Set away an admin

You can set an Admin as away for the Inbox.

Request Body Parameters

idstringThe id of the admin you want to set away mode or re-assign conversations.
away_mode_enabledbooleanSet to 'true' to change the status of the admin to away.
away_mode_reassignbooleanSet to 'true' to assign any new conversation replies to your default inbox.

Example Request & Response

  1. curl
  2. text
$ curl \\\n-X PUT \\\n-H 'Authorization: Bearer <Your access token>' \\\n-H 'Accept: application/json'  \\\n-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\\n-d \t'\n{\n  \"away_mode_enabled\": true,\n  \"away_mode_reassign\": false\n\n}'

Example Errors

Admin without seat

{\n    \"type\": \"error.list\",\n    \"request_id\": \"0002miv9og586ig3aln0\",\n    \"errors\": [\n        {\n            \"code\": \"action_forbidden\",\n            \"message\": \"This admin does not have Inbox access permissions\"\n        }\n    ]\n}


This will return an Admin model of the admin set away.