Rate Limiting
# Example with the default rate limit of 1000
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
X-RateLimit-Limit: 100
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 100
X-RateLimit-Reset: 1487332510
# After another request:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
X-RateLimit-Limit: 100
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 99
X-RateLimit-Reset: 1487332510
# After window resets
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
X-RateLimit-Limit: 100
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 100
X-RateLimit-Reset: 1487332520
# If you make more than the allowed requests
HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests
Content-Type: application/json
X-RateLimit-Limit: 100
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 0
X-RateLimit-Reset: 1487332520
#=> {:limit=>1000, :remaining=>999, :reset_at=>2019-08-05 14:59:00 +0100}
API Rate Limits are in place to protect Intercom from API traffic spikes that could put our databases at risk. We therefore measure the amount of requests sent to the API in order to throttle these when they surpass the amount allowed. We will respond with '429 Too Many Requests'
and the following headers:
Header Name | Header Description |
X-RateLimit-Limit | Maximum number of requests allowed for the app. |
X-RateLimit-Remaining | Number of requests left in the current time. |
X-RateLimit-Reset | Time when the number of requests will be reset to the maximum limit. Shown as UNIX timestamp. |
Rate Limits only apply to calls to the REST API, not to any webhook requests that are sent as part of the Canvas Kit capabilities.
What is the default amount of requests?
Every app will have default rate limits. The amount we rate limit them by is different for apps which are privately built for your own usage, or for apps that are publicly installed by third-parties.
Private apps have a default rate limit of 10,000 API calls per minute per app and 25,000 API calls per minute per workspace. This means that if a workspace has multiple private apps installed, every one contributes towards total number of requests.
Public apps have a default rate limit of 10,000 API calls per minute for each app and 25,000 API calls per minute per workspace. This means that if a workspace has multiple public apps installed, each one has its own separate request limit without contributing to the others.
If you require higher rate limits than the defaults, you can contact us using the messenger in the bottom right.
When does the amount of requests reset?
Although the permitted limit of requests lasts for 1 minute, we evenly distribute this into 10 second windows. This means that every 10 seconds, the amount of permitted requests resets. For example, a default rate limit of 1000 per minute means that you can send a maximum of 166 operations per 10 second period (1000/6).
How can I handle rate limits?
To prevent hitting the rate limits, here are a few options for handling within your code.
Use the header information
You can find the number of requests allowed in your current window in the Intercom headers, or if you are using the Intercom Ruby SDK you can call your client's rate_limit_details
which returns a Hash with information about your app's rate limit.
You can use the remaining number of requests allowed in your current window and when this is below a certain value you can rest until your rate limit is reset.
In the example below the app is restricted to a rate limit of 5 just to show the output returned — note that we’ve also shown what information is available in the Intercom client and the response for your current rate limits using the Ruby SDK.
require 'intercom'
require 'stringio'
intercom = Intercom::Client.new(token: ENV['YOUR_TOKEN'])
retries = 0
max_retries = 3
backoff_factor = 2
for num in 0..20
puts("Request Number #{num+1}")
email = 'contact' + num.to_s + '@example.com'
name = 'Mrs ' + num.to_s + "Example"
# Make a HTTP POST request to Intercom to create/update a user
response = intercom.contacts.create(:email => email, :name => name, :signed_up_at => Time.now.to_i)
# These are the headers we have access to when making requests
puts("Rate Limit: #{intercom.rate_limit_details[:limit]} \n")
puts("Remaining: #{intercom.rate_limit_details[:remaining]} \n")
puts("Reset Time: #{intercom.rate_limit_details[:reset_at]} \n")
# Check when request limit is under a certain number
if not intercom.rate_limit_details[:remaining].nil? and intercom.rate_limit_details[:remaining] < 2
sleep_time = intercom.rate_limit_details[:reset_at].to_i - Time.now.to_i
puts("Waiting for #{sleep_time} seconds to allow for rate limit to be reset")
sleep sleep_time
rescue => error
raise("Received a general error so exiting: #{error}")
The output from the above code is below. You would not need to output all of this data, but this should offer an example of what to expect and how you might approach implementing a rest until the limit is reset.
