at: 1717021655 updated_at: 1717021656 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ticket_type_attribute' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: bc5574be-db90-4757-bff5-a8829af8dd0d errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/update_ticket_type_attribute_request' examples: ticket_type_attribute_updated: summary: Ticket Type Attribute updated value: description: New Attribute Description /ticket_types: get: summary: List all ticket types parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Ticket Types operationId: listTicketTypes description: You can get a list of all ticket types for a workspace. responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: type: list data: - type: ticket_type id: '55' name: Bug Report description: Bug Report Template icon: 🎟️ workspace_id: this_is_an_id617_that_should_be_at_least_ archived: false created_at: 1717021657 updated_at: 1717021657 is_internal: false ticket_type_attributes: type: list data: - type: ticket_type_attribute id: '171' workspace_id: this_is_an_id617_that_should_be_at_least_ name: _default_title_ description: '' data_type: string input_options: multiline: false order: 0 required_to_create: false required_to_create_for_contacts: false visible_on_create: true visible_to_contacts: true default: true ticket_type_id: 55 archived: false created_at: 1717021657 updated_at: 1717021657 - type: ticket_type_attribute id: '173' workspace_id: this_is_an_id617_that_should_be_at_least_ name: name description: description data_type: string input_options: null order: 0 required_to_create: false required_to_create_for_contacts: false visible_on_create: false visible_to_contacts: false default: false ticket_type_id: 55 archived: false created_at: 1717021657 updated_at: 1717021657 - type: ticket_type_attribute id: '172' workspace_id: this_is_an_id617_that_should_be_at_least_ name: _default_description_ description: '' data_type: string input_options: multiline: true order: 1 required_to_create: false required_to_create_for_contacts: false visible_on_create: true visible_to_contacts: true default: true ticket_type_id: 55 archived: false created_at: 1717021657 updated_at: 1717021657 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ticket_type_list' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: a09f28f1-0b27-4977-a34f-0ac84850a9af errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' post: summary: Create a ticket type parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Ticket Types operationId: createTicketType description: > You can create a new ticket type. > 📘 Creating ticket types. > > Every ticket type will be created with two default attributes: _default_title_ and _default_description_. > For the `icon` propery, use an emoji from [Twemoji Cheatsheet]( responses: '200': description: Ticket type created content: application/json: examples: Ticket type created: value: type: ticket_type id: '58' name: Customer Issue description: Customer Report Template icon: 🎟️ workspace_id: this_is_an_id621_that_should_be_at_least_ archived: false created_at: 1717021658 updated_at: 1717021658 is_internal: false ticket_type_attributes: type: list data: - type: ticket_type_attribute id: '180' workspace_id: this_is_an_id621_that_should_be_at_least_ name: _default_title_ description: '' data_type: string input_options: multiline: false order: 0 required_to_create: false required_to_create_for_contacts: false visible_on_create: true visible_to_contacts: true default: true ticket_type_id: 58 archived: false created_at: 1717021658 updated_at: 1717021658 - type: ticket_type_attribute id: '181' workspace_id: this_is_an_id621_that_should_be_at_least_ name: _default_description_ description: '' data_type: string input_options: multiline: true order: 1 required_to_create: false required_to_create_for_contacts: false visible_on_create: true visible_to_contacts: true default: true ticket_type_id: 58 archived: false created_at: 1717021658 updated_at: 1717021658 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ticket_type' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 078d21f5-f247-4178-adf1-4dc7e3640249 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/create_ticket_type_request' examples: ticket_type_created: summary: Ticket type created value: name: Customer Issue description: Customer Report Template icon: 🎟️ /ticket_types/{id}: get: summary: Retrieve a ticket type parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: >- The unique identifier for the ticket type which is given by Intercom. schema: type: string tags: - Ticket Types operationId: getTicketType description: You can fetch the details of a single ticket type. responses: '200': description: Ticket type found content: application/json: examples: Ticket type found: value: type: ticket_type id: '60' name: Bug Report description: Bug Report Template icon: 🎟️ workspace_id: this_is_an_id625_that_should_be_at_least_ archived: false created_at: 1717021659 updated_at: 1717021659 is_internal: false ticket_type_attributes: type: list data: - type: ticket_type_attribute id: '185' workspace_id: this_is_an_id625_that_should_be_at_least_ name: _default_title_ description: '' data_type: string input_options: multiline: false order: 0 required_to_create: false required_to_create_for_contacts: false visible_on_create: true visible_to_contacts: true default: true ticket_type_id: 60 archived: false created_at: 1717021659 updated_at: 1717021659 - type: ticket_type_attribute id: '187' workspace_id: this_is_an_id625_that_should_be_at_least_ name: name description: description data_type: string input_options: null order: 0 required_to_create: false required_to_create_for_contacts: false visible_on_create: false visible_to_contacts: false default: false ticket_type_id: 60 archived: false created_at: 1717021659 updated_at: 1717021659 - type: ticket_type_attribute id: '186' workspace_id: this_is_an_id625_that_should_be_at_least_ name: _default_description_ description: '' data_type: string input_options: multiline: true order: 1 required_to_create: false required_to_create_for_contacts: false visible_on_create: true visible_to_contacts: true default: true ticket_type_id: 60 archived: false created_at: 1717021659 updated_at: 1717021659 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ticket_type' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 06b9904b-f065-400b-9641-186e64864045 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' put: summary: Update a ticket type parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: >- The unique identifier for the ticket type which is given by Intercom. schema: type: string tags: - Ticket Types operationId: updateTicketType description: > You can update a ticket type. > 📘 Updating a ticket type. > > For the `icon` propery, use an emoji from [Twemoji Cheatsheet]( responses: '200': description: Ticket type updated content: application/json: examples: Ticket type updated: value: type: ticket_type id: '62' name: Bug Report 2 description: Bug Report Template icon: 🎟️ workspace_id: this_is_an_id629_that_should_be_at_least_ archived: false created_at: 1717021660 updated_at: 1717021661 is_internal: false ticket_type_attributes: type: list data: - type: ticket_type_attribute id: '191' workspace_id: this_is_an_id629_that_should_be_at_least_ name: _default_title_ description: '' data_type: string input_options: multiline: false order: 0 required_to_create: false required_to_create_for_contacts: false visible_on_create: true visible_to_contacts: true default: true ticket_type_id: 62 archived: false created_at: 1717021660 updated_at: 1717021660 - type: ticket_type_attribute id: '193' workspace_id: this_is_an_id629_that_should_be_at_least_ name: name description: description data_type: string input_options: null order: 0 required_to_create: false required_to_create_for_contacts: false visible_on_create: false visible_to_contacts: false default: false ticket_type_id: 62 archived: false created_at: 1717021660 updated_at: 1717021660 - type: ticket_type_attribute id: '192' workspace_id: this_is_an_id629_that_should_be_at_least_ name: _default_description_ description: '' data_type: string input_options: multiline: true order: 1 required_to_create: false required_to_create_for_contacts: false visible_on_create: true visible_to_contacts: true default: true ticket_type_id: 62 archived: false created_at: 1717021660 updated_at: 1717021660 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ticket_type' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: b6a4ebf0-661c-4d2c-bf2a-c0e98c7c49ae errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/update_ticket_type_request' examples: ticket_type_updated: summary: Ticket type updated value: name: Bug Report 2 /tickets/{id}/reply: post: summary: Reply to a ticket operationId: replyTicket description: You can reply to a ticket with a note from an admin. parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true schema: title: Ticket ID type: string description: The id of the ticket to target. example: '123' tags: - Tickets responses: '200': description: Admin note reply content: application/json: examples: Admin note reply: value: type: ticket_part id: '98' part_type: note body: |-

An Unordered HTML List

  • Coffee
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An Ordered HTML List

  1. Coffee
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created_at: 1717021664 updated_at: 1717021664 author: id: '991267687' type: admin name: Ciaran382 Lee email: attachments: [] redacted: false schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ticket_note' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 8bcefa1e-70b4-456d-baf7-d97bf8ca5401 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/create_ticket_reply_request' examples: admin_note_reply: summary: Admin note reply value: message_type: note type: admin admin_id: 991267687 body: >-

