View admin activity logs

Example Request


curl \\\n-X GET \\\n-H 'Authorization:Bearer <Your access token>' \\\n-H 'Accept: application/json' \\\n-H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
	"type": "activity_log.list",
  "pages": {
		"type": "pages",
		"next": nil,
		"page": 1,
		"per_page": 20,
		"total_pages": 1
  "activity_logs": [{
  	"id": "6",
  	"performed_by": {
    	"type": "admin",
    	"id": "123456",
    	"email": "",
    	"ip": ""
  	"metadata": {
    	"message"; {
      	"id": 123,
      	"title": "salt&vinegar"
       "before": "before",
       "after": "after"
  	"created_at": 1547669358,
  	"activity_type": "message_state_change",
  	"activity_description"" "Jane Doe changed your salt&vinegar message from before to after."

Example Errors

HTTP/1.1 404 NOT FOUND\n{\n  \"type\" => \"error.list\",\n  \"request_id\" => nil,\n  \"errors\" => [{\n\t\"code\" => \"parameter_not_found\",\n\t\"message\" => \"Please provide the following parameters: created_at_after\"\n  }]\n}\n
HTTP/1.1 403 RESTRICTED\n{\n  \"type\" => \"error.list\",\n  \"request_id\" => nil,\n  \"errors\" => [{\n\t\"code\" => \"api_plan_restricted\",\n\t\"message\" => \"This feature is not yet available to your app\"\n  }]\n}

You can get a log of activities by all admins in an app by sending a GET request to the URL

Activity List

typestringValue is activity_log.list
activity_logsarrayA list of activity objects
pagesobjectOptional. A pagination object which may be empty, indication no further pages to fetch

Activity Object

activity_typestringThe type of activity - see Activity Types & Descriptions below.
activity_descriptionstringA sentence or two describing the activity - see Activity Types & Descriptions below.
metadataobjectAn object containing information on the activity and what it modified
created_attimestampThe time the activity was performed
performed_byobjectAn Admin object of the admin who performed the activity
idstringThe id representing the activity

Activity Types & Descriptions

admin_deletionAn admin was removed from your app
admin_invite_changeThe permissions for an invited person to be an admin on your app were changed
admin_invite_creationSomeone was invited to be an admin on your app
admin_invite_deletionSomeone is no longer invited to be an admin on your app
admin_login_failureAn admin tried to login with the wrong credentials
admin_login_successAn admin logged in successfully
admin_logoutAn admin logged out
admin_permission_changeThe permissions for an admin were changed
app_name_changeThe name of your app was changed
admin_away_modeAn admin changed their away mode and conversation reassignment settings
app_timezone_changeThe timezone of your app was changed
bulk_exportUser or lead data was exported from your app
message_deletionA message was deleted from your app
message_state_changeA message was changed on your app
campaign_deletionA campaign was deleted from your app
app_identity_verification_changeThe identity verification setting was changed on your app
app_package_token_regenerationAn access token for a specific app package was updated
app_authentication_method_changeThe authentication methods were changed for you app
app_data_deletionA user or lead was deleted from your app
app_outbound_address_changeThe outbound email address was changed for your app
app_webhook_creationA webhook subscription was created for your app
app_webhook_deletionA webhook subscription was deleted for your app
app_admin_joinAn admin joined your app (i.e., accepted your invite)
campaign_state_changeA campaign was changed on your app
app_team_creationA team was created for your app
app_team_deletionA team was deleted from you app
app_package_installationAn app package was installed on your app
app_package_uninstallationAn app package was uninstalled from your app
app_data_exportMessage or conversation data was exported from your app
help_center_settings_changeYour help center was turned on or off

Request Parameters

created_at_afterYesThe start date that you request data for. It must be formatted as a UNIX timestamp.
created_at_beforeNoThe end date that you request data for. It must be formatted as a UNIX timestamp.


This will return an Activity List which will contain an array titled activity_logs, in turn containing multiple Activity Objects.