The collection & section models

Example Collection Object


{  \"id\": 1,  \"type\": \"collection\",  \"workspace_id\": \"abcdef\",  \"name\": \"Default language name\",  \"description\": \"Default language description\",   \"created_at\": 123456,  \"updated_at\": 123456,  \"url\": \"http://intercom.test/help/collection/name\",  \"icon\": \"http://intercom/help_center/icon-1\",  \"order\": 0,  \"default_locale\": \"en\",  \"translated_content\": {    \"type\": \"group_translated_content\",    \"fr\": {      \"type\": \"group_content\",      \"name\": \"French name\",      \"description\": \"French description\"    }  }}

Example Section Object

  "id": 1,
  "type": "section",
  "workspace_id": "abcdef",
  "name": "Default language name",
  "created_at": 123456,
  "updated_at": 123456,
  "url": "http://intercom.test/help/section/name",
  "icon": "http://intercom/help_center/icon-1",
  "order": 0,
  "collection_id": "1",
  "default_locale": "en",
  "translated_content": {
    "type": "group_translated_content",
    "fr": {
      "type": "group_content",
      "name": "French name"

The Help Center API is a central place to gather all information and take actions on those elements within a Help Center - namely the collections and sections. Collections are top level containers for Articles within the Help Center. Sections are subdivisions of a collection, with a collection potentially having multiple sections.

For articles you should refer to the Articles endpoint.

Collection Object

typeStringThe type of object - collection.
idStringThe unique identifier for the collection which is given by Intercom.
workspace_idStringThe id of the workspace which the collection belongs to.
nameStringThe name of the collection. For multilingual help centers, this will be the title of the default language's content.
descriptionStringThe description of the collection. For multilingual help centers, this will be the description of the collection for the default language.
created_atTimestampThe time when the article was created. For multilingual articles, this will be the timestamp of creation of the default language's content.
updated_atTimestampThe time when the article was last updated. For multilingual articles, this will be the timestamp of last update of the default language's content.
urlStringThe URL of the collection. For multilingual help centers, this will be the URL of the collection for the default language.
iconStringThe icon for the collection.
orderIntegerThe order of the section in relation to others sections within a collection. Values go from 0 upwards. 0 is the default if there's no order.
default_localeStringThe default locale of the help center. This field is only returned for multilingual help centers.
translated_contentObjectAn Group Translated Content Object for multilingual articles. This field is only returned for multilingual help centers.

Section Object

typeStringThe type of object - section.
idStringThe unique identifier for the section which is given by Intercom.
workspace_idStringThe id of the workspace which the section belongs to.
nameStringThe name of the section. For multilingual help centers, this will be the name of the section for the default language.
created_atTimestampThe time when the section was created. For multilingual help centers, this will be the timestamp of the section's creation for the default language.
updated_atTimestampThe time when the section was last updated. For multilingual help centers, this will be the timestamp of the section's last update for the default language.
urlStringThe URL of the section. For multilingual help centers, this will be the URL of the section for the default language.
iconStringThe icon for the section.
orderIntegerThe order of the section in relation to others sections within a collection. Values go from 0 upwards. 0 is the default if there's no order.
parent_idStringThe id of the collection to which this section belongs to.
default_localeStringThe default locale of the help center. This field is only returned for multilingual help centers.
translated_contentObjectAn Group Translated Content Object for multilingual articles. This field is only returned for multilingual help centers.

Group Translated Content Object

typeStringNoThe type of object - group_translated_content.
<locale> ar, bg, bs, ca, cs, da, de, 'de-form', el, en, es, et, fi, fr, he, hr, hu, id, it, ja, ko, lt, lv, mn, nb, nl, pl, 'pt-BR', pt, ro, ru, sl, sr, sv, tr, vi, 'zh-CN', 'zh-TW'ObjectYesAn Group Content Object for each supported locale of the multilingual help center. The default locale's content and information will be contained in the initial Collection Object or Section Object respectively. If there's no content for a locale, the value will be nil.

Group Content Object

typeStringNoThe type of object - group_content.
nameStringYesThe name of the collection or section.
descriptionStringYesThe description of the collection. Only available for collections.