Company User/Segment/Tag Count Model
Company User/Segment/Tag Count Object
Attribute | Type | Description |
type | string | value is 'count' |
company | object | Contains a field called segment containing segment counts |
company.segment | array | Contains a list of segment objects their name and their number of companies tagged |
company.tag | array | Contains a list of tag objects with their name and their number of companies tagged |
company.user | array | Contains an array of companies with their name and their number of users |
# Company Tag Count
$ curl '' \
-H 'Authorization:Bearer <Your access token>' \
-H 'Accept:application/json'
# Company Segment Count
$ curl '' \
-H 'Authorization:Bearer <Your access token>' \
-H 'Accept:application/json'
# Company User Count
$ curl '' \
-H 'Authorization:Bearer <Your access token>' \
-H 'Accept:application/json'
# Company Tag Count
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"type": "count",
"company": {
"tag": [
"VIP": 0
"UpMarket": 0
"test": 0
"new": 0
"smb": 0
"pages": {
"pages": {
"type": "pages",
"next": "",
"page": 1,
"per_page": 5,
"total_pages": 203
# Company Segment Count
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"type": "count",
"company": {
"segment": [
"Active": 2
"New": 0
"Slipping Away": 0
"id=10": 10
"pages": {}
# Company User Count
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"type": "count",
"company": {
"user": [
"Independents": 7,
"remote_company_id": "6"
"Alliance": 1,
"remote_company_id": "7"
"pages": {}
intercom.counts.for_type(type: 'company', count: 'tag')
intercom.counts.for_type(type: 'company', count: 'segment')
intercom.counts.for_type(type: 'company', count: 'user')
// Company Tag Count
$counts = $intercom->counts->getCounts(["type" => "company", "count" => "tag"]);
// Company User Count
$counts = $intercom->counts->getCounts(["type" => "company", "count" => "user"]);
//Company Segment Count
$counts = $intercom->counts->getCounts(["type" => "company", "count" => "segment"]);
// Company User Count
final List<Counts.CountItem> users1 = Counts.companyUsers();
for (Counts.CountItem c : users1) {
out.println(c.getName() + ": " + c.getValue());
// Company Tag Count
final List<Counts.CountItem> tags1 = Counts.companyTags();
for (Counts.CountItem tag : tags1) {
out.println(tag.getName() + ": " + tag.getValue());
// Company Segment Count
final List<Counts.CountItem> segments1 = Counts.companySegments();
for (Counts.CountItem seg : segments1) {
out.println(seg.getName() + ": " + seg.getValue());
The counts for your App can be obtained using GET
against the
URL with the type
and count
parameters as follows
Count | Type Value | Count Value |
Company Segment Count | company | segment |
Company Tag Count | company | tag |
Company User Count | company | user |
Pagination with company counts
Company tag counts are returned via pagination, which means it defaults to 50 results per page unless you specify otherwise. e.g. '"
To get the next page of results you need to make a GET request with the "next" RUL supplied in the initial response.