An Unordered HTML List

  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Milk

An Ordered HTML List

  1. Coffee
  2. Tea
  3. Milk
/tickets: post: summary: Create a ticket parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Tickets description: You can create a new ticket. operationId: createTicket responses: '200': description: Successful response content: application/json: examples: Successful response: value: type: ticket id: '446' ticket_attributes: _default_title_: example _default_description_: there is a problem ticket_state: submitted ticket_state_internal_label: Submitted ticket_state_external_label: Submitted ticket_type: type: ticket_type id: '69' name: my-ticket-type-6 description: my ticket type description is awesome. icon: 🦁 workspace_id: this_is_an_id643_that_should_be_at_least_ archived: false created_at: 1717021667 updated_at: 1717021667 is_internal: false ticket_type_attributes: type: list data: - type: ticket_type_attribute id: '203' workspace_id: this_is_an_id643_that_should_be_at_least_ name: _default_title_ description: ola data_type: string input_options: null order: 0 required_to_create: true required_to_create_for_contacts: false visible_on_create: true visible_to_contacts: false default: false ticket_type_id: 69 archived: false created_at: 1717021667 updated_at: 1717021667 - type: ticket_type_attribute id: '204' workspace_id: this_is_an_id643_that_should_be_at_least_ name: _default_description_ description: ola data_type: string input_options: null order: 0 required_to_create: true required_to_create_for_contacts: false visible_on_create: true visible_to_contacts: false default: false ticket_type_id: 69 archived: false created_at: 1717021668 updated_at: 1717021668 contacts: type: contact.list contacts: - id: 6657abe46abd0164c24b0df2 role: user admin_assignee_id: '0' team_assignee_id: '0' created_at: 1717021669 updated_at: 1717021669 ticket_parts: type: ticket_part.list ticket_parts: - type: ticket_part id: '99' part_type: ticket_state_updated_by_admin ticket_state: submitted previous_ticket_state: submitted created_at: 1717021669 updated_at: 1717021669 author: id: '991267707' type: bot name: Operator email: >- attachments: [] redacted: false total_count: 1 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ticket' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 10eb82e2-1019-4426-b5d0-8d3a817d0578 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/create_ticket_request' examples: successful_response: summary: Successful response value: ticket_type_id: 69 contacts: - id: 6657abe46abd0164c24b0df2 ticket_attributes: _default_title_: example _default_description_: there is a problem /tickets/{id}: put: summary: Update a ticket parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: The unique identifier for the ticket which is given by Intercom schema: type: string tags: - Tickets operationId: updateTicket description: You can update a ticket. responses: '200': description: Successful response content: application/json: examples: Successful response: value: type: ticket id: '447' ticket_attributes: _default_title_: example _default_description_: there is a problem ticket_state: in_progress ticket_state_internal_label: In progress ticket_state_external_label: In progress ticket_type: type: ticket_type id: '71' name: my-ticket-type-8 description: my ticket type description is awesome. icon: 🦁 workspace_id: this_is_an_id647_that_should_be_at_least_ archived: false created_at: 1717021671 updated_at: 1717021671 is_internal: false ticket_type_attributes: type: list data: - type: ticket_type_attribute id: '208' workspace_id: this_is_an_id647_that_should_be_at_least_ name: _default_title_ description: ola data_type: string input_options: null order: 0 required_to_create: true required_to_create_for_contacts: false visible_on_create: true visible_to_contacts: false default: false ticket_type_id: 71 archived: false created_at: 1717021671 updated_at: 1717021671 - type: ticket_type_attribute id: '209' workspace_id: this_is_an_id647_that_should_be_at_least_ name: _default_description_ description: ola data_type: string input_options: null order: 0 required_to_create: true required_to_create_for_contacts: false visible_on_create: true visible_to_contacts: false default: false ticket_type_id: 71 archived: false created_at: 1717021671 updated_at: 1717021671 contacts: type: contact.list contacts: - id: 6657abe76abd0164c24b0df3 role: lead admin_assignee_id: '991267721' team_assignee_id: '0' created_at: 1717021672 updated_at: 1717021674 ticket_parts: type: ticket_part.list ticket_parts: - type: ticket_part id: '100' part_type: ticket_state_updated_by_admin ticket_state: submitted previous_ticket_state: submitted created_at: 1717021672 updated_at: 1717021672 author: id: '991267719' type: admin name: Ciaran412 Lee email: attachments: [] redacted: false - type: ticket_part id: '101' part_type: ticket_attribute_updated_by_admin created_at: 1717021673 updated_at: 1717021673 author: id: '991267720' type: bot name: Operator email: >- attachments: [] redacted: false - type: ticket_part id: '102' part_type: ticket_attribute_updated_by_admin created_at: 1717021673 updated_at: 1717021673 author: id: '991267720' type: bot name: Operator email: >- attachments: [] redacted: false - type: ticket_part id: '103' part_type: ticket_state_updated_by_admin ticket_state: in_progress previous_ticket_state: submitted created_at: 1717021674 updated_at: 1717021674 author: id: '991267720' type: bot name: Operator email: >- attachments: [] redacted: false - type: ticket_part id: '104' part_type: assignment created_at: 1717021674 updated_at: 1717021674 assigned_to: type: admin id: '991267721' author: id: '991267719' type: admin name: Ciaran412 Lee email: attachments: [] redacted: false total_count: 5 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ticket' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 475d6530-9b7b-45fe-ae9b-2eac68b2e305 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Assignee not found content: application/json: examples: Admin not found: value: type: error.list request_id: 297e6005-a6fa-476a-ad07-878b51f5646f errors: - code: assignee_not_found message: Assignee not found Assignee not found: value: type: error.list request_id: 1d253700-fff8-4664-a0bb-b05242b3b2c0 errors: - code: assignee_not_found message: Assignee not found requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/update_ticket_request' examples: successful_response: summary: Successful response value: ticket_attributes: _default_title_: example _default_description_: there is a problem state: in_progress assignment: admin_id: '991267719' assignee_id: '991267721' open: true snoozed_until: 1673609604 admin_not_found: summary: Admin not found value: ticket_attributes: _default_title_: example _default_description_: there is a problem state: in_progress assignment: admin_id: '123' assignee_id: '991267729' assignee_not_found: summary: Assignee not found value: ticket_attributes: _default_title_: example _default_description_: there is a problem state: in_progress assignment: admin_id: '991267735' assignee_id: '456' get: summary: Retrieve a ticket parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: id in: path required: true description: The unique identifier for the ticket which is given by Intercom. schema: type: string tags: - Tickets operationId: getTicket description: You can fetch the details of a single ticket. responses: '200': description: Ticket found content: application/json: examples: Ticket found: value: type: ticket id: '450' ticket_attributes: _default_title_: attribute_value _default_description_: null ticket_state: submitted ticket_state_internal_label: Submitted ticket_state_external_label: Submitted ticket_type: type: ticket_type id: '75' name: my-ticket-type-12 description: my ticket type description is awesome. icon: 🦁 workspace_id: this_is_an_id655_that_should_be_at_least_ archived: false created_at: 1717021681 updated_at: 1717021681 is_internal: false ticket_type_attributes: type: list data: - type: ticket_type_attribute id: '219' workspace_id: this_is_an_id655_that_should_be_at_least_ name: _default_title_ description: ola data_type: string input_options: null order: 0 required_to_create: true required_to_create_for_contacts: false visible_on_create: true visible_to_contacts: false default: false ticket_type_id: 75 archived: false created_at: 1717021681 updated_at: 1717021681 - type: ticket_type_attribute id: '220' workspace_id: this_is_an_id655_that_should_be_at_least_ name: _default_description_ description: ola data_type: string input_options: null order: 0 required_to_create: true required_to_create_for_contacts: false visible_on_create: true visible_to_contacts: false default: false ticket_type_id: 75 archived: false created_at: 1717021681 updated_at: 1717021681 contacts: type: contact.list contacts: - id: 6657abf16abd0164c24b0df6 role: lead admin_assignee_id: '0' team_assignee_id: '0' created_at: 1717021682 updated_at: 1717021682 ticket_parts: type: ticket_part.list ticket_parts: - type: ticket_part id: '107' part_type: ticket_state_updated_by_admin ticket_state: submitted previous_ticket_state: submitted created_at: 1717021682 updated_at: 1717021682 author: id: '991267748' type: admin name: Ciaran438 Lee email: attachments: [] redacted: false total_count: 1 schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ticket' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: cfbb87fd-8bbe-443d-9e21-cb3dc71f0de8 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /visitors: put: summary: Update a visitor parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Visitors operationId: updateVisitor description: > Sending a PUT request to `/visitors` will result in an update of an existing Visitor. **Option 1.** You can update a visitor by passing in the `user_id` of the visitor in the Request body. **Option 2.** You can update a visitor by passing in the `id` of the visitor in the Request body. responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: type: visitor id: 6657abf76abd0164c24b0df9 user_id: 3ecf64d0-9ed1-4e9f-88e1-da7d6e6782f3 anonymous: true email: '' phone: null name: Gareth Bale pseudonym: Indigo Guitar avatar: type: avatar image_url: >- app_id: this_is_an_id665_that_should_be_at_least_ companies: type: company.list companies: [] location_data: {} last_request_at: null created_at: 1717021687 remote_created_at: 1717021687 signed_up_at: 1717021687 updated_at: 1717021687 session_count: 0 social_profiles: type: social_profile.list social_profiles: [] owner_id: null unsubscribed_from_emails: false marked_email_as_spam: false has_hard_bounced: false tags: type: tag.list tags: [] segments: type: segment.list segments: [] custom_attributes: {} referrer: null utm_campaign: null utm_content: null utm_medium: null utm_source: null utm_term: null do_not_track: null schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/visitor' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 629db2ed-d045-457f-81f7-a24d5b629c5f errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: visitor Not Found content: application/json: examples: visitor Not Found: value: type: error.list request_id: 08bbf6c3-96e7-4f46-9623-1ffdd7176b04 errors: - code: not_found message: Visitor Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/update_visitor_request' examples: successful: summary: successful value: id: 6657abf76abd0164c24b0df9 name: Gareth Bale visitor_not_found: summary: visitor Not Found value: user_id: fail name: Christian Fail get: summary: Retrieve a visitor with User ID parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' - name: user_id in: query description: The user_id of the Visitor you want to retrieve. required: true schema: type: string tags: - Visitors operationId: retrieveVisitorWithUserId description: You can fetch the details of a single visitor. responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: type: visitor id: 6657abf96abd0164c24b0dff user_id: 3ecf64d0-9ed1-4e9f-88e1-da7d6e6782f3 anonymous: true email: '' phone: null name: null pseudonym: null avatar: type: avatar image_url: null app_id: this_is_an_id671_that_should_be_at_least_ companies: type: company.list companies: [] location_data: {} last_request_at: null created_at: 1717021689 remote_created_at: 1717021689 signed_up_at: 1717021689 updated_at: 1717021689 session_count: 0 social_profiles: type: social_profile.list social_profiles: [] owner_id: null unsubscribed_from_emails: false marked_email_as_spam: false has_hard_bounced: false tags: type: tag.list tags: [] segments: type: segment.list segments: [] custom_attributes: {} referrer: null utm_campaign: null utm_content: null utm_medium: null utm_source: null utm_term: null do_not_track: null schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/visitor' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: 3f38ffa3-4cb5-463a-98ac-795cadb5d475 errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' '404': description: Visitor not found content: application/json: examples: Visitor not found: value: type: error.list request_id: dcae890e-9ff2-449a-bcc3-ab4ceb151767 errors: - code: not_found message: Visitor Not Found schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' /visitors/convert: post: summary: Convert a visitor parameters: - name: Intercom-Version in: header schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/intercom_version' tags: - Visitors operationId: convertVisitor description: > You can merge a Visitor to a Contact of role type `lead` or `user`. > 📘 What happens upon a visitor being converted? > > If the User exists, then the Visitor will be merged into it, the Visitor deleted and the User returned. If the User does not exist, the Visitor will be converted to a User, with the User identifiers replacing it's Visitor identifiers. responses: '200': description: successful content: application/json: examples: successful: value: type: contact id: 6657abfb6abd0164c24b0e06 workspace_id: this_is_an_id677_that_should_be_at_least_ external_id: null role: user email: phone: null name: null avatar: null owner_id: null social_profiles: type: list data: [] has_hard_bounced: false marked_email_as_spam: false unsubscribed_from_emails: false created_at: 1717021691 updated_at: 1717021691 signed_up_at: 1717021691 last_seen_at: null last_replied_at: null last_contacted_at: null last_email_opened_at: null last_email_clicked_at: null language_override: null browser: null browser_version: null browser_language: null os: null location: type: location country: null region: null city: null country_code: null continent_code: null android_app_name: null android_app_version: null android_device: null android_os_version: null android_sdk_version: null android_last_seen_at: null ios_app_name: null ios_app_version: null ios_device: null ios_os_version: null ios_sdk_version: null ios_last_seen_at: null custom_attributes: {} tags: type: list data: [] url: /contacts/6657abfb6abd0164c24b0e06/tags total_count: 0 has_more: false notes: type: list data: [] url: /contacts/6657abfb6abd0164c24b0e06/notes total_count: 0 has_more: false companies: type: list data: [] url: /contacts/6657abfb6abd0164c24b0e06/companies total_count: 0 has_more: false opted_out_subscription_types: type: list data: [] url: /contacts/6657abfb6abd0164c24b0e06/subscriptions total_count: 0 has_more: false opted_in_subscription_types: type: list data: [] url: /contacts/6657abfb6abd0164c24b0e06/subscriptions total_count: 0 has_more: false utm_campaign: null utm_content: null utm_medium: null utm_source: null utm_term: null referrer: null schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact' '401': description: Unauthorized content: application/json: examples: Unauthorized: value: type: error.list request_id: dea6a078-4db1-4f21-a9f6-14bfce68209d errors: - code: unauthorized message: Access Token Invalid schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/error' requestBody: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/convert_visitor_request' examples: successful: summary: successful value: visitor: user_id: 3ecf64d0-9ed1-4e9f-88e1-da7d6e6782f3 user: email: type: user components: schemas: activity_log: title: Activity Log type: object description: Activities performed by Admins. nullable: true properties: id: type: string description: The id representing the activity. example: '6' performed_by: type: object description: Details about the Admin involved in the activity. properties: type: type: string description: >- String representing the object's type. Always has the value `admin`. example: admin id: type: string description: The id representing the admin. example: '1295' email: type: string description: The email of the admin. example: ip: type: string description: The IP address of the admin. example: metadata: $ref: '#/components/schemas/activity_log_metadata' created_at: type: integer format: date-time description: The time the activity was created. example: 1671028894 activity_type: type: string enum: - admin_assignment_limit_change - admin_away_mode_change - admin_deletion - admin_deprovisioned - admin_impersonation_end - admin_impersonation_start - admin_invite_change - admin_invite_creation - admin_invite_deletion - admin_login_failure - admin_login_success - admin_logout - admin_password_reset_request - admin_password_reset_success - admin_permission_change - admin_provisioned - admin_two_factor_auth_change - admin_unauthorized_sign_in_method - app_admin_join - app_authentication_method_change - app_data_deletion - app_data_export - app_google_sso_domain_change - app_identity_verification_change - app_name_change - app_outbound_address_change - app_package_installation - app_package_token_regeneration - app_package_uninstallation - app_team_creation - app_team_deletion - app_team_membership_modification - app_timezone_change - app_webhook_creation - app_webhook_deletion - articles_in_messenger_enabled_change - bulk_delete - bulk_export - campaign_deletion - campaign_state_change - conversation_part_deletion - conversation_topic_change - conversation_topic_creation - conversation_topic_deletion - help_center_settings_change - inbound_conversations_change - inbox_access_change - message_deletion - message_state_change - messenger_look_and_feel_change - messenger_search_required_change - messenger_spaces_change - office_hours_change - role_change - role_creation - role_deletion - ruleset_activation_title_preview - ruleset_creation - ruleset_deletion - search_browse_enabled_change - search_browse_required_change - seat_change - seat_revoke - security_settings_change - temporary_expectation_change - upfront_email_collection_change - welcome_message_change example: app_name_change activity_description: type: string description: A sentence or two describing the activity. example: Admin updated the app's name to "My App". activity_log_list: title: Paginated Response type: object description: A paginated list of activity logs. properties: type: type: string description: >- String representing the object's type. Always has the value `activity_log.list`. example: activity_log.list pages: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cursor_pages' activity_logs: type: array description: An array of activity logs items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/activity_log' activity_log_metadata: title: Activity Log Metadata type: object description: Additional data provided about Admin activity. nullable: true properties: sign_in_method: type: string nullable: true description: The way the admin signed in. example: email_password external_id: type: string nullable: true description: >- The unique identifier for the contact which is provided by the Client. example: f3b87a2e09d514c6c2e79b9a away_mode: type: boolean nullable: true description: >- The away mode status which is set to true when away and false when returned. example: true away_status_reason: type: string nullable: true description: The reason the Admin is away. example: 😌 On a break reassign_conversations: type: boolean nullable: true description: >- Indicates if conversations should be reassigned while an Admin is away. example: false source: type: string nullable: true description: The action that initiated the status change. example: 'admin update from web - Admin id: 93' auto_changed: type: string nullable: true description: Indicates if the status was changed automatically or manually. example: false update_by: type: integer nullable: true description: The ID of the Admin who initiated the activity. example: 93 update_by_name: type: string nullable: true description: The name of the Admin who initiated the activity. example: Joe Bloggs addressable_list: title: Addressable List type: object nullable: false description: A list used to access other resources from a parent model. properties: type: type: string format: uri description: The addressable object type example: note id: type: string description: The id of the addressable object example: '123' url: type: string format: uri description: Url to get more company resources for this contact example: /contacts/5ba682d23d7cf92bef87bfd4/notes admin: title: Admin type: object x-tags: - Admins description: Admins are teammate accounts that have access to a workspace. nullable: true properties: type: type: string description: String representing the object's type. Always has the value `admin`. example: admin id: type: string description: The id representing the admin. example: '1295' name: type: string description: The name of the admin. example: Hoban Washburne email: type: string description: The email of the admin. example: job_title: type: string description: The job title of the admin. example: Philosopher away_mode_enabled: type: boolean description: Identifies if this admin is currently set in away mode. example: false away_mode_reassign: type: boolean description: >- Identifies if this admin is set to automatically reassign new conversations to the apps default inbox. example: false has_inbox_seat: type: boolean description: >- Identifies if this admin has a paid inbox seat to restrict/allow features that require them. example: true team_ids: type: array description: This object represents the avatar associated with the admin. example: - 814865 items: type: integer avatar: type: string format: uri nullable: true description: Image for the associated team or teammate example: team_priority_level: $ref: '#/components/schemas/team_priority_level' admin_list: title: Admins type: object description: A list of admins associated with a given workspace. properties: type: type: string description: >- String representing the object's type. Always has the value `admin.list`. example: admin.list admins: type: array description: A list of admins associated with a given workspace. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/admin' admin_priority_level: title: Admin Priority Level type: object nullable: true description: Admin priority levels for the team properties: primary_admin_ids: type: array description: The primary admin ids for the team nullable: true example: - 493881 items: type: integer secondary_admin_ids: type: array description: The secondary admin ids for the team nullable: true example: - 814865 items: type: integer admin_reply_conversation_request: title: Admin Reply type: object description: Payload of the request to reply on behalf of an admin properties: message_type: type: string enum: - comment - note type: type: string enum: - admin example: admin body: type: string description: >- The text body of the reply. Notes accept some HTML formatting. Must be present for comment and note message types. example: Hello there! admin_id: type: string description: The id of the admin who is authoring the comment. example: '3156780' created_at: type: integer description: >- The time the reply was created. If not provided, the current time will be used. example: 1590000000 attachment_urls: type: array description: >- A list of image URLs that will be added as attachments. You can include up to 10 URLs. items: type: string format: uri maxItems: 10 attachment_files: type: array description: >- A list of files that will be added as attachments. You can include up to 10 files items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/conversation_attachment_files' maxItems: 10 required: - message_type - type - admin_id admin_with_app: title: Admin type: object description: Admins are the teammate accounts that have access to a workspace nullable: true properties: type: type: string description: String representing the object's type. Always has the value `admin`. example: admin id: type: string description: The id representing the admin. example: '1295' name: type: string description: The name of the admin. example: Hoban Washburne email: type: string description: The email of the admin. example: job_title: type: string description: The job title of the admin. example: Philosopher away_mode_enabled: type: boolean description: Identifies if this admin is currently set in away mode. example: false away_mode_reassign: type: boolean description: >- Identifies if this admin is set to automatically reassign new conversations to the apps default inbox. example: false has_inbox_seat: type: boolean description: >- Identifies if this admin has a paid inbox seat to restrict/allow features that require them. example: true team_ids: type: array description: This is a list of ids of the teams that this admin is part of. example: - 814865 items: type: integer avatar: type: object description: This object represents the avatar associated with the admin. properties: type: type: string description: >- This is a string that identifies the type of the object. It will always have the value `avatar`. default: avatar example: avatar image_url: type: string format: uri nullable: true description: This object represents the avatar associated with the admin. example: email_verified: type: boolean description: Identifies if this admin's email is verified. nullable: true example: true app: $ref: '#/components/schemas/app' nullable: true description: App that the admin belongs to. app: title: App type: object description: App is a workspace on Intercom nullable: true properties: type: type: string description: '' default: app example: app id_code: type: string description: The id of the app. example: xyz789 name: type: string description: The name of the app. example: ACME region: type: string description: The Intercom region the app is located in. example: US timezone: type: string description: The timezone of the region where the app is located. example: America/Los_Angeles created_at: type: integer description: When the app was created. example: 1671465577 identity_verification: type: boolean description: Whether or not the app uses identity verification. example: false article: title: Article type: object x-tags: - Articles description: >- The Articles API is a central place to gather all information and take actions on your articles. Articles can live within collections and sections, or alternatively they can stand alone. properties: statistics: nullable: true $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_statistics' allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_list_item' article_content: title: Article Content type: object description: The Content of an Article. nullable: true properties: type: type: string description: The type of object - `article_content` . enum: - null - article_content example: article_content nullable: true title: type: string description: The title of the article. example: How to create a new article description: type: string description: The description of the article. example: This article will show you how to create a new article. body: type: string description: The body of the article. example: This is the body of the article. author_id: type: integer description: The ID of the author of the article. example: '5017691' state: type: string description: Whether the article is `published` or is a `draft` . enum: - published - draft example: draft created_at: type: integer format: date-time description: The time when the article was created (seconds). example: 1663597223 updated_at: type: integer format: date-time description: The time when the article was last updated (seconds). example: 1663597260 url: type: string description: The URL of the article. example: http://intercom.test/help/en/articles/3-default-language article_list: title: Articles type: object description: This will return a list of articles for the App. properties: type: type: string description: The type of the object - `list`. enum: - list example: list pages: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cursor_pages' total_count: type: integer description: A count of the total number of articles. example: 1 data: type: array description: An array of Article objects items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_list_item' article_list_item: title: Articles type: object x-tags: - Articles description: The data returned about your articles when you list them. properties: type: type: string description: The type of object - `article`. enum: - article default: article example: article id: type: string description: The unique identifier for the article which is given by Intercom. example: '6871119' workspace_id: type: string description: The id of the workspace which the article belongs to. example: hfi1bx4l title: type: string description: >- The title of the article. For multilingual articles, this will be the title of the default language's content. example: Default language title description: type: string nullable: true description: >- The description of the article. For multilingual articles, this will be the description of the default language's content. example: Default language description body: type: string nullable: true description: >- The body of the article in HTML. For multilingual articles, this will be the body of the default language's content. example: Default language body in html author_id: type: integer description: >- The id of the author of the article. For multilingual articles, this will be the id of the author of the default language's content. Must be a teammate on the help center's workspace. example: '5017691' state: type: string description: >- Whether the article is `published` or is a `draft`. For multilingual articles, this will be the state of the default language's content. enum: - published - draft default: draft example: published created_at: type: integer format: date-time description: >- The time when the article was created. For multilingual articles, this will be the timestamp of creation of the default language's content in seconds. example: 1672928359 updated_at: type: integer format: date-time description: >- The time when the article was last updated. For multilingual articles, this will be the timestamp of last update of the default language's content in seconds. example: 1672928610 url: type: string nullable: true description: >- The URL of the article. For multilingual articles, this will be the URL of the default language's content. example: http://intercom.test/help/en/articles/3-default-language parent_id: type: integer nullable: true description: >- The id of the article's parent collection or section. An article without this field stands alone. example: '125685' parent_ids: type: array description: >- The ids of the article's parent collections or sections. An article without this field stands alone. items: type: integer example: - 18 - 19 parent_type: type: string nullable: true description: The type of parent, which can either be a `collection` or `section`. example: collection default_locale: type: string description: >- The default locale of the help center. This field is only returned for multilingual help centers. example: en translated_content: nullable: true $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_translated_content' article_statistics: title: Article Statistics type: object description: The statistics of an article. nullable: true properties: type: type: string description: The type of object - `article_statistics`. enum: - article_statistics default: article_statistics example: article_statistics views: type: integer description: The number of total views the article has received. example: 10 conversions: type: integer description: The number of conversations started from the article. example: 0 reactions: type: integer description: The number of total reactions the article has received. example: 10 happy_reaction_percentage: type: number format: float description: >- The percentage of happy reactions the article has received against other types of reaction. example: 40 neutral_reaction_percentage: type: number format: float description: >- The percentage of neutral reactions the article has received against other types of reaction. example: 40 sad_reaction_percentage: type: number format: float description: >- The percentage of sad reactions the article has received against other types of reaction. example: 20 article_translated_content: title: Article Translated Content type: object description: >- The Translated Content of an Article. The keys are the locale codes and the values are the translated content of the article. nullable: true properties: type: type: string description: The type of object - article_translated_content. enum: - null - article_translated_content example: article_translated_content nullable: true ar: description: The content of the article in Arabic $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' bg: description: The content of the article in Bulgarian $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' bs: description: The content of the article in Bosnian $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' ca: description: The content of the article in Catalan $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' cs: description: The content of the article in Czech $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' da: description: The content of the article in Danish $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' de: description: The content of the article in German $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' el: description: The content of the article in Greek $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' en: description: The content of the article in English $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' es: description: The content of the article in Spanish $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' et: description: The content of the article in Estonian $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' fi: description: The content of the article in Finnish $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' fr: description: The content of the article in French $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' he: description: The content of the article in Hebrew $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' hr: description: The content of the article in Croatian $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' hu: description: The content of the article in Hungarian $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' id: description: The content of the article in Indonesian $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' it: description: The content of the article in Italian $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' ja: description: The content of the article in Japanese $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' ko: description: The content of the article in Korean $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' lt: description: The content of the article in Lithuanian $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' lv: description: The content of the article in Latvian $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' mn: description: The content of the article in Mongolian $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' nb: description: The content of the article in Norwegian $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' nl: description: The content of the article in Dutch $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' pl: description: The content of the article in Polish $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' pt: description: The content of the article in Portuguese (Portugal) $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' ro: description: The content of the article in Romanian $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' ru: description: The content of the article in Russian $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' sl: description: The content of the article in Slovenian $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' sr: description: The content of the article in Serbian $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' sv: description: The content of the article in Swedish $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' tr: description: The content of the article in Turkish $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' vi: description: The content of the article in Vietnamese $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' pt-BR: description: The content of the article in Portuguese (Brazil) $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' zh-CN: description: The content of the article in Chinese (China) $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' zh-TW: description: The content of the article in Chinese (Taiwan) $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_content' assign_conversation_request: title: Assign Conversation Request type: object description: Payload of the request to assign a conversation properties: message_type: type: string enum: - assignment example: assignment type: type: string enum: - admin - team example: admin admin_id: type: string description: The id of the admin who is performing the action. example: '12345' assignee_id: type: string description: >- The `id` of the `admin` or `team` which will be assigned the conversation. A conversation can be assigned both an admin and a team.