Create a contact

Example Request & Response

$ curl \\\n-X POST \\\n-H 'Authorization:Bearer <Your access token>' \\\n-H 'Accept:application/json'\n-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d\n\n{\n\t\"role\": \"user\",\n\t\"external_id\": \"25\",\n\t\"email\": \"\",\n\t\"phone\": \"+1123456789\",\n\t\"name\": \"Joe Example\",\n\t\"avatar\": \"\",\n\t\"last_seen_at\": 1571069751,\n\t\"signed_up_at\": 1571069751,\n\t\"owner_id\": 127,\n\t\"unsubscribed_from_emails\": false,\n\t\"custom_attributes\": {\n\t\t\"paid_subscriber\": true,\n\t\t\"monthly_spend\": 155.5,\n\t\t\"team_mates\": 1\n\t}\n}\n

Example Errors

HTTP/1.1 409 CONFLICT\n{\n  \"type\": \"error.list\",\n  \"request_id\": \"80ec9d92-99ff-4da9-9a0e-c0ab7c42f7e7\",\n  \"errors\": [\n    {\n      \"code\": \"conflict\",\n      \"message\": \"A contact matching those details already exists with id=5da6f18e3d7cf967e4582d05\"\n    }\n  ]\n}
HTTP/1.1 400 BAD REQUEST\n{\n  \"type\": \"error.list\",\n  \"request_id\": \"00043csj9iva7pl9mmmg\",\n  \"errors\": [\n    {\n      \"code\": \"parameter_invalid\",\n      \"message\": \"The owner specified is not a member of the workspace\"\n    }\n  ]\n}\n

You can create a new contact (ie. user or lead).

Request Body Parameters

roleStringYesThe role of the contact.
Accepted values are user or lead.
external_idStringYes - if role is user and email is blankA unique identifier for the contact which is given to Intercom
emailStringYes - if role is user and external_id is blankThe contacts email
phoneStringNoThe contacts phone
nameStringNoThe contacts name
avatarStringNoAn image URL containing the avatar of a contact
signed_up_atTimestampNoThe time specified for when a contact signed up
last_seen_atTimestampNoThe time when the contact was last seen (either where the Intercom Messenger was installed or when specified manually)
owner_idIntegerNoThe id of an admin that has been assigned account ownership of the contact
unsubscribed_from_emailsBooleanNoWhether the contact is unsubscribed from emails
custom_attributesObjectNoThe custom attributes which are set for the contact

custom_attributes Object for Custom Object Association creation

A custom attribute of type relationship e.g "orders"Array of StringsNoWith a relationship attribute as the key, an array of Custom Object Instance ids can be passed to create associations between the contact and the Custom Object Instance


  "custom_attributes": {
    "orders": ["123", "234", "345"]

🚧 Creating new Custom Data Attributes

You can only write to custom data attributes that already exist on the workspace. If you need to create new attributes to write to, you should Create Data Attributes through the Data Attributes API.


This will return a Contact model of the contact you just created.