Update a data attribute
Example Request & Response
$ curl https://api.intercom.io/data_attributes/163728 \\-X PUT \\-H 'Authorization:Bearer <Your access token>' \\-H 'Accept: application/json' \\-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d{ \"description\": \"You are either great or bad\", \"options\": [ {\"value\": \"great\"}, {\"value\": \"bad\"} ]}
Example Errors
HTTP/1.1 404 NOT FOUND{ "type": "error.list", "request_id": "0006klvnje6ffng7ot80", "errors": [ { "code": "field_not_found", "message": "We couldn't find that data attribute to update" } ]}
HTTP/1.1 422 UNPROCESSIBLE ENTITY{ "type": "error.list", "request_id": "0006klvnje6ffng7ot80", "errors": [ { "code": "data_invalid", "message": "The Data Attribute you are trying to archive has a dependant object" } ]}
HTTP/1.1 400 BAD REQUEST{ "type": "error.list", "request_id": "0000rnvpf3m1f3nf4k40", "errors": [ { "code": "parameter_invalid", "message": "You must have at least two options on a list type data attribute" } ]}
You can update data attribute.
Request Body Parameters
Argument | Type | Description |
description | String | (Optional) The readable description you see in the UI for the attribute. |
options | List | (Optional) To change to or update list attributes. Provide a set of hashes with value as the key of the options you want to make.data_type must be string . |
archived | Boolean | (Optional) Whether the attribute is to be archived or not. |
messenger_writable | Boolean | (Optional). When set to false , the attribute will not be writable by the Messenger. Default value is true . |
Updating the data type is not possible
It is currently a dangerous action to execute changing a data attribute's type via the API. You will need to update the type via the UI instead.
This will return a Data Attribute Model showing the details of your updated attribute.