\nSet `0` if you want this assign to no admin or team (ie. Unassigned). example: '4324241' body: type: string description: >- Optionally you can send a response in the conversation when it is assigned. example: Let me pass you over to one of my colleagues. required: - message_type - type - admin_id - assignee_id attach_contact_to_conversation_request: title: Assign Conversation Request type: object description: Payload of the request to assign a conversation properties: admin_id: type: string description: The `id` of the admin who is adding the new participant. example: '12345' customer: type: object oneOf: - title: Intercom User ID properties: intercom_user_id: type: string description: The identifier for the contact as given by Intercom. example: 6329bd9ffe4e2e91dac76188 customer: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customer_request' required: - intercom_user_id - title: User ID properties: user_id: type: string description: >- The external_id you have defined for the contact who is being added as a participant. example: 6329bd9ffe4e2e91dac76188 customer: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customer_request' required: - user_id - title: Email properties: email: type: string description: >- The email you have defined for the contact who is being added as a participant. example: customer: $ref: '#/components/schemas/customer_request' required: - email close_conversation_request: title: Close Conversation Request type: object description: Payload of the request to close a conversation properties: message_type: type: string enum: - close example: close type: type: string enum: - admin example: admin admin_id: type: string description: The id of the admin who is performing the action. example: '12345' body: type: string description: >- Optionally you can leave a message in the conversation to provide additional context to the user and other teammates. example: ' This conversation is now closed!' required: - message_type - type - admin_id collection: title: Collection type: object x-tags: - Help Center description: >- Collections are top level containers for Articles within the Help Center. properties: id: type: string description: The unique identifier for the collection which is given by Intercom. example: '6871119' workspace_id: type: string description: The id of the workspace which the collection belongs to. example: hfi1bx4l name: type: string description: >- The name of the collection. For multilingual collections, this will be the name of the default language's content. example: Default language name description: type: string nullable: true description: >- The description of the collection. For multilingual help centers, this will be the description of the collection for the default language. example: Default language description created_at: type: integer format: date-time description: >- The time when the article was created (seconds). For multilingual articles, this will be the timestamp of creation of the default language's content. example: 1672928359 updated_at: type: integer format: date-time description: >- The time when the article was last updated (seconds). For multilingual articles, this will be the timestamp of last update of the default language's content. example: 1672928610 url: type: string nullable: true description: >- The URL of the collection. For multilingual help centers, this will be the URL of the collection for the default language. example: http://intercom.test/help/collection/name icon: type: string nullable: true description: The icon of the collection. example: book-bookmark order: type: integer description: >- The order of the section in relation to others sections within a collection. Values go from `0` upwards. `0` is the default if there's no order. example: '1' default_locale: type: string description: >- The default locale of the help center. This field is only returned for multilingual help centers. example: en translated_content: nullable: true $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_translated_content' help_center_id: type: integer nullable: true description: The id of the help center the collection is in. example: '123' type: type: string description: The type of object - `collection`. enum: - collection default: collection example: collection collection_list: title: Collections type: object description: This will return a list of Collections for the App. properties: type: type: string description: The type of the object - `list`. enum: - list example: list pages: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cursor_pages' total_count: type: integer description: A count of the total number of collections. example: 1 data: type: array description: An array of collection objects items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/collection' company: title: Company type: object x-tags: - Companies description: >- Companies allow you to represent organizations using your product. Each company will have its own description and be associated with contacts. You can fetch, create, update and list companies. properties: type: type: string description: Value is `company` enum: - company example: company id: type: string description: The Intercom defined id representing the company. example: 531ee472cce572a6ec000006 name: type: string description: The name of the company. example: Blue Sun app_id: type: string description: >- The Intercom defined code of the workspace the company is associated to. example: ecahpwf5 plan: type: object properties: type: type: string description: Value is always "plan" example: plan id: type: string description: The id of the plan example: '269315' name: type: string description: The name of the plan example: Pro company_id: type: string description: The company id you have defined for the company. example: '6' remote_created_at: type: integer description: The time the company was created by you. example: 1663597223 created_at: type: integer description: The time the company was added in Intercom. example: 1663597223 updated_at: type: integer description: The last time the company was updated. example: 1663597223 last_request_at: type: integer description: The time the company last recorded making a request. example: 1663597223 size: type: integer description: The number of employees in the company. example: 100 website: type: string description: The URL for the company website. example: industry: type: string description: The industry that the company operates in. example: Software monthly_spend: type: integer description: How much revenue the company generates for your business. example: 100 session_count: type: integer description: How many sessions the company has recorded. example: 100 user_count: type: integer description: The number of users in the company. example: 100 custom_attributes: type: object description: The custom attributes you have set on the company. additionalProperties: type: string example: paid_subscriber: true monthly_spend: 155.5 team_mates: 9 tags: type: object description: The list of tags associated with the company properties: type: type: string description: The type of the object enum: - tag.list tags: type: array items: items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/tag' segments: type: object description: The list of segments associated with the company properties: type: type: string description: The type of the object enum: - segment.list segments: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/segment' company_attached_contacts: title: Company Attached Contacts type: object description: A list of Contact Objects properties: type: type: string description: The type of object - `list` enum: - list example: list data: type: array description: An array containing Contact Objects items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact' total_count: type: integer description: The total number of contacts example: 100 pages: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cursor_pages' company_attached_segments: title: Company Attached Segments type: object description: A list of Segment Objects properties: type: type: string description: The type of object - `list` enum: - list example: list data: type: array description: An array containing Segment Objects items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/segment' company_list: title: Companies type: object description: This will return a list of companies for the App. properties: type: type: string description: The type of object - `list`. enum: - list example: list pages: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cursor_pages' total_count: type: integer description: The total number of companies. example: 100 data: type: array description: An array containing Company Objects. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/company' company_scroll: title: Company Scroll type: object description: >- Companies allow you to represent organizations using your product. Each company will have its own description and be associated with contacts. You can fetch, create, update and list companies. nullable: true properties: type: type: string description: The type of object - `list` enum: - list example: list data: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/company' pages: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cursor_pages' total_count: type: integer description: The total number of companies nullable: true example: 100 scroll_param: type: string description: >- The scroll parameter to use in the next request to fetch the next page of results. example: 25b649f7-4d33-4ef6-88f5-60e5b8244309 contact: title: Contact type: object x-tags: - Contacts description: Contact are the objects that represent your leads and users in Intercom. properties: type: type: string description: The type of object. example: contact id: type: string description: The unique identifier for the contact which is given by Intercom. example: 5ba682d23d7cf92bef87bfd4 external_id: type: string nullable: true description: >- The unique identifier for the contact which is provided by the Client. example: f3b87a2e09d514c6c2e79b9a workspace_id: type: string description: The id of the workspace which the contact belongs to. example: ecahpwf5 role: type: string description: The role of the contact. example: user email: type: string description: The contact's email. example: email_domain: type: string description: The contact's email domain. example: phone: type: string nullable: true description: The contacts phone. example: '+1123456789' formatted_phone: type: string nullable: true description: The contacts phone number normalized to the E164 format example: '+1123456789' name: type: string nullable: true description: The contacts name. example: John Doe owner_id: type: integer nullable: true description: >- The id of an admin that has been assigned account ownership of the contact. example: 123 has_hard_bounced: type: boolean description: Whether the contact has had an email sent to them hard bounce. example: true marked_email_as_spam: type: boolean description: Whether the contact has marked an email sent to them as spam. example: true unsubscribed_from_emails: type: boolean description: Whether the contact is unsubscribed from emails. example: true created_at: type: integer format: date-time description: (UNIX timestamp) The time when the contact was created. example: 1571672154 updated_at: type: integer format: date-time description: (UNIX timestamp) The time when the contact was last updated. example: 1571672154 signed_up_at: type: integer format: date-time nullable: true description: (UNIX timestamp) The time specified for when a contact signed up. example: 1571672154 last_seen_at: type: integer format: date-time nullable: true description: >- (UNIX timestamp) The time when the contact was last seen (either where the Intercom Messenger was installed or when specified manually). example: 1571672154 last_replied_at: type: integer format: date-time nullable: true description: (UNIX timestamp) The time when the contact last messaged in. example: 1571672154 last_contacted_at: type: integer format: date-time nullable: true description: (UNIX timestamp) The time when the contact was last messaged. example: 1571672154 last_email_opened_at: type: integer format: date-time nullable: true description: (UNIX timestamp) The time when the contact last opened an email. example: 1571672154 last_email_clicked_at: type: integer format: date-time nullable: true description: >- (UNIX timestamp) The time when the contact last clicked a link in an email. example: 1571672154 language_override: type: string nullable: true description: >- A preferred language setting for the contact, used by the Intercom Messenger even if their browser settings change. example: en browser: type: string nullable: true description: The name of the browser which the contact is using. example: Chrome browser_version: type: string nullable: true description: The version of the browser which the contact is using. example: 80.0.3987.132 browser_language: type: string nullable: true description: The language set by the browser which the contact is using. example: en-US os: type: string nullable: true description: The operating system which the contact is using. example: Mac OS X android_app_name: type: string nullable: true description: The name of the Android app which the contact is using. example: Intercom android_app_version: type: string nullable: true description: The version of the Android app which the contact is using. example: 5.0.0 android_device: type: string nullable: true description: The Android device which the contact is using. example: Pixel 3 android_os_version: type: string nullable: true description: The version of the Android OS which the contact is using. example: '10' android_sdk_version: type: string nullable: true description: The version of the Android SDK which the contact is using. example: '28' android_last_seen_at: type: integer nullable: true format: date-time description: >- (UNIX timestamp) The time when the contact was last seen on an Android device. example: 1571672154 ios_app_name: type: string nullable: true description: The name of the iOS app which the contact is using. example: Intercom ios_app_version: type: string nullable: true description: The version of the iOS app which the contact is using. example: 5.0.0 ios_device: type: string nullable: true description: The iOS device which the contact is using. example: iPhone 11 ios_os_version: type: string nullable: true description: The version of iOS which the contact is using. example: 13.3.1 ios_sdk_version: type: string nullable: true description: The version of the iOS SDK which the contact is using. example: 13.3.1 ios_last_seen_at: type: integer nullable: true format: date-time description: (UNIX timestamp) The last time the contact used the iOS app. example: 1571672154 custom_attributes: type: object description: The custom attributes which are set for the contact. avatar: type: object nullable: true properties: type: type: string description: The type of object example: avatar image_url: type: string format: uri nullable: true description: An image URL containing the avatar of a contact. example: tags: $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact_tags' notes: $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact_notes' companies: $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact_companies' location: $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact_location' social_profiles: $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact_social_profiles' contact_archived: title: Contact Archived type: object description: archived contact object properties: type: type: string description: always contact enum: - contact example: contact id: type: string description: The unique identifier for the contact which is given by Intercom. example: 5ba682d23d7cf92bef87bfd4 external_id: type: string nullable: true description: >- The unique identifier for the contact which is provided by the Client. example: f3b87a2e09d514c6c2e79b9a archived: type: boolean description: Whether the contact is archived or not. example: true contact_attached_companies: title: Contact Attached Companies type: object description: A list of Company Objects properties: type: type: string description: The type of object enum: - list example: list companies: type: array description: An array containing Company Objects items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/company' total_count: type: integer description: The total number of companies associated to this contact example: 100 pages: $ref: '#/components/schemas/pages_link' contact_companies: title: Contact companies type: object nullable: false description: >- An object containing companies meta data about the companies that a contact has. Up to 10 will be displayed here. Use the url to get more. properties: url: type: string format: uri description: Url to get more company resources for this contact example: /contacts/5ba682d23d7cf92bef87bfd4/companies total_count: type: integer description: >- Int representing the total number of companyies attached to this contact example: 100 has_more: type: boolean description: >- Whether there's more Addressable Objects to be viewed. If true, use the url to view all example: true contact_deleted: title: Contact Deleted type: object description: deleted contact object properties: type: type: string description: always contact enum: - contact example: contact id: type: string description: The unique identifier for the contact which is given by Intercom. example: 5ba682d23d7cf92bef87bfd4 external_id: type: string nullable: true description: >- The unique identifier for the contact which is provided by the Client. example: f3b87a2e09d514c6c2e79b9a deleted: type: boolean description: Whether the contact is deleted or not. example: true contact_list: title: Contact List type: object description: Contacts are your users in Intercom. properties: type: type: string description: Always list enum: - list example: list data: type: array description: The list of contact objects items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact' total_count: type: integer description: A count of the total number of objects. example: 100 pages: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cursor_pages' contact_location: title: Contact Location type: object nullable: false description: An object containing location meta data about a Intercom contact. properties: type: type: string nullable: true description: Always location example: location country: type: string nullable: true description: The country that the contact is located in example: Ireland region: type: string nullable: true description: The overal region that the contact is located in example: Dublin city: type: string nullable: true description: The city that the contact is located in example: Dublin contact_notes: title: Contact notes type: object nullable: false description: >- An object containing notes meta data about the notes that a contact has. Up to 10 will be displayed here. Use the url to get more. properties: data: type: array description: This object represents the notes attached to a contact. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/addressable_list' url: type: string format: uri description: Url to get more company resources for this contact example: /contacts/5ba682d23d7cf92bef87bfd4/notes total_count: type: integer description: >- Int representing the total number of companyies attached to this contact example: 100 has_more: type: boolean description: >- Whether there's more Addressable Objects to be viewed. If true, use the url to view all example: true contact_reference: title: Contact Reference type: object description: reference to contact object properties: type: type: string description: always contact enum: - contact example: contact id: type: string description: The unique identifier for the contact which is given by Intercom. example: 5ba682d23d7cf92bef87bfd4 external_id: type: string nullable: true description: >- The unique identifier for the contact which is provided by the Client. example: f3b87a2e09d514c6c2e79b9a contact_reply_base_request: title: Contact Reply Base Object type: object properties: message_type: type: string enum: - comment type: type: string enum: - user body: type: string description: The text body of the comment. attachment_urls: title: Attachment URLs type: array description: >- A list of image URLs that will be added as attachments. You can include up to 10 URLs. items: type: string format: uri maxItems: 10 required: - message_type - type - body contact_reply_conversation_request: title: Contact Reply oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact_reply_intercom_user_id_request' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact_reply_email_request' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact_reply_user_id_request' contact_reply_email_request: title: Email type: object description: >- Payload of the request to reply on behalf of a contact using their `email` properties: email: type: string description: The email you have defined for the user. attachment_files: type: array description: A list of files that will be added as attachments. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/conversation_attachment_files' allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact_reply_base_request' required: - email contact_reply_intercom_user_id_request: title: Intercom User ID type: object description: >- Payload of the request to reply on behalf of a contact using their `intercom_user_id` allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact_reply_base_request' properties: intercom_user_id: type: string description: The identifier for the contact as given by Intercom. attachment_files: type: array description: A list of files that will be added as attachments. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/conversation_attachment_files' required: - intercom_user_id contact_reply_ticket_email_request: title: Email type: object description: >- Payload of the request to reply on behalf of a contact using their `email` properties: email: type: string description: The email you have defined for the user. allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact_reply_base_request' required: - email contact_reply_ticket_intercom_user_id_request: title: Intercom User ID type: object description: >- Payload of the request to reply on behalf of a contact using their `intercom_user_id` allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact_reply_base_request' properties: intercom_user_id: type: string description: The identifier for the contact as given by Intercom. required: - intercom_user_id contact_reply_ticket_user_id_request: title: User ID type: object description: >- Payload of the request to reply on behalf of a contact using their `user_id` allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact_reply_base_request' properties: user_id: type: string description: The external_id you have defined for the contact. required: - user_id contact_reply_user_id_request: title: User ID type: object description: >- Payload of the request to reply on behalf of a contact using their `user_id` allOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact_reply_base_request' properties: user_id: type: string description: The external_id you have defined for the contact. attachment_files: type: array description: >- A list of files that will be added as attachments. You can include up to 10 files. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/conversation_attachment_files' maxItems: 10 required: - user_id contact_segments: title: Segments type: object description: A list of segments objects attached to a specific contact. properties: type: type: string description: The type of the object enum: - list example: list data: type: array description: Segment objects associated with the contact. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/segment' contact_social_profiles: title: Social Profile type: object nullable: false description: An object containing social profiles that a contact has. properties: data: type: array description: A list of social profiles objects associated with the contact. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/social_profile' contact_subscription_types: title: Contact Subscription Types type: object nullable: false description: >- An object containing Subscription Types meta data about the SubscriptionTypes that a contact has. properties: data: type: array description: This object represents the subscriptions attached to a contact. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/addressable_list' url: type: string format: uri description: Url to get more subscription type resources for this contact example: /contacts/5ba682d23d7cf92bef87bfd4/subscriptions total_count: type: integer description: >- Int representing the total number of subscription types attached to this contact example: 100 has_more: type: boolean description: >- Whether there's more Addressable Objects to be viewed. If true, use the url to view all example: true contact_tags: title: Contact Tags type: object nullable: true description: >- An object containing tags meta data about the tags that a contact has. Up to 10 will be displayed here. Use the url to get more. properties: data: type: array description: This object represents the tags attached to a contact. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/addressable_list' url: type: string format: uri description: url to get more tag resources for this contact example: /contacts/5ba682d23d7cf92bef87bfd4/tags total_count: type: integer description: Int representing the total number of tags attached to this contact example: 100 has_more: type: boolean description: >- Whether there's more Addressable Objects to be viewed. If true, use the url to view all example: true contact_unarchived: title: Contact Unarchived type: object description: unarchived contact object properties: type: type: string description: always contact enum: - contact example: contact id: type: string description: The unique identifier for the contact which is given by Intercom. example: 5ba682d23d7cf92bef87bfd4 external_id: type: string nullable: true description: >- The unique identifier for the contact which is provided by the Client. example: f3b87a2e09d514c6c2e79b9a archived: type: boolean description: Whether the contact is archived or not. example: false conversation: title: Conversation type: object x-tags: - Conversations description: >- Conversations are how you can communicate with users in Intercom. They are created when a contact replies to an outbound message, or when one admin directly sends a message to a single contact. properties: type: type: string description: Always conversation. example: conversation id: type: string description: The id representing the conversation. example: '1295' title: type: string nullable: true description: The title given to the conversation. example: Conversation Title created_at: type: integer format: date-time description: The time the conversation was created. example: 1663597223 updated_at: type: integer format: date-time description: The last time the conversation was updated. example: 1663597260 waiting_since: type: integer format: date-time nullable: true description: >- The last time a Contact responded to an Admin. In other words, the time a customer started waiting for a response. Set to null if last reply is from an Admin. example: 1663597260 snoozed_until: type: integer format: date-time nullable: true description: >- If set this is the time in the future when this conversation will be marked as open. i.e. it will be in a snoozed state until this time. i.e. it will be in a snoozed state until this time. example: 1663597260 open: type: boolean description: Indicates whether a conversation is open (true) or closed (false). example: true state: type: string enum: - open - closed - snoozed description: Can be set to "open", "closed" or "snoozed". example: open read: type: boolean description: Indicates whether a conversation has been read. example: true priority: type: string enum: - priority - not_priority description: If marked as priority, it will return priority or else not_priority. example: priority admin_assignee_id: type: integer nullable: true description: >- The id of the admin assigned to the conversation. If it's not assigned to an admin it will return null. example: 0 team_assignee_id: type: string nullable: true description: >- The id of the team assigned to the conversation. If it's not assigned to a team it will return null. example: '5017691' tags: $ref: '#/components/schemas/tags' conversation_rating: $ref: '#/components/schemas/conversation_rating' source: $ref: '#/components/schemas/conversation_source' contacts: $ref: '#/components/schemas/conversation_contacts' teammates: $ref: '#/components/schemas/conversation_teammates' custom_attributes: $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_attributes' first_contact_reply: $ref: '#/components/schemas/conversation_first_contact_reply' sla_applied: $ref: '#/components/schemas/sla_applied' statistics: $ref: '#/components/schemas/conversation_statistics' conversation_parts: $ref: '#/components/schemas/conversation_parts' conversation_attachment_files: title: Conversation attachment files type: object description: Properties of the attachment files in a conversation part properties: content_type: type: string description: The content type of the file example: application/json data: type: string description: The base64 encoded file data. example: ewogICJ0ZXN0IjogMQp9 name: type: string description: The name of the file. example: test.json conversation_contacts: title: Contacts type: object description: >- The list of contacts (users or leads) involved in this conversation. This will only contain one customer unless more were added via the group conversation feature. properties: type: type: string description: '' enum: - contact.list example: contact.list contacts: type: array description: >- The list of contacts (users or leads) involved in this conversation. This will only contain one customer unless more were added via the group conversation feature. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact_reference' conversation_first_contact_reply: title: First contact reply type: object nullable: true description: >- An object containing information on the first users message. For a contact initiated message this will represent the users original message. properties: created_at: type: integer format: date-time description: '' example: 1663597223 type: type: string description: '' example: conversation url: type: string nullable: true description: '' example: conversation_list: title: Conversation List type: object description: >- Conversations are how you can communicate with users in Intercom. They are created when a contact replies to an outbound message, or when one admin directly sends a message to a single contact. properties: type: type: string description: Always conversation.list enum: - conversation.list example: conversation.list conversations: type: array description: The list of conversation objects items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/conversation' total_count: type: integer description: A count of the total number of objects. example: 12345 pages: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cursor_pages' conversation_part: title: Conversation Part type: object description: A Conversation Part represents a message in the conversation. properties: type: type: string description: Always conversation_part example: conversation_part id: type: string description: The id representing the conversation part. example: '3' part_type: type: string description: The type of conversation part. example: comment body: type: string nullable: true description: >- The message body, which may contain HTML. For Twitter, this will show a generic message regarding why the body is obscured. example:


