Company Model

Example Company Object

{\n  \"type\": \"company\",\n  \"id\": \"531ee472cce572a6ec000006\",\n  \"name\": \"Blue Sun\",\n  \"plan\": \"plan1\",\n  \"company_id\": \"6\",\n  \"remote_created_at\": 1394531169,\n  \"created_at\": 1394533506,\n  \"updated_at\": 1396874658,\n  \"size\": 85,\n  \"website\": \"\",\n  \"industry\": \"Manufacturing\",\n  \"monthly_spend\": 49,\n  \"session_count\": 26,\n  \"user_count\": 10,\n  \"custom_attributes\": {\n    \"paid_subscriber\" : true,\n    \"team_mates\": 0\n  }\n}

Example Company List

{\n  \"type\": \"company.list\",\n  \"total_count\": 1,\n  \"companies\": [\n    {\n      \"type\": \"company\",\n      \"id\": \"531ee472cce572a6ec000006\",\n      \"name\": \"Blue Sun\",\n      \"plan\": \"plan1\",\n      \"company_id\": \"6\",\n      \"remote_created_at\": 1394531169,\n      \"created_at\": 1394533506,\n      \"updated_at\": 1396874658,\n      \"size\": 85,\n      \"website\": \"\",\n      \"industry\": \"Manufacturing\",\n      \"monthly_spend\": 49,\n      \"session_count\": 26,\n      \"user_count\": 10,\n      \"custom_attributes\": {\n        \"paid_subscriber\" : true,\n        \"team_mates\": 0\n      }\n    }\n  ],\n  \"pages\": {\n    \"page\": 1,\n    \"per_page\": 50,\n    \"total_pages\": 1\n  }\n}

Company Object

A company object contains the following fields -

typestringvalue is 'company'
idstringThe Intercom defined id representing the company
created_attimestampThe time the company was added to Intercom
remote_created_attimestampThe time the company was created by you
updated_attimestampThe last time the company was updated
last_request_attimestampThe time the company last recorded making a request
company_idstringThe company id you have defined for the company
namestringThe name of the company
custom_attributesobjectThe custom attributes you have set on the company
session_countintegerHow many sessions the company has recorded
monthly_spendnumberHow much revenue the company generates for your business
user_countnumberThe number of users in the company
plan*stringThe name of the plan you have associated with the company.
sizeintegerThe number of employees in the company
websitestringThe URL for the company website
industrystringThe industry that the company operates in

* Note that plan is set as a string but returned as an object as described below. You can only set the name of a plan using the plan string.

typestringWill always be of type 'plan'
idstringThe plan ID
namestringThe name of the plan, note that this is the only field that can be set via the API.

Any integer values in the user model are limited to the int32 range -2^31 to 2^31 -1

Company List

A company list contains the following fields -

typestringvalue is 'company.list'
total_countintegerThe number of companies for this App
companiesarrayA list of companies
pagesobjectOptional. A pagination object, which may be empty, indicating no further pages to fetch