Data Attribute Model

Example Data Attribute Object

{  \"type\": \"data_attribute\",  \"model\": \"customer\",  \"name\": \"paid_subscriber\",  \"full_name\": \"custom_attributes.paid_subscriber\",   \"label\": \"paid_subscriber\",   \"description\": \"\",  \"data_type\": \"string\",   \"options\": [    \"pick_value_1\",    \"pick_value_2\"  ],  \"api_writable\": true,   \"ui_writable\": true,   \"custom\": true,   \"archived\": false,   \"admin_id\": \"1\",  \"created_at\": 1392734388,  \"updated_at\": 1392734388}

A data attribute object contains the following fields:

typestringValue is 'data_attribute'
modelstringValue is customer for user/lead attributes, and company for company attributes.
namestringName of the attributeExamples:email``region_name for region_name stored in location_data objectimage_url for image_url stored in avatar objectpaid_subscriber for CDA named paid_subscriber
full_namestringFull name of the attribute. Should match the name unless it's a nested attribute.Examples:email``location_data.region_name``avatar.image_url``custom_attributes.paid_subscriberWe can split full_name on . to access nested user object values.
labelstringReadable name of the attribute (i.e. name you see in the UI)
descriptionstringReadable description of the attribute
data_typestringType of data stored in the attribute.Possible values: string``integer``float``boolean``date
optionslistList of predefined options for attribute value
api_writablebooleanCan this attribute be updated through API
messenger_writablebooleanCan this attribute be updated by the Messenger
ui_writablebooleanCan this attribute be updated in the UI
custombooleanSet to true if this is a CDA
archivedbooleanOnly applicable to CDAs
created_attimestampThe time the CDA was created.Only applicable to CDAs.
updated_attimestampThe last time the CDA was updated.Only applicable to CDAs
admin_idstringTeammate who created the attribute.Only applicable to CDAs