created_at: type: integer format: date-time description: The time the conversation part was created. example: 1663597223 updated_at: type: integer format: date-time description: The last time the conversation part was updated. example: 1663597260 notified_at: type: integer format: date-time description: The time the user was notified with the conversation part. example: 1663597260 assigned_to: $ref: '#/components/schemas/reference' nullable: true description: >- The id of the admin that was assigned the conversation by this conversation_part (null if there has been no change in assignment.) author: $ref: '#/components/schemas/conversation_part_author' attachments: title: Conversation part attachments type: array description: A list of attachments for the part. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/part_attachment' external_id: type: string nullable: true description: The external id of the conversation part example: abcd1234 redacted: type: boolean description: Whether or not the conversation part has been redacted. example: false conversation_part_author: title: Conversation part author type: object description: >- The object who initiated the conversation, which can be a Contact, Admin or Team. Bots and campaigns send messages on behalf of Admins or Teams. For Twitter, this will be blank. properties: type: type: string description: The type of the author example: admin id: type: string description: The id of the author example: '274' name: type: string description: The name of the author example: Operator email: type: string format: email description: The email of the author example: conversation_parts: title: Conversation Parts type: object description: >- A list of Conversation Part objects for each part message in the conversation. This is only returned when Retrieving a Conversation, and ignored when Listing all Conversations. There is a limit of 500 parts. properties: type: type: string description: '' enum: - conversation_part.list example: conversation_part.list conversation_parts: title: Conversation Parts type: array description: >- A list of Conversation Part objects for each part message in the conversation. This is only returned when Retrieving a Conversation, and ignored when Listing all Conversations. There is a limit of 500 parts. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/conversation_part' total_count: type: integer description: '' example: 2 conversation_rating: title: Conversation Rating type: object nullable: true description: >- The Conversation Rating object which contains information on the rating and/or remark added by a Contact and the Admin assigned to the conversation. properties: rating: type: integer description: The rating, between 1 and 5, for the conversation. example: 5 remark: type: string description: An optional field to add a remark to correspond to the number rating example: '' created_at: type: integer format: date-time description: The time the rating was requested in the conversation being rated. example: 1671028894 contact: $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact_reference' teammate: $ref: '#/components/schemas/reference' conversation_source: title: Conversation source type: object description: >- The Conversation Part that originated this conversation, which can be Contact, Admin, Campaign, Automated or Operator initiated. properties: type: type: string description: >- This includes conversation, email, facebook, instagram, phone_call, phone_switch, push, sms, twitter and whatsapp. example: conversation id: type: string description: The id representing the message. example: '3' delivered_as: type: string description: >- The conversation's initiation type. Possible values are customer_initiated, campaigns_initiated (legacy campaigns), operator_initiated (Custom bot), automated (Series and other outbounds with dynamic audience message) and admin_initiated (fixed audience message, ticket initiated by an admin, group email). example: operator_initiated subject: type: string description: >- Optional. The message subject. For Twitter, this will show a generic message regarding why the subject is obscured. example: '' body: type: string description: >- The message body, which may contain HTML. For Twitter, this will show a generic message regarding why the body is obscured. example:

Hey there!

author: $ref: '#/components/schemas/conversation_part_author' attachments: type: array description: A list of attachments for the part. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/part_attachment' url: type: string nullable: true description: >- The URL where the conversation was started. For Twitter, Email, and Bots, this will be blank. example: null redacted: type: boolean description: >- Whether or not the source message has been redacted. Only applicable for contact initiated messages. example: false conversation_statistics: title: Conversation statistics type: object nullable: true description: >- A Statistics object containing all information required for reporting, with timestamps and calculated metrics. properties: type: type: string description: '' example: conversation_statistics time_to_assignment: type: integer description: Duration until last assignment before first admin reply. In seconds. example: 2310 time_to_admin_reply: type: integer description: >- Duration until first admin reply. Subtracts out of business hours. In seconds. example: 2310 time_to_first_close: type: integer description: >- Duration until conversation was closed first time. Subtracts out of business hours. In seconds. example: 2310 time_to_last_close: type: integer description: >- Duration until conversation was closed last time. Subtracts out of business hours. In seconds. example: 2310 median_time_to_reply: type: integer description: >- Median based on all admin replies after a contact reply. Subtracts out of business hours. In seconds. example: 2310 first_contact_reply_at: type: integer format: date-time description: Time of first text conversation part from a contact. example: 1663597233 first_assignment_at: type: integer format: date-time description: Time of first assignment after first_contact_reply_at. example: 1663597233 first_admin_reply_at: type: integer format: date-time description: Time of first admin reply after first_contact_reply_at. example: 1663597233 first_close_at: type: integer format: date-time description: Time of first close after first_contact_reply_at. example: 1663597233 last_assignment_at: type: integer format: date-time description: Time of last assignment after first_contact_reply_at. example: 1663597233 last_assignment_admin_reply_at: type: integer format: date-time description: Time of first admin reply since most recent assignment. example: 1663597233 last_contact_reply_at: type: integer format: date-time description: Time of the last conversation part from a contact. example: 1663597233 last_admin_reply_at: type: integer format: date-time description: Time of the last conversation part from an admin. example: 1663597233 last_close_at: type: integer format: date-time description: Time of the last conversation close. example: 1663597233 last_closed_by_id: type: string description: >- The last admin who closed the conversation. Returns a reference to an Admin object. example: c3po count_reopens: type: integer description: Number of reopens after first_contact_reply_at. example: 1 count_assignments: type: integer description: Number of assignments after first_contact_reply_at. example: 1 count_conversation_parts: type: integer description: Total number of conversation parts. example: 1 conversation_teammates: title: Conversation teammates type: object nullable: true description: >- The list of teammates who participated in the conversation (wrote at least one conversation part). properties: type: type: string description: The type of the object - `admin.list`. example: admin.list teammates: type: array description: >- The list of teammates who participated in the conversation (wrote at least one conversation part). items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/reference' convert_visitor_request: description: You can merge a Visitor to a Contact of role type lead or user. type: object title: Convert Visitor Request Payload properties: type: type: string description: Represents the role of the Contact model. Accepts `lead` or `user`. example: user user: type: object description: The unique identifiers retained after converting or merging. properties: id: type: string description: >- The unique identifier for the contact which is given by Intercom. example: 8a88a590-e1c3-41e2-a502-e0649dbf721c user_id: type: string description: >- A unique identifier for the contact which is given to Intercom, which will be represented as external_id. example: 8a88a590-e1c3-41e2-a502-e0649dbf721c email: type: string description: The contact's email, retained by default if one is present. example: anyOf: - required: - id - required: - user_id visitor: type: object description: The unique identifiers to convert a single Visitor. properties: id: type: string description: >- The unique identifier for the contact which is given by Intercom. example: 8a88a590-e1c3-41e2-a502-e0649dbf721c user_id: type: string description: A unique identifier for the contact which is given to Intercom. example: 8a88a590-e1c3-41e2-a502-e0649dbf721c email: type: string description: The visitor's email. example: anyOf: - required: - id - required: - user_id - required: - email required: - type - user - visitor create_article_request: description: You can create an Article type: object title: Create Article Request Payload nullable: true properties: title: type: string description: >- The title of the article.For multilingual articles, this will be the title of the default language's content. example: Thanks for everything description: type: string description: >- The description of the article. For multilingual articles, this will be the description of the default language's content. example: Description of the Article body: type: string description: >- The content of the article. For multilingual articles, this will be the body of the default language's content. example:

This is the body in html

author_id: type: integer description: >- The id of the author of the article. For multilingual articles, this will be the id of the author of the default language's content. Must be a teammate on the help center's workspace. example: 1295 state: type: string description: >- Whether the article will be `published` or will be a `draft`. Defaults to draft. For multilingual articles, this will be the state of the default language's content. enum: - published - draft example: draft parent_id: type: integer description: >- The id of the article's parent collection or section. An article without this field stands alone. example: 18 parent_type: type: string description: The type of parent, which can either be a `collection` or `section`. example: collection translated_content: $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_translated_content' required: - title - author_id create_collection_request: description: You can create a collection type: object title: Create Collection Request Payload properties: name: type: string description: >- The name of the collection. For multilingual collections, this will be the name of the default language's content. example: collection 51 description: type: string description: >- The description of the collection. For multilingual collections, this will be the description of the default language's content. example: English description translated_content: nullable: true $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_translated_content' help_center_id: type: integer nullable: true description: >- The id of the help center where the collection will be created. If `null` then it will be created in the default help center. example: '123' required: - name create_contact_request: description: Payload to create a contact type: object title: Create Contact Request Payload properties: role: type: string description: The role of the contact. external_id: type: string description: A unique identifier for the contact which is given to Intercom email: type: string description: The contacts email example: phone: type: string nullable: true description: The contacts phone example: '+353871234567' name: type: string nullable: true description: The contacts name example: John Doe avatar: type: string nullable: true description: An image URL containing the avatar of a contact example: signed_up_at: type: integer format: date-time nullable: true description: The time specified for when a contact signed up example: 1571672154 last_seen_at: type: integer format: date-time nullable: true description: >- The time when the contact was last seen (either where the Intercom Messenger was installed or when specified manually) example: 1571672154 owner_id: type: integer nullable: true description: >- The id of an admin that has been assigned account ownership of the contact example: 123 unsubscribed_from_emails: type: boolean nullable: true description: Whether the contact is unsubscribed from emails example: true custom_attributes: type: object nullable: true description: The custom attributes which are set for the contact anyOf: - required: - email title: Create contact with email - required: - external_id title: Create contact with external_id - required: - role title: Create contact with role create_conversation_request: description: >- Conversations are how you can communicate with users in Intercom. They are created when a contact replies to an outbound message, or when one admin directly sends a message to a single contact. type: object title: Create Conversation Request Payload properties: from: type: object properties: type: type: string enum: - lead - user - contact description: The role associated to the contact - user or lead. example: user id: type: string description: The identifier for the contact which is given by Intercom. format: uuid minLength: 24 maxLength: 24 example: 536e564f316c83104c000020 required: - type - id body: type: string description: The content of the message. HTML is not supported. example: Hello required: - from - body create_data_attribute_request: description: '' type: object title: Create Data Attribute Request properties: name: type: string description: The name of the data attribute. example: My Data Attribute model: type: string description: The model that the data attribute belongs to. enum: - contact - company example: contact data_type: type: string description: The type of data stored for this attribute. enum: - string - integer - float - boolean - datetime - date example: string description: type: string description: The readable description you see in the UI for the attribute. example: My Data Attribute Description options: type: array description: >- To create list attributes. Provide a set of hashes with `value` as the key of the options you want to make. `data_type` must be `string`. items: type: string example: - option1 - option2 messenger_writable: type: boolean description: Can this attribute be updated by the Messenger example: false required: - name - model - data_type create_data_event_request: description: '' type: object title: Create Data Event Request properties: event_name: type: string description: >- The name of the event that occurred. This is presented to your App's admins when filtering and creating segments - a good event name is typically a past tense 'verb-noun' combination, to improve readability, for example `updated-plan`. example: invited-friend created_at: type: integer format: date-time description: The time the event occurred as a UTC Unix timestamp example: 1671028894 user_id: type: string description: Your identifier for the user. example: '314159' id: type: string description: >- The unique identifier for the contact (lead or user) which is given by Intercom. example: 8a88a590-e1c3-41e2-a502-e0649dbf721c email: type: string description: >- An email address for your user. An email should only be used where your application uses email to uniquely identify users. example: metadata: type: object description: Optional metadata about the event. additionalProperties: type: string example: invite_code: ADDAFRIEND anyOf: - title: id required required: - event_name - created_at - id - title: user_id required required: - event_name - created_at - user_id - title: email required required: - event_name - created_at - email create_data_event_summaries_request: description: >- You can send a list of event summaries for a user. Each event summary should contain the event name, the time the event occurred, and the number of times the event occurred. The event name should be a past tense "verb-noun" combination, to improve readability, for example `updated-plan`. type: object title: Create Data Event Summaries Request properties: user_id: type: string description: Your identifier for the user. example: '314159' event_summaries: type: object description: >- A list of event summaries for the user. Each event summary should contain the event name, the time the event occurred, and the number of times the event occurred. The event name should be a past tense 'verb-noun' combination, to improve readability, for example `updated-plan`. properties: event_name: type: string description: >- The name of the event that occurred. A good event name is typically a past tense 'verb-noun' combination, to improve readability, for example `updated-plan`. example: invited-friend count: type: integer description: The number of times the event occurred. example: 1 first: type: integer format: date-time description: The first time the event was sent example: 1671028894 last: type: integer format: date-time description: The last time the event was sent example: 1671028894 create_data_exports_request: description: Request for creating a data export type: object title: Create Data Export Request properties: created_at_after: type: integer description: >- The start date that you request data for. It must be formatted as a unix timestamp. example: 1527811200 created_at_before: type: integer description: >- The end date that you request data for. It must be formatted as a unix timestamp. example: 1527811200 required: - created_at_after - created_at_before create_message_request: description: You can create a message type: object title: Create Message Request Payload nullable: true properties: message_type: type: string description: 'The kind of message being created. Values: `in_app` or `email`.' enum: - in_app - email example: in_app subject: type: string description: The title of the email. example: Thanks for everything body: type: string description: The content of the message. HTML and plaintext are supported. example: Hello there template: type: string description: >- The style of the outgoing message. Possible values `plain` or `personal`. example: plain from: type: object description: >- The sender of the message. If not provided, the default sender will be used. properties: type: type: string description: Always `admin`. enum: - admin example: admin id: type: integer description: The identifier for the admin which is given by Intercom. example: 394051 required: - type - id to: type: object description: >- The sender of the message. If not provided, the default sender will be used. properties: type: type: string description: The role associated to the contact - `user` or `lead`. enum: - user - lead example: user id: type: string description: The identifier for the contact which is given by Intercom. example: 536e564f316c83104c000020 required: - type - id create_conversation_without_contact_reply: type: boolean description: >- Whether a conversation should be opened in the inbox for the message without the contact replying. Defaults to false if not provided. default: false example: true anyOf: - title: 'message_type: `email`.' required: - message_type - subject - body - template - from - to - title: 'message_type: `inapp`.' required: - message_type - body - from - to create_or_update_company_request: type: object title: Create Or Update Company Request Payload description: You can create or update a Company nullable: true properties: name: type: string description: The name of the Company example: Intercom company_id: type: string description: The company id you have defined for the company. Can't be updated example: 625e90fc55ab113b6d92175f plan: type: string description: The name of the plan you have associated with the company. example: Enterprise size: type: integer description: The number of employees in this company. example: '100' website: type: string description: >- The URL for this company's website. Please note that the value specified here is not validated. Accepts any string. example: industry: type: string description: The industry that this company operates in. example: Manufacturing custom_attributes: type: object description: >- A hash of key/value pairs containing any other data about the company you want Intercom to store. additionalProperties: type: string example: paid_subscriber: true monthly_spend: 155.5 team_mates: 9 remote_created_at: type: integer description: The time the company was created by you. example: 1394531169 monthly_spend: type: integer description: >- How much revenue the company generates for your business. Note that this will truncate floats. i.e. it only allow for whole integers, 155.98 will be truncated to 155. Note that this has an upper limit of 2**31-1 or 2147483647.. example: 1000 create_or_update_tag_request: description: You can create or update an existing tag. type: object title: Create or Update Tag Request Payload properties: name: type: string description: >- The name of the tag, which will be created if not found, or the new name for the tag if this is an update request. Names are case insensitive. example: Independent id: type: string description: The id of tag to updates. example: '656452352' required: - name create_phone_switch_request: description: You can create an phone switch type: object title: Create Phone Switch Request Payload nullable: true properties: phone: type: string description: >- Phone number in E.164 format, that will receive the SMS to continue the conversation in the Messenger. example: +1 1234567890 custom_attributes: $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_attributes' required: - phone create_section_request: description: You can create a Section type: object title: Create Section Request Payload properties: name: type: string description: >- The name of the collection. For multilingual collections, this will be the name of the default language's content. example: Section 51 parent_id: type: integer description: The id for the collection this section will be within. example: 18 translated_content: nullable: true $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_translated_content' required: - name - parent_id create_ticket_reply_request: title: Create Ticket Reply Request Payload type: object properties: body: type: string description: The message body of the note, which may contain HTML. example:


message_type: type: string description: The type of the reply. Only `note` is supported at the moment. example: note default: note admin_id: type: string description: The id of the admin who is making the note. example: '1234' required: - body - admin_id create_ticket_request: description: You can create a Ticket type: object title: Create Ticket Request Payload properties: ticket_type_id: type: string description: The ID of the type of ticket you want to create example: '1234' contacts: type: array description: >- The list of contacts (users or leads) affected by this ticket. Currently only one is allowed items: type: object oneOf: - title: ID properties: id: type: string description: The identifier for the contact as given by Intercom. required: - id - title: External ID properties: external_id: type: string description: >- The external_id you have defined for the contact who is being added as a participant. required: - external_id - title: Email properties: email: type: string description: >- The email you have defined for the contact who is being added as a participant. If a contact with this email does not exist, one will be created. required: - email example: - id: '1234' company_id: type: string description: >- The ID of the company that the ticket is associated with. The ID that you set upon company creation. example: '1234' ticket_attributes: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ticket_request_custom_attributes' required: - ticket_type_id - contacts create_ticket_type_attribute_request: description: You can create a Ticket Type Attribute type: object title: Create Ticket Type Attribute Request Payload properties: name: type: string description: The name of the ticket type attribute example: Bug Priority description: type: string description: >- The description of the attribute presented to the teammate or contact example: Priority level of the bug data_type: type: string description: The data type of the attribute enum: - string - list - integer - decimal - boolean - datetime - files example: string required_to_create: type: boolean description: >- Whether the attribute is required to be filled in when teammates are creating the ticket in Inbox. default: false example: false required_to_create_for_contacts: type: boolean description: >- Whether the attribute is required to be filled in when contacts are creating the ticket in Messenger. default: false example: false visible_on_create: type: boolean description: >- Whether the attribute is visible to teammates when creating a ticket in Inbox. default: true example: true visible_to_contacts: type: boolean description: >- Whether the attribute is visible to contacts when creating a ticket in Messenger. default: true example: true multiline: type: boolean description: >- Whether the attribute allows multiple lines of text (only applicable to string attributes) example: false list_items: type: string description: >- A comma delimited list of items for the attribute value (only applicable to list attributes) example: Low Priority,Medium Priority,High Priority allow_multiple_values: type: boolean description: >- Whether the attribute allows multiple files to be attached to it (only applicable to file attributes) example: false required: - name - description - data_type create_ticket_type_request: description: | The request payload for creating a ticket type. You can copy the `icon` property for your ticket type from [Twemoji Cheatsheet]( type: object title: Create Ticket Type Request Payload nullable: true properties: name: type: string description: The name of the ticket type. example: Bug description: type: string description: The description of the ticket type. example: Used for tracking bugs icon: type: string description: The icon of the ticket type. example: 🐞 default: 🎟️ is_internal: type: boolean description: >- Whether the tickets associated with this ticket type are intended for internal use only or will be shared with customers. This is currently a limited attribute. example: false default: false required: - name cursor_pages: title: Cursor based pages type: object description: > Cursor-based pagination is a technique used in the Intercom API to navigate through large amounts of data. A "cursor" or pointer is used to keep track of the current position in the result set, allowing the API to return the data in small chunks or "pages" as needed. nullable: true properties: type: type: string description: the type of object `pages`. example: pages enum: - pages page: type: integer description: The current page example: 1 next: $ref: '#/components/schemas/starting_after_paging' per_page: type: integer description: Number of results per page example: 2 total_pages: type: integer description: Total number of pages example: 13 custom_attributes: title: Custom Attributes type: object description: >- An object containing the different custom attributes associated to the conversation as key-value pairs. For relationship attributes the value will be a list of custom object instance models. additionalProperties: anyOf: - type: string - $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_object_instance' custom_object_instance: title: Custom Object Instance type: object x-tags: - Custom Object Instances nullable: true description: >- A Custom Object Instance represents an instance of a custom object type. This allows you to create and set custom attributes to store data about your customers that is not already captured by Intercom. The parent object includes recommended default attributes and you can add your own custom attributes. properties: id: type: string description: The Intercom defined id representing the custom object instance. example: 5a7a19e9f59ae20001d1c1e6 external_id: type: string description: The id you have defined for the custom object instance. example: 0001d1c1e65a7a19e9f59ae2 type: type: string description: >- The identifier of the custom object type that defines the structure of the custom object instance. example: Order custom_attributes: type: object description: The custom attributes you have set on the custom object instance. additionalProperties: type: string customer_request: type: object nullable: true oneOf: - title: Intercom User ID properties: intercom_user_id: type: string description: The identifier for the contact as given by Intercom. example: 6329bd9ffe4e2e91dac76188 required: - intercom_user_id - title: User ID properties: user_id: type: string description: >- The external_id you have defined for the contact who is being added as a participant. example: 2e91dac761886329bd9ffe4e required: - user_id - title: Email properties: email: type: string description: >- The email you have defined for the contact who is being added as a participant. example: required: - email data_attribute: title: Data Attribute type: object x-tags: - Data Attributes description: >- Data Attributes are metadata used to describe your contact, company and conversation models. These include standard and custom attributes. By using the data attributes endpoint, you can get the global list of attributes for your workspace, as well as create and archive custom attributes. properties: type: type: string description: Value is `data_attribute`. enum: - data_attribute example: data_attribute id: type: integer description: >- The unique identifier for the data attribute which is given by Intercom. Only available for custom attributes. example: 12878 model: type: string description: >- Value is `contact` for user/lead attributes and `company` for company attributes. enum: - contact - company example: contact name: type: string description: Name of the attribute. example: paid_subscriber full_name: type: string description: >- Full name of the attribute. Should match the name unless it's a nested attribute. We can split full_name on `.` to access nested user object values. example: custom_attributes.paid_subscriber label: type: string description: Readable name of the attribute (i.e. name you see in the UI) example: Paid Subscriber description: type: string description: Readable description of the attribute. example: Whether the user is a paid subscriber. data_type: type: string description: The data type of the attribute. enum: - string - integer - float - boolean - date example: boolean options: type: array description: List of predefined options for attribute value. items: type: string example: - 'true' - 'false' api_writable: type: boolean description: Can this attribute be updated through API example: true messenger_writable: type: boolean description: Can this attribute be updated by the Messenger example: false ui_writable: type: boolean description: Can this attribute be updated in the UI example: true custom: type: boolean description: Set to true if this is a CDA example: true archived: type: boolean description: Is this attribute archived. (Only applicable to CDAs) example: false created_at: type: integer format: date-time description: The time the attribute was created as a UTC Unix timestamp example: 1671028894 updated_at: type: integer format: date-time description: The time the attribute was last updated as a UTC Unix timestamp example: 1671028894 admin_id: type: string description: Teammate who created the attribute. Only applicable to CDAs example: '5712945' data_attribute_list: title: Data Attribute List type: object description: >- A list of all data attributes belonging to a workspace for contacts, companies or conversations. properties: type: type: string description: The type of the object enum: - list example: list data: type: array description: A list of data attributes items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/data_attribute' data_event: title: Data Event type: object x-tags: - Data Events description: Data events are used to notify Intercom of changes to your data. properties: type: type: string description: The type of the object enum: - event example: event event_name: type: string description: >- The name of the event that occurred. This is presented to your App's admins when filtering and creating segments - a good event name is typically a past tense 'verb-noun' combination, to improve readability, for example `updated-plan`. example: invited-friend created_at: type: integer format: date-time description: The time the event occurred as a UTC Unix timestamp example: 1671028894 user_id: type: string description: Your identifier for the user. example: '314159' id: type: string description: Your identifier for a lead or a user. example: 8a88a590-e1c3-41e2-a502-e0649dbf721c intercom_user_id: type: string description: The Intercom identifier for the user. example: 63a0979a5eeebeaf28dd56ba email: type: string description: >- An email address for your user. An email should only be used where your application uses email to uniquely identify users. example: metadata: type: object description: Optional metadata about the event. additionalProperties: type: string example: invite_code: ADDAFRIEND required: - event_name - created_at data_event_list: title: Data Event List type: object description: This will return a list of data events for the App. properties: type: type: string description: The type of the object enum: - event.list example: event.list events: type: array description: A list of data events items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/data_event' pages: type: object description: Pagination properties: next: type: string example: >-" since: type: string example: >- data_event_summary: title: Data Event Summary type: object description: This will return a summary of data events for the App. properties: type: type: string description: The type of the object enum: - event.summary example: event.summary email: type: string description: The email address of the user example: intercom_user_id: type: string description: The Intercom user ID of the user example: 63a0979a5eeebeaf28dd56ba user_id: type: string description: The user ID of the user example: 62b997f288e14803c5006932 events: type: array description: A summary of data events items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/data_event_summary_item' data_event_summary_item: title: Data Event Summary Item type: object description: This will return a summary of a data event for the App. nullable: true properties: name: type: string description: The name of the event example: placed-order first: type: string description: The first time the event was sent example: '2014-01-16T23:12:21.000+00:00' last: type: string description: The last time the event was sent example: '2014-01-16T23:12:21.000+00:00 ' count: type: integer description: The number of times the event was sent example: 1 description: type: string description: The description of the event example: A user placed an order data_export: title: Data Export type: object x-tags: - Data Export description: >- The data export api is used to view all message sent & viewed in a given timeframe. properties: job_identfier: type: string description: The identifier for your job. example: orzzsbd7hk67xyu status: type: string enum: - pending - in_progress - failed - completed - no_data - canceled description: The current state of your job. example: pending download_expires_at: type: string description: The time after which you will not be able to access the data. example: '1674917488' download_url: type: string description: The location where you can download your data. example: https://api.intercom.test/download/messages/data/example data_export_csv: title: Data Export CSV type: object description: A CSV output file properties: user_id: type: string description: The user_id of the user who was sent the message. user_external_id: type: string description: The external_user_id of the user who was sent the message company_id: type: string description: >- The company ID of the user in relation to the message that was sent. Will return -1 if no company is present. email: type: string description: The users email who was sent the message. name: type: string description: The full name of the user receiving the message ruleset_id: type: string description: The id of the message. content_id: type: string description: >- The specific content that was received. In an A/B test each version has its own Content ID. content_type: type: string description: Email, Chat, Post etc. content_title: type: string description: The title of the content you see in your Intercom workspace. ruleset_version_id: type: string description: >- As you edit content we record new versions. This ID can help you determine which version of a piece of content that was received. receipt_id: type: string description: >- ID for this receipt. Will be included with any related stats in other files to identify this specific delivery of a message. received_at: type: integer description: Timestamp for when the receipt was recorded. series_id: type: string description: >- The id of the series that this content is part of. Will return -1 if not part of a series. series_title: type: string description: The title of the series that this content is part of. node_id: type: string description: >- The id of the series node that this ruleset is associated with. Each block in a series has a corresponding node_id. first_reply: type: integer description: >- The first time a user replied to this message if the content was able to receive replies. first_completion: type: integer description: >- The first time a user completed this message if the content was able to be completed e.g. Tours, Surveys. first_series_completion: type: integer description: >- The first time the series this message was a part of was completed by the user. first_series_disengagement: type: integer description: >- The first time the series this message was a part of was disengaged by the user. first_series_exit: type: integer description: >- The first time the series this message was a part of was exited by the user. first_goal_success: type: integer description: >- The first time the user met this messages associated goal if one exists. first_open: type: integer description: The first time the user opened this message. first_click: type: integer description: >- The first time the series the user clicked on a link within this message. first_dismisall: type: integer description: The first time the series the user dismissed this message. first_unsubscribe: type: integer description: The first time the user unsubscribed from this message. first_hard_bounce: type: integer description: The first time this message hard bounced for this user deleted_article_object: title: Deleted Article Object type: object description: Response returned when an object is deleted properties: id: type: string description: The unique identifier for the article which you provided in the URL. example: '6890762' object: type: string description: The type of object which was deleted. - article enum: - article example: article deleted: type: boolean description: Whether the article was deleted successfully or not. example: true deleted_collection_object: title: Deleted Collection Object type: object description: Response returned when an object is deleted properties: id: type: string description: >- The unique identifier for the collection which you provided in the URL. example: '6890762' object: type: string description: The type of object which was deleted. - `collection` enum: - collection example: collection deleted: type: boolean description: Whether the collection was deleted successfully or not. example: true deleted_company_object: title: Deleted Company Object type: object description: Response returned when an object is deleted properties: id: type: string description: The unique identifier for the company which is given by Intercom. example: 5b7e8b2f-7a1a-4e6c-8e1b-4f9d4f4c4d4f object: type: string description: The type of object which was deleted. - `company` enum: - company example: company deleted: type: boolean description: Whether the company was deleted successfully or not. example: true deleted_object: title: Deleted Object type: object description: Response returned when an object is deleted properties: id: type: string description: >- The unique identifier for the news item which you provided in the URL. example: '6890762' object: type: string description: The type of object which was deleted - news-item. enum: - news-item example: news-item deleted: type: boolean description: Whether the news item was deleted successfully or not. example: true deleted_section_object: title: Deleted Section Object type: object description: Response returned when an object is deleted properties: id: type: string description: The unique identifier for the section which you provided in the URL. example: '6890762' object: type: string description: The type of object which was deleted. - `section` enum: - section example: section deleted: type: boolean description: Whether the section was deleted successfully or not. example: true detach_contact_from_conversation_request: properties: admin_id: type: string description: The `id` of the admin who is performing the action. example: '5017690' required: - admin_id error: type: object title: Error description: >- The API will return an Error List for a failed request, which will contain one or more Error objects. properties: type: type: string description: The type is error.list example: error.list request_id: type: string nullable: true format: uuid description: '' example: f93ecfa8-d08a-4325-8694-89aeb89c8f85 errors: type: array description: An array of one or more error objects items: properties: code: type: string description: >- A string indicating the kind of error, used to further qualify the HTTP response code example: unauthorized message: type: string nullable: true description: Optional. Human readable description of the error. example: Access Token Invalid field: type: string nullable: true description: >- Optional. Used to identify a particular field or query parameter that was in error. example: email required: - code required: - type - errors file_attribute: title: File type: object description: The value describing a file upload set for a custom attribute properties: type: type: string example: upload name: type: string description: The name of the file example: Screenshot.png url: type: string description: >- The url of the file. This is a temporary URL and will expire after 30 minutes. example: content_type: type: string description: The type of file example: image/png filesize: type: integer description: The size of the file in bytes example: 11308309 width: type: integer description: The width of the file in pixels, if applicable example: 3024 height: type: integer description: The height of the file in pixels, if applicable example: 1964 group_content: title: Group Content type: object description: The Content of a Group. nullable: true properties: type: type: string description: The type of object - `group_content` . enum: - null - group_content example: group_content nullable: true name: type: string description: The name of the collection or section. example: Collection name description: type: string description: The description of the collection. Only available for collections. example: ' Collection description' group_translated_content: title: Group Translated Content type: object description: >- The Translated Content of an Group. The keys are the locale codes and the values are the translated content of the Group. nullable: true properties: type: type: string description: The type of object - group_translated_content. nullable: true enum: - null - group_translated_content example: group_translated_content ar: description: The content of the group in Arabic $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' bg: description: The content of the group in Bulgarian $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' bs: description: The content of the group in Bosnian $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' ca: description: The content of the group in Catalan $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' cs: description: The content of the group in Czech $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' da: description: The content of the group in Danish $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' de: description: The content of the group in German $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' el: description: The content of the group in Greek $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' en: description: The content of the group in English $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' es: description: The content of the group in Spanish $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' et: description: The content of the group in Estonian $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' fi: description: The content of the group in Finnish $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' fr: description: The content of the group in French $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' he: description: The content of the group in Hebrew $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' hr: description: The content of the group in Croatian $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' hu: description: The content of the group in Hungarian $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' id: description: The content of the group in Indonesian $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' it: description: The content of the group in Italian $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' ja: description: The content of the group in Japanese $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' ko: description: The content of the group in Korean $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' lt: description: The content of the group in Lithuanian $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' lv: description: The content of the group in Latvian $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' mn: description: The content of the group in Mongolian $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' nb: description: The content of the group in Norwegian $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' nl: description: The content of the group in Dutch $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' pl: description: The content of the group in Polish $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' pt: description: The content of the group in Portuguese (Portugal) $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' ro: description: The content of the group in Romanian $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' ru: description: The content of the group in Russian $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' sl: description: The content of the group in Slovenian $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' sr: description: The content of the group in Serbian $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' sv: description: The content of the group in Swedish $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' tr: description: The content of the group in Turkish $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' vi: description: The content of the group in Vietnamese $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' pt-BR: description: The content of the group in Portuguese (Brazil) $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' zh-CN: description: The content of the group in Chinese (China) $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' zh-TW: description: The content of the group in Chinese (Taiwan) $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_content' help_center: title: Help Center type: object x-tags: - Help Center description: Help Centers contain collections properties: id: type: string description: >- The unique identifier for the Help Center which is given by Intercom. example: '123' workspace_id: type: string description: The id of the workspace which the Help Center belongs to. example: hfi1bx4l created_at: type: integer format: date-time description: The time when the Help Center was created. example: 1672928359 updated_at: type: integer format: date-time description: The time when the Help Center was last updated. example: 1672928610 identifier: type: string description: >- The identifier of the Help Center. This is used in the URL of the Help Center. example: intercom website_turned_on: type: boolean description: >- Whether the Help Center is turned on or not. This is controlled in your Help Center settings. example: true display_name: type: string description: The display name of the Help Center only seen by teammates. example: Intercom Help Center help_center_list: title: Help Centers type: object x-tags: - Help Center description: A list of Help Centers belonging to the App properties: type: type: string description: The type of the object - `list`. enum: - list example: list data: type: array description: An array of Help Center objects items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/help_center' intercom_version: description: >- Intercom API version.
By default, it's equal to the version set in the app package. type: string example: '2.9' default: '2.9' enum: - '1.0' - '1.1' - '1.2' - '1.3' - '1.4' - '2.0' - '2.1' - '2.2' - '2.3' - '2.4' - '2.5' - '2.6' - '2.7' - '2.8' - '2.9' - '2.10' - '2.11' - Unstable merge_contacts_request: description: Merge contact data. type: object title: Merge contact data properties: from: type: string description: >- The unique identifier for the contact to merge away from. Must be a lead. example: 5d70dd30de4efd54f42fd526 into: type: string description: The unique identifier for the contact to merge into. Must be a user. example: 5ba682d23d7cf92bef87bfd4 message: type: object title: Message x-tags: - Messages description: >- Message are how you reach out to contacts in Intercom. They are created when an admin sends an outbound message to a contact. properties: type: type: string description: The type of the message example: user_message id: type: string description: The id representing the message. example: '1488971108' created_at: type: integer format: date-time description: The time the conversation was created. example: 1667560812 subject: type: string description: 'The subject of the message. Only present if message_type: email.' example: Greetings body: type: string description: The message body, which may contain HTML. example: Hello message_type: type: string enum: - email - inapp - facebook - twitter description: >- The type of message that was sent. Can be email, inapp, facebook or twitter. example: inapp conversation_id: type: string description: The associated conversation_id example: '64619700005570' required: - type - id - created_at - body - message_type multiple_filter_search_request: title: Multiple Filter Search Request description: Search using Intercoms Search APIs with more than one filter. type: object properties: operator: type: string enum: - AND - OR description: An operator to allow boolean inspection between multiple fields. example: AND value: oneOf: - type: array description: Add mutiple filters. title: multiple filter search request items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/multiple_filter_search_request' - type: array description: Add a single filter field. title: single filter search request items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/single_filter_search_request' news_item: title: News Item type: object x-tags: - News description: >- A News Item is a content type in Intercom enabling you to announce product updates, company news, promotions, events and more with your customers. properties: type: type: string description: The type of object. enum: - news-item example: news-item id: type: string description: The unique identifier for the news item which is given by Intercom. example: '141' workspace_id: type: string description: The id of the workspace which the news item belongs to. example: t74hdn32 title: type: string description: The title of the news item. example: 'New feature: News Items' body: type: string description: The news item body, which may contain HTML. example: >- We are excited to announce the launch of News Items, a new content type in Intercom enabling you to announce product updates, company news, promotions, events and more with your customers. sender_id: type: integer description: >- The id of the sender of the news item. Must be a teammate on the workspace. example: 123 state: type: string description: >- News items will not be visible to your users in the assigned newsfeeds until they are set live. enum: - draft - live example: live newsfeed_assignments: type: array description: A list of newsfeed_assignments to assign to the specified newsfeed. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/newsfeed_assignment' labels: type: array description: Label names displayed to users to categorize the news item. items: type: string nullable: true description: The label name. example: Product Update cover_image_url: type: string format: uri nullable: true description: URL of the image used as cover. Must have .jpg or .png extension. example: reactions: type: array description: >- Ordered list of emoji reactions to the news item. When empty, reactions are disabled. items: type: string nullable: true description: The emoji reaction to the news item. example: 👍 deliver_silently: type: boolean description: >- When set to true, the news item will appear in the messenger newsfeed without showing a notification badge. example: true created_at: type: integer format: timestamp description: Timestamp for when the news item was created. example: 1610589632 updated_at: type: integer format: timestamp description: Timestamp for when the news item was last updated. example: 1610589632 news_item_request: description: >- A News Item is a content type in Intercom enabling you to announce product updates, company news, promotions, events and more with your customers. type: object title: Create News Item Request properties: title: type: string description: The title of the news item. example: Halloween is here! body: type: string description: The news item body, which may contain HTML. example:

New costumes in store for this spooky season

sender_id: type: integer description: >- The id of the sender of the news item. Must be a teammate on the workspace. example: 123 state: type: string description: >- News items will not be visible to your users in the assigned newsfeeds until they are set live. enum: - draft - live example: live deliver_silently: type: boolean description: >- When set to `true`, the news item will appear in the messenger newsfeed without showing a notification badge. example: true labels: type: array description: Label names displayed to users to categorize the news item. items: type: string example: - Product - Update - New reactions: type: array description: >- Ordered list of emoji reactions to the news item. When empty, reactions are disabled. items: type: string nullable: true example: - 😆 - 😅 newsfeed_assignments: type: array description: A list of newsfeed_assignments to assign to the specified newsfeed. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/newsfeed_assignment' required: - title - sender_id newsfeed: title: Newsfeed type: object x-tags: - News description: > A newsfeed is a collection of news items, targeted to a specific audience. Newsfeeds currently cannot be edited through the API, please refer to [this article]( to set up your newsfeeds in Intercom. properties: id: type: string description: The unique identifier for the newsfeed which is given by Intercom. example: '12312' type: type: string description: The type of object. enum: - newsfeed example: newsfeed name: type: string description: >- The name of the newsfeed. This name will never be visible to your users. example: My Newsfeed created_at: type: integer format: timestamp description: Timestamp for when the newsfeed was created. example: 1674917488 updated_at: type: integer format: timestamp description: Timestamp for when the newsfeed was last updated. example: 1674917488 newsfeed_assignment: title: Newsfeed Assignment type: object x-tags: - News description: Assigns a news item to a newsfeed. properties: newsfeed_id: type: integer description: >- The unique identifier for the newsfeed which is given by Intercom. Publish dates cannot be in the future, to schedule news items use the dedicated feature in app (see this article). example: 198313 published_at: type: integer format: timestamp description: >- Publish date of the news item on the newsfeed, use this field if you want to set a publish date in the past (e.g. when importing existing news items). On write, this field will be ignored if the news item state is "draft". example: 1674917488 note: title: Note type: object x-tags: - Notes description: Notes allow you to annotate and comment on your contacts. properties: type: type: string description: String representing the object's type. Always has the value `note`. example: note id: type: string description: The id of the note. example: '17495962' created_at: type: integer format: timestamp description: The time the note was created. example: 1674589321 contact: type: object description: Represents the contact that the note was created about. nullable: true properties: type: type: string description: >- String representing the object's type. Always has the value `contact`. id: type: string description: The id of the contact. example: 214656d0c743eafcfde7f248 author: $ref: '#/components/schemas/admin' description: Optional. Represents the Admin that created the note. body: type: string description: The body text of the note. example:

Text for the note.

note_list: title: Paginated Response type: object description: A paginated list of notes associated with a contact. properties: type: type: string description: String representing the object's type. Always has the value `list`. example: list data: type: array description: An array of notes. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/note' total_count: type: integer description: A count of the total number of notes. example: 1 pages: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cursor_pages' open_conversation_request: title: Open Conversation Request type: object description: Payload of the request to open a conversation properties: message_type: type: string enum: - open example: open admin_id: type: string description: The id of the admin who is performing the action. example: '5017690' required: - message_type - admin_id pages_link: title: Pagination Object type: object description: > The majority of list resources in the API are paginated to allow clients to traverse data over multiple requests. Their responses are likely to contain a pages object that hosts pagination links which a client can use to paginate through the data without having to construct a query. The link relations for the pages field are as follows. properties: type: type: string example: pages enum: - pages page: type: integer example: 1 next: type: string format: uri description: >- A link to the next page of results. A response that does not contain a next link does not have further data to fetch. nullable: true per_page: type: integer example: 50 total_pages: type: integer example: 1 paginated_response: title: Paginated Response type: object description: Paginated Response properties: type: type: string description: The type of object enum: - list - conversation.list example: list pages: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cursor_pages' total_count: type: integer description: A count of the total number of objects. example: 1 data: type: array description: An array of Objects items: anyOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/news_item' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/newsfeed' part_attachment: title: Part attachment type: object description: The file attached to a part properties: type: type: string description: The type of attachment example: upload name: type: string description: The name of the attachment example: example.png url: type: string description: The URL of the attachment example: content_type: type: string description: The content type of the attachment example: image/png filesize: type: integer description: The size of the attachment example: 100 width: type: integer description: The width of the attachment example: 100 height: type: integer description: The height of the attachment example: 100 phone_switch: title: Phone Switch type: object description: Phone Switch Response nullable: true properties: type: type: string description: '' enum: - phone_call_redirect default: phone_call_redirect example: phone_call_redirect phone: type: string description: >- Phone number in E.164 format, that has received the SMS to continue the conversation in the Messenger. example: +1 1234567890 redact_conversation_request: oneOf: - title: Redact Conversation Part Request type: object description: Payload of the request to redact a conversation part properties: type: type: string enum: - conversation_part description: The type of resource being redacted. example: conversation_part conversation_id: type: string description: The id of the conversation. example: '19894788788' conversation_part_id: type: string description: The id of the conversation_part. example: '19381789428' required: - type - conversation_id - conversation_part_id - title: Redact Conversation Source Request type: object description: Payload of the request to redact a conversation source properties: type: type: string enum: - source description: The type of resource being redacted. example: source conversation_id: type: string description: The id of the conversation. example: '19894788788' source_id: type: string description: The id of the source. example: '19894781231' required: - type - conversation_id - source_id reference: title: Reference type: object description: reference to another object properties: type: type: string description: '' example: contact id: type: string nullable: true description: '' example: 1a2b3c reply_conversation_request: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact_reply_conversation_request' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/admin_reply_conversation_request' search_request: description: Search using Intercoms Search APIs. type: object title: Search data properties: query: oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/single_filter_search_request' title: Single filter search request - $ref: '#/components/schemas/multiple_filter_search_request' title: multiple filter search request pagination: $ref: '#/components/schemas/starting_after_paging' required: - query section: title: Section type: object x-tags: - Help Center description: >- Sections are subdivisions of a collection, with a collection potentially having multiple sections. properties: type: type: string description: The type of object - `section`. enum: - section default: section example: section id: type: string description: The unique identifier for the section which is given by Intercom. example: '6871119' workspace_id: type: string description: The id of the workspace which the section belongs to. example: hfi1bx4l name: type: string description: >- The name of the section. For multilingual sections, this will be the name of the default language's content. example: Default language name created_at: type: integer format: date-time description: >- The time when the section was created. For multilingual sections, this will be the timestamp of creation of the default language's content. example: 1672928359 updated_at: type: integer format: date-time description: >- The time when the section was last updated. For multilingual sections, this will be the timestamp of last update of the default language's content. example: 1672928610 url: type: string nullable: true description: >- The URL of the section. For multilingual help centers, this will be the URL of the section for the default language. example: http://intercom.test/help/section/name icon: type: string nullable: true description: The icon of the section. example: book-bookmark order: type: integer description: >- The order of the section in relation to others sections within a collection. Values go from `0` upwards. `0` is the default if there's no order. example: '1' parent_id: oneOf: - type: integer title: Integer - type: string title: String description: The id of the parent section. example: 6871119 default_locale: type: string description: >- The default locale of the help center. This field is only returned for multilingual help centers. example: en translated_content: nullable: true $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_translated_content' section_list: title: Sections type: object description: This will return a list of Sections for the App. properties: type: type: string description: The type of the object - `list`. enum: - list example: list pages: $ref: '#/components/schemas/cursor_pages' total_count: type: integer description: A count of the total number of sections. example: 12 data: type: array description: An array of section objects items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/section' segment: title: Segment type: object x-tags: - Segments description: A segment is a group of your contacts defined by the rules that you set. properties: type: type: string description: The type of object. enum: - segment example: segment id: type: string description: The unique identifier representing the segment. example: 56203d253cba154d39010062 name: type: string description: The name of the segment. example: Active created_at: type: integer description: The time the segment was created. example: 1394621988 updated_at: type: integer description: The time the segment was updated. example: 1394622004 person_type: type: string description: 'Type of the contact: contact (lead) or user.' enum: - contact - user example: contact count: type: integer description: >- The number of items in the user segment. It's returned when `include_count=true` is included in the request. example: 3 nullable: true segment_list: title: Segment List type: object description: >- This will return a list of Segment Objects. The result may also have a pages object if the response is paginated. properties: type: type: string description: The type of the object enum: - segment.list example: segment.list segments: type: array description: A list of Segment objects items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/segment' pages: type: object description: >- A pagination object, which may be empty, indicating no further pages to fetch. single_filter_search_request: title: Single Filter Search Request description: Search using Intercoms Search APIs with a single filter. type: object properties: field: type: string description: The accepted field that you want to search on. example: created_at operator: type: string enum: - '=' - '!=' - IN - NIN - < - '>' - '~' - '!~' - ^ - $ description: >- The accepted operators you can use to define how you want to search for the value. example: '>' value: type: string description: The value that you want to search on. example: '73732934' sla_applied: title: Applied SLA type: object nullable: true description: > The SLA Applied object contains the details for which SLA has been applied to this conversation. Important: if there are any canceled sla_events for the conversation - meaning an SLA has been manually removed from a conversation, the sla_status will always be returned as null. properties: type: type: string description: object type example: conversation_sla_summary sla_name: type: string description: The name of the SLA as given by the teammate when it was created. example: '' sla_status: type: string enum: - hit - missed - cancelled - active description: |- SLA statuses: - `hit`: If there’s at least one hit event in the underlying sla_events table, and no “missed” or “canceled” events for the conversation. - `missed`: If there are any missed sla_events for the conversation and no canceled events. If there’s even a single missed sla event, the status will always be missed. A missed status is not applied when the SLA expires, only the next time a teammate replies. - `active`: An SLA has been applied to a conversation, but has not yet been fulfilled. SLA status is active only if there are no “hit, “missed”, or “canceled” events. example: hit snooze_conversation_request: title: Snooze Conversation Request type: object description: Payload of the request to snooze a conversation properties: message_type: type: string enum: - snoozed example: snoozed admin_id: type: string description: The id of the admin who is performing the action. example: '5017691' snoozed_until: type: integer format: timestamp description: The time you want the conversation to reopen. example: 1673609604 required: - message_type - admin_id - snoozed_until social_profile: title: Social Profile type: object description: >- A Social Profile allows you to label your contacts, companies, and conversations and list them using that Social Profile. properties: type: type: string description: value is "social_profile" example: social_profile name: type: string description: The name of the Social media profile example: Facebook url: type: string format: uri description: The name of the Social media profile example: starting_after_paging: title: 'Pagination: Starting After' type: object nullable: true properties: per_page: type: integer description: The number of results to fetch per page. example: 2 starting_after: type: string description: >- The cursor to use in the next request to get the next page of results. nullable: true example: your-cursor-from-response subscription_type: title: Subscription Types type: object x-tags: - Subscription Types description: >- A subscription type lets customers easily opt out of non-essential communications without missing what's important to them. properties: type: type: string description: The type of the object - subscription example: subscription id: type: string description: The unique identifier representing the subscription type. example: '123456' state: type: string description: The state of the subscription type. enum: - live - draft - archived example: live default_translation: $ref: '#/components/schemas/translation' translations: type: array description: >- An array of translations objects with the localised version of the subscription type in each available locale within your translation settings. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/translation' consent_type: type: string description: Describes the type of consent. enum: - opt_out - opt_in example: opt_in content_types: type: array description: >- The message types that this subscription supports - can contain `email` or `sms_message`. items: type: string enum: - email - sms_message example: email subscription_type_list: title: Subscription Types type: object description: A list of subscription type objects. properties: type: type: string description: The type of the object enum: - list example: list data: type: array description: A list of subscription type objects associated with the workspace . items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/subscription_type' tag: title: Tag type: object x-tags: - Tags description: >- A tag allows you to label your contacts, companies, and conversations and list them using that tag. properties: type: type: string description: value is "tag" example: tag id: type: string description: The id of the tag example: '123456' name: type: string description: The name of the tag example: Test tag applied_at: type: integer format: date-time description: The time when the tag was applied to the object example: 1663597223 applied_by: $ref: '#/components/schemas/reference' tag_company_request: description: You can tag a single company or a list of companies. type: object title: Tag Company Request Payload properties: name: type: string description: The name of the tag, which will be created if not found. example: Independent companies: type: array items: properties: id: type: string description: The Intercom defined id representing the company. example: 531ee472cce572a6ec000006 company_id: type: string description: The company id you have defined for the company. example: '6' description: >- The id or company_id of the company can be passed as input parameters. required: - name - companies tag_list: title: Tags type: object description: A list of tags objects in the workspace. properties: type: type: string description: The type of the object enum: - list example: list data: type: array description: A list of tags objects associated with the workspace . items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/tag' tag_multiple_users_request: description: You can tag a list of users. type: object title: Tag Users Request Payload properties: name: type: string description: The name of the tag, which will be created if not found. example: Independent users: type: array items: properties: id: type: string description: The Intercom defined id representing the user. example: 5f7f0d217289f8d2f4262080 required: - name - users tags: title: Tags type: object description: A list of tags objects associated with a conversation properties: type: type: string description: The type of the object enum: - tag.list example: tag.list tags: type: array description: A list of tags objects associated with the conversation. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/tag' team: title: Team type: object x-tags: - Teams description: Teams are groups of admins in Intercom. properties: type: type: string description: Value is always "team" example: team id: type: string description: The id of the team example: '814865' name: type: string description: The name of the team example: Example Team admin_ids: type: array description: The list of admin IDs that are a part of the team. example: - 493881 items: type: integer admin_priority_level: $ref: '#/components/schemas/admin_priority_level' team_list: title: Team List type: object description: This will return a list of team objects for the App. properties: type: type: string description: The type of the object enum: - team.list example: team.list teams: type: array description: A list of team objects items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/team' team_priority_level: title: Team Priority Level type: object nullable: true description: Admin priority levels for teams properties: primary_team_ids: type: array description: The primary team ids for the team nullable: true example: - 814865 items: type: integer secondary_team_ids: type: array description: The secondary team ids for the team nullable: true example: - 493881 items: type: integer ticket: title: Ticket type: object x-tags: - Tickets description: Tickets are how you track requests from your users. nullable: true properties: type: type: string description: Always ticket enum: - ticket default: ticket example: ticket id: type: string description: The unique identifier for the ticket which is given by Intercom. example: '1295' ticket_id: type: string description: >- The ID of the Ticket used in the Intercom Inbox and Messenger. Do not use ticket_id for API queries. example: '1390' ticket_attributes: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ticket_custom_attributes' ticket_state: type: string description: The state the ticket is currenly in enum: - submitted - in_progress - waiting_on_customer - resolved example: submitted ticket_state_internal_label: type: string description: >- The state the ticket is currently in, in a human readable form - visible in Intercom ticket_state_external_label: type: string description: >- The state the ticket is currently in, in a human readable form - visible to customers, in the messenger, email and tickets portal. ticket_type: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ticket_type' contacts: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ticket_contacts' admin_assignee_id: type: string description: The id representing the admin assigned to the ticket. example: '1295' team_assignee_id: type: string description: The id representing the team assigned to the ticket. example: '1295' created_at: type: integer format: date-time description: The time the ticket was created as a UTC Unix timestamp. example: 1663597223 updated_at: type: integer format: date-time description: The last time the ticket was updated as a UTC Unix timestamp. example: 1663597260 ticket_parts: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ticket_parts' is_shared: type: boolean description: Whether or not the ticket is shared with the customer. example: true ticket_contacts: title: Contacts type: object x-tags: - Tickets description: The list of contacts affected by a ticket. properties: type: type: string description: always contact.list enum: - contact.list example: contact.list contacts: type: array description: The list of contacts affected by this ticket. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/contact_reference' ticket_custom_attributes: title: Ticket Attributes type: object description: >- An object containing the different attributes associated to the ticket as key-value pairs. For the default title and description attributes, the keys are `_default_title_` and `_default_description_`. additionalProperties: anyOf: - type: string nullable: true - type: number - type: boolean - type: array - $ref: '#/components/schemas/file_attribute' example: _default_title_: Found a bug _default_description_: The button's not working ticket_note: title: A Ticket Part representing a note type: object description: A Ticket Part representing a note in the ticket properties: type: type: string description: Always ticket_part example: ticket_part enum: - ticket_part id: type: string description: The id representing the note. example: '3' part_type: type: string description: Always note example: note enum: - note body: type: string nullable: true description: The message body, which may contain HTML. example:


created_at: type: integer format: date-time description: The time the note was created. example: 1663597223 updated_at: type: integer format: date-time description: The last time the note was updated. example: 1663597260 author: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ticket_part_author' attachments: title: Ticket part attachments type: array description: A list of attachments for the part. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/part_attachment' redacted: type: boolean description: Whether or not the ticket part has been redacted. example: false ticket_part: title: Ticket Part type: object x-tags: - Tickets description: A Ticket Part represents a message in the ticket. properties: type: type: string description: Always ticket_part example: ticket_part id: type: string description: The id representing the ticket part. example: '3' part_type: type: string description: The type of ticket part. example: comment body: type: string nullable: true description: The message body, which may contain HTML. example:


previous_ticket_state: type: string enum: - submitted - in_progress - waiting_on_customer - resolved description: The previous state of the ticket. example: submitted ticket_state: type: string enum: - submitted - in_progress - waiting_on_customer - resolved description: The state of the ticket. example: submitted created_at: type: integer format: date-time description: The time the ticket part was created. example: 1663597223 updated_at: type: integer format: date-time description: The last time the ticket part was updated. example: 1663597260 assigned_to: $ref: '#/components/schemas/reference' nullable: true description: >- The id of the admin that was assigned the ticket by this ticket_part (null if there has been no change in assignment.) author: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ticket_part_author' attachments: title: Ticket part attachments type: array description: A list of attachments for the part. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/part_attachment' external_id: type: string nullable: true description: The external id of the ticket part example: abcd1234 redacted: type: boolean description: Whether or not the ticket part has been redacted. example: false ticket_part_author: title: Ticket part author type: object description: >- The author that wrote or triggered the part. Can be a bot, admin, team or user. properties: type: type: string enum: - admin - bot - team id: type: string description: The id of the author example: '274' name: type: string nullable: true description: The name of the author example: Operator email: type: string format: email description: The email of the author example: ticket_parts: title: Ticket Parts type: object description: >- A list of Ticket Part objects for each note and event in the ticket. There is a limit of 500 parts. properties: type: type: string description: '' enum: - ticket_part.list example: ticket_part.list ticket_parts: title: Tickt Parts type: array description: >- A list of Ticket Part objects for each ticket. There is a limit of 500 parts. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ticket_part' total_count: type: integer description: '' example: 2 ticket_request_custom_attributes: title: Ticket Attributes type: object description: >- The attributes set on the ticket. When setting the default title and description attributes, the attribute keys that should be used are `_default_title_` and `_default_description_`. When setting ticket type attributes of the list attribute type, the key should be the attribute name and the value of the attribute should be the list item id, obtainable by [listing the ticket type](ref:get_ticket-types). For example, if the ticket type has an attribute called `priority` of type `list`, the key should be `priority` and the value of the attribute should be the guid of the list item (e.g. `de1825a0-0164-4070-8ca6-13e22462fa7e`). additionalProperties: anyOf: - type: string nullable: true - type: number - type: boolean - type: array example: _default_title_: Found a bug _default_description_: The button is not working ticket_type: title: Ticket Type type: object x-tags: - Tickets description: >- A ticket type, used to define the data fields to be captured in a ticket. nullable: true properties: type: type: string description: >- String representing the object's type. Always has the value `ticket_type`. example: ticket_type id: type: string description: The id representing the ticket type. example: '1295' name: type: string description: The name of the ticket type example: Bug description: type: string description: The description of the ticket type example: A bug that has been reported. icon: type: string description: The icon of the ticket type example: 🐞 workspace_id: type: string description: The id of the workspace that the ticket type belongs to. example: ecahpwf5 ticket_type_attributes: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ticket_type_attribute_list' archived: type: boolean description: Whether the ticket type is archived or not. example: false created_at: type: integer format: timestamp description: The date and time the ticket type was created. updated_at: type: integer format: timestamp description: The date and time the ticket type was last updated. ticket_type_attribute: title: Ticket Type Attribute type: object description: >- Ticket type attribute, used to define each data field to be captured in a ticket. nullable: true properties: type: type: string description: >- String representing the object's type. Always has the value `ticket_type_attribute`. example: ticket_type_attribute id: type: string description: The id representing the ticket type attribute. example: '1' workspace_id: type: string description: The id of the workspace that the ticket type attribute belongs to. example: ecahpwf5 name: type: string description: The name of the ticket type attribute example: Title description: type: string description: The description of the ticket type attribute example: Bug title. data_type: type: string description: >- The type of the data attribute (allowed values: "string list integer decimal boolean datetime files") example: string input_options: type: object description: Input options for the attribute example: 'multiline: true' order: type: integer description: The order of the attribute against other attributes example: 1 required_to_create: type: boolean description: Whether the attribute is required or not for teammates. default: false example: false required_to_create_for_contacts: type: boolean description: Whether the attribute is required or not for contacts. default: false example: false visible_on_create: type: boolean description: Whether the attribute is visible or not to teammates. default: true example: false visible_to_contacts: type: boolean description: Whether the attribute is visible or not to contacts. default: true example: false default: type: boolean description: Whether the attribute is built in or not. example: true ticket_type_id: type: integer description: The id of the ticket type that the attribute belongs to. example: 42 archived: type: boolean description: Whether the ticket type attribute is archived or not. example: false created_at: type: integer format: timestamp description: The date and time the ticket type attribute was created. updated_at: type: integer format: timestamp description: The date and time the ticket type attribute was last updated. ticket_type_attribute_list: title: Ticket Type Attributes type: object description: A list of attributes associated with a given ticket type. properties: type: type: string description: >- String representing the object's type. Always has the value `ticket_type_attributes.list`. ticket_type_attributes: type: array description: >- A list of ticket type attributes associated with a given ticket type. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ticket_type_attribute' ticket_type_list: title: Ticket Types type: object description: A list of ticket types associated with a given workspace. properties: type: type: string description: >- String representing the object's type. Always has the value `ticket_type.list`. ticket_types: type: array description: A list of ticket_types associated with a given workspace. items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ticket_type' translation: title: Translation type: object description: >- A translation object contains the localised details of a subscription type. properties: name: type: string description: The localised name of the subscription type. example: Announcements description: type: string description: The localised description of the subscription type. example: Offers, product and feature announcements locale: type: string description: >- The two character identifier for the language of the translation object. example: en untag_company_request: description: You can tag a single company or a list of companies. type: object title: Untag Company Request Payload properties: name: type: string description: The name of the tag which will be untagged from the company example: Independent companies: type: array items: properties: id: type: string description: The Intercom defined id representing the company. example: 531ee472cce572a6ec000006 company_id: type: string description: The company id you have defined for the company. example: '6' untag: type: boolean description: Always set to true example: 'true' description: >- The id or company_id of the company can be passed as input parameters. required: - name - companies update_article_request: description: You can Update an Article type: object title: Update Article Request Payload nullable: true properties: title: type: string description: >- The title of the article.For multilingual articles, this will be the title of the default language's content. example: Thanks for everything description: type: string description: >- The description of the article. For multilingual articles, this will be the description of the default language's content. example: Description of the Article body: type: string description: >- The content of the article. For multilingual articles, this will be the body of the default language's content. example:

This is the body in html

author_id: type: integer description: >- The id of the author of the article. For multilingual articles, this will be the id of the author of the default language's content. Must be a teammate on the help center's workspace. example: 1295 state: type: string description: >- Whether the article will be `published` or will be a `draft`. Defaults to draft. For multilingual articles, this will be the state of the default language's content. enum: - published - draft example: draft parent_id: type: string description: >- The id of the article's parent collection or section. An article without this field stands alone. example: '18' parent_type: type: string description: The type of parent, which can either be a `collection` or `section`. example: collection translated_content: $ref: '#/components/schemas/article_translated_content' update_collection_request: description: You can update a collection type: object title: Update Collection Request Payload properties: name: type: string description: >- The name of the collection. For multilingual collections, this will be the name of the default language's content. example: collection 51 description: type: string description: >- The description of the collection. For multilingual collections, this will be the description of the default language's content. example: English description translated_content: nullable: true $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_translated_content' update_contact_request: description: You can update a contact type: object title: Update Contact Request Payload properties: role: type: string description: The role of the contact. external_id: type: string description: A unique identifier for the contact which is given to Intercom email: type: string description: The contacts email example: phone: type: string nullable: true description: The contacts phone example: '+353871234567' name: type: string nullable: true description: The contacts name example: John Doe avatar: type: string nullable: true description: An image URL containing the avatar of a contact example: signed_up_at: type: integer format: date-time nullable: true description: The time specified for when a contact signed up example: 1571672154 last_seen_at: type: integer format: date-time nullable: true description: >- The time when the contact was last seen (either where the Intercom Messenger was installed or when specified manually) example: 1571672154 owner_id: type: integer nullable: true description: >- The id of an admin that has been assigned account ownership of the contact example: 123 unsubscribed_from_emails: type: boolean nullable: true description: Whether the contact is unsubscribed from emails example: true custom_attributes: type: object nullable: true description: The custom attributes which are set for the contact update_conversation_request: title: Update Conversation Request type: object description: Payload of the request to update a conversation properties: read: type: boolean description: Mark a conversation as read within Intercom. example: true custom_attributes: $ref: '#/components/schemas/custom_attributes' update_data_attribute_request: description: '' type: object title: Update Data Attribute Request properties: archived: type: boolean description: Whether the attribute is to be archived or not. example: false description: type: string description: The readable description you see in the UI for the attribute. example: My Data Attribute Description options: type: array description: >- To create list attributes. Provide a set of hashes with `value` as the key of the options you want to make. `data_type` must be `string`. items: type: string example: - option1 - option2 messenger_writable: type: boolean description: Can this attribute be updated by the Messenger example: false update_section_request: description: You can update a Section type: object title: Update Section Request Payload properties: name: type: string description: >- The name of the collection. For multilingual collections, this will be the name of the default language's content. example: Section 51 parent_id: type: integer description: The id for the collection this section will be within. example: 18 translated_content: nullable: true $ref: '#/components/schemas/group_translated_content' update_ticket_request: description: You can update a Ticket type: object title: Update Ticket Request Payload properties: ticket_attributes: type: object description: The attributes set on the ticket. example: _default_title_: example _default_description_: having a problem state: type: string enum: - in_progress - waiting_on_customer - resolved description: The state of the ticket. example: submitted is_shared: type: boolean description: Specify whether the ticket is visible to users. example: true assignment: type: object properties: admin_id: type: string description: The ID of the admin performing the action. example: '123' assignee_id: type: string description: >- The ID of the admin or team to which the ticket is assigned. Set this 0 to unassign it. example: '123' update_ticket_type_attribute_request: description: You can update a Ticket Type Attribute type: object title: Update Ticket Type Attribute Request Payload properties: name: type: string description: The name of the ticket type attribute example: Bug Priority description: type: string description: >- The description of the attribute presented to the teammate or contact example: Priority level of the bug required_to_create: type: boolean description: >- Whether the attribute is required to be filled in when teammates are creating the ticket in Inbox. default: false example: false required_to_create_for_contacts: type: boolean description: >- Whether the attribute is required to be filled in when contacts are creating the ticket in Messenger. default: false example: false visible_on_create: type: boolean description: >- Whether the attribute is visible to teammates when creating a ticket in Inbox. default: true example: true visible_to_contacts: type: boolean description: >- Whether the attribute is visible to contacts when creating a ticket in Messenger. default: true example: true multiline: type: boolean description: >- Whether the attribute allows multiple lines of text (only applicable to string attributes) example: false list_items: type: string description: >- A comma delimited list of items for the attribute value (only applicable to list attributes) example: Low Priority,Medium Priority,High Priority allow_multiple_values: type: boolean description: >- Whether the attribute allows multiple files to be attached to it (only applicable to file attributes) example: false archived: type: boolean description: >- Whether the attribute should be archived and not shown during creation of the ticket (it will still be present on previously created tickets) example: false update_ticket_type_request: description: > The request payload for updating a ticket type. You can copy the `icon` property for your ticket type from [Twemoji Cheatsheet]( type: object title: Update Ticket Type Request Payload nullable: true properties: name: type: string description: The name of the ticket type. example: Bug description: type: string description: The description of the ticket type. example: A bug has been occured icon: type: string description: The icon of the ticket type. example: 🐞 default: 🎟️ archived: type: boolean description: The archived status of the ticket type. example: false is_internal: type: boolean description: >- Whether the tickets associated with this ticket type are intended for internal use only or will be shared with customers. This is currently a limited attribute. example: false default: false update_visitor_request: description: Update an existing visitor. type: object title: Update Visitor Request Payload properties: id: type: string description: A unique identified for the visitor which is given by Intercom. example: 8a88a590-e user_id: type: string description: A unique identified for the visitor which is given by you. example: '123' name: type: string description: The visitor's name. example: Christian Bale custom_attributes: type: object description: The custom attributes which are set for the visitor. additionalProperties: type: string example: paid_subscriber: true monthly_spend: 155.5 team_mates: 9 anyOf: - required: - id - required: - user_id visitor: title: Visitor type: object description: >- Visitors are useful for representing anonymous people that have not yet been identified. They usually represent website visitors. Visitors are not visible in Intercom platform. The Visitors resource provides methods to fetch, update, convert and delete. nullable: true properties: type: type: string description: Value is 'visitor' default: visitor example: visitor id: type: string description: The Intercom defined id representing the Visitor. example: 530370b477ad7120001d user_id: type: string description: Automatically generated identifier for the Visitor. example: 8a88a590-e1c3-41e2-a502-e0649dbf721c anonymous: type: boolean description: Identifies if this visitor is anonymous. example: false email: type: string format: email description: The email of the visitor. example: phone: type: string nullable: true description: The phone number of the visitor. example: 555-555-5555 name: type: string nullable: true description: The name of the visitor. example: Jane Doe pseudonym: type: string nullable: true description: The pseudonym of the visitor. example: Red Duck from Dublin avatar: type: object properties: type: type: string description: '' default: avatar example: avatar image_url: type: string format: uri nullable: true description: This object represents the avatar associated with the visitor. example: app_id: type: string description: The id of the app the visitor is associated with. example: hfi1bx4l companies: type: object properties: type: type: string description: The type of the object enum: - company.list example: company.list companies: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/company' location_data: type: object properties: type: type: string description: '' default: location_data example: location_data city_name: type: string description: The city name of the visitor. example: Dublin continent_code: type: string description: The continent code of the visitor. example: EU country_code: type: string description: The country code of the visitor. example: IRL country_name: type: string description: The country name of the visitor. example: Ireland postal_code: type: string description: The postal code of the visitor. example: D02 N960 region_name: type: string description: The region name of the visitor. example: Leinster timezone: type: string description: The timezone of the visitor. example: Europe/Dublin las_request_at: type: integer description: The time the Lead last recorded making a request. example: 1663597260 created_at: type: integer description: The time the Visitor was added to Intercom. example: 1663597223 remote_created_at: type: integer description: The time the Visitor was added to Intercom. example: 1663597223 signed_up_at: type: integer description: The time the Visitor signed up for your product. example: 1663597223 updated_at: type: integer description: The last time the Visitor was updated. example: 1663597260 session_count: type: integer description: The number of sessions the Visitor has had. example: 1 social_profiles: type: object properties: type: type: string description: The type of the object enum: - social_profile.list example: social_profile.list social_profiles: type: array items: type: string owner_id: type: string nullable: true description: The id of the admin that owns the Visitor. example: '5169261' unsubscribed_from_emails: type: boolean description: Whether the Visitor is unsubscribed from emails. example: false marked_email_as_spam: type: boolean description: Identifies if this visitor has marked an email as spam. example: false has_hard_bounced: type: boolean description: Identifies if this visitor has had a hard bounce. example: false tags: type: object properties: type: type: string description: The type of the object enum: - tag.list example: tag.list tags: type: array items: properties: type: type: string description: The type of the object enum: - tag example: tag id: type: string description: The id of the tag. example: '8482' name: type: string description: The name of the tag. example: tag_name segments: type: object properties: type: type: string description: The type of the object enum: - segment.list example: segment.list segments: type: array items: type: string custom_attributes: type: object description: The custom attributes you have set on the Visitor. additionalProperties: type: string referrer: type: string nullable: true description: The referer of the visitor. example: utm_campaign: type: string nullable: true description: The utm_campaign of the visitor. example: intercom-link utm_content: type: string nullable: true description: The utm_content of the visitor. example: banner utm_medium: type: string nullable: true description: The utm_medium of the visitor. example: email utm_source: type: string nullable: true description: The utm_source of the visitor. example: Intercom utm_term: type: string nullable: true description: The utm_term of the visitor. example: messenger do_not_track: type: boolean nullable: true description: Identifies if this visitor has do not track enabled. example: false visitor_deleted_object: title: Visitor Deleted Object type: object description: Response returned when an object is deleted properties: id: type: string description: The unique identifier for the visitor which is given by Intercom. example: 530370b477ad7120001d type: type: string description: The type of object which was deleted enum: - visitor example: visitor user_id: type: string description: Automatically generated identifier for the Visitor. example: 8a88a590-e1c3-41e2-a502-e0649dbf721c securitySchemes: bearerAuth: type: http scheme: bearer servers: - url: description: The production API server - url: description: The european API server - url: description: The australian API server security: - bearerAuth: [] tags: - name: Admins description: Everything about your Admins - name: Articles description: Everything about your Articles - name: Companies description: Everything about your Companies - name: Contacts description: Everything about your contacts - name: Conversations description: Everything about your Conversations externalDocs: description: What is a conversation? url: - name: Data Attributes description: Everything about your Data Attributes - name: Data Events description: Everything about your Data Events - name: Data Export description: Everything about your Data Exports - name: Help Center description: Everything about your Help Center - name: Messages description: Everything about your messages - name: News description: Everything about your News externalDocs: description: News explained url: - name: Notes description: Everything about your Notes - name: Segments description: Everything about your Segments - name: Subscription Types description: Everything about subscription types - name: Switch description: Everything about Switch externalDocs: description: 'Meet Switch: from on hold to messaging in just a few taps' url: - name: Tags description: Everything about tags - name: Teams description: Everything about your Teams - name: Ticket Type Attributes description: Everything about your ticket type attributes - name: Ticket Types description: Everything about your ticket types - name: Tickets description: Everything about your tickets - name: Visitors description: Everything about your Visitors