Request Number 1
Rate Limit:
Reset Time:
Request Number 2
Rate Limit: 5
Remaining: 5
Reset Time: 2023-12-08 15:19:51 +0000
Request Number 3
Rate Limit: 5
Remaining: 4
Reset Time: 2023-12-08 15:19:51 +0000
Request Number 4
Rate Limit: 5
Remaining: 3
Reset Time: 2023-12-08 15:19:51 +0000
Request Number 5
Rate Limit: 5
Remaining: 2
Reset Time: 2023-12-08 15:19:51 +0000
Request Number 6
Rate Limit: 5
Remaining: 1
Reset Time: 2023-12-08 15:19:51 +0000
Waiting for 38 seconds to allow for rate limit to be reset
Request Number 7
Rate Limit: 5
Remaining: 5
Reset Time: 2023-12-08 15:19:51 +0000
Request Number 8
Rate Limit: 5
Remaining: 4
Reset Time: 2023-12-08 15:19:51 +0000
Request Number 9
Rate Limit: 5
Remaining: 3
Reset Time: 2023-12-08 15:19:51 +0000
Request Number 10
Rate Limit: 5
Remaining: 2
Reset Time: 2023-12-08 15:19:51 +0000
Request Number 11
Rate Limit: 5
Remaining: 1
Reset Time: 2016-11-16 16:15:00 +0000
Waiting for 58 seconds to allow for rate limit to be reset
Use randomization
While the reset option is one way to deal with rate limiting, you may want more granular control over your rate limit handling. For example, you might have a specific retry timeframe that you want to follow and not wait for the minute window to pass for your entire rate limit to be reset.
If you want more control over your rate limiting handling then you can check for the specific rate limit error returned and use some form of randomization in the backoff calculation.
You could change the retry code above to look like this to achieve some randomization:
require 'intercom'
require 'stringio'
intercom = Intercom::Client.new(token: ENV['YOUR_TOKEN'])
retries = 0
max_retries = 3
backoff_factor = 2
for num in 0..20
puts("Request Number #{num+1}")
email = 'contact' + num.to_s + '@example.com'
name = 'Mrs ' + num.to_s + "Example"
# Make a HTTP POST request to Intercom to create/update a user
response = intercom.contacts.create(:email => email, :name => name, :signed_up_at => Time.now.to_i)
rescue Intercom::RateLimitExceeded => error
#At this point we know we have encountered a limit
#So lets try for a few times and backoff a little in each case
puts("Error Msg: #{error.inspect} \n")
puts("http_code: #{error.http_code[:http_code]}\n" )
puts("http_code: #{error.http_code[:application_error_code]}\n" )
if retries <= max_retries
# Lets try it a few more times
retries += 1
# Set a range from num of retries to backoff and randomly sample from that
# You can pick any range you like here, this is just an example
backoff = rand(retries..(backoff_factor * retries))
puts("Backoff for #{backoff} seconds")
sleep backoff
# Rasing error here so you can perform some action based on this event
raise("No longer retrying since we have retried #{retries} times.\n"\
"The error returned was: '#{error.message}'")
rescue => error
raise("Received a general error so exiting: #{error}")
After running this code, your output would look like this:
Request Number 1
Request Number 2
Request Number 3
Request Number 4
Request Number 5
Request Number 6
Request Number 7
Error Msg: #<Intercom::RateLimitExceeded: More than 5 requests received in 1 minute>
http_code: 429
http_code: rate_limit_exceeded
Backoff for 2 seconds
Request Number 8
Error Msg: #<Intercom::RateLimitExceeded: More than 5 requests received in 1 minute>
http_code: 429
http_code: rate_limit_exceeded
Backoff for 3 seconds
Request Number 9
Error Msg: #<Intercom::RateLimitExceeded: More than 5 requests received in 1 minute>
http_code: 429
http_code: rate_limit_exceeded
Backoff for 3 seconds
Request Number 10
Error Msg: #<Intercom::RateLimitExceeded: More than 5 requests received in 1 minute>
http_code: 429
http_code: rate_limit_exceeded
Backoff for 6 seconds
Request Number 11
Error Msg: #<Intercom::RateLimitExceeded: More than 5 requests received in 1 minute>
http_code: 429
http_code: rate_limit_exceeded
advanced_throttle.rb:32:in `rescue in block in <main>': No longer retrying since we have retried 4 times. (RuntimeError)
The error returned was: 'More than 5 requests received in 1 minute'
from advanced_throttle.rb:9:in `block in <main>'
from advanced_throttle.rb:8:in `each'
from advanced_throttle.rb:8:in `<main>'
Use a library for exponential backoff
To prevent having to implement your own backoff forumlas, you can use a library that will handle this for you. Some examples include:
With retries, all you specify the number of retries you want and it will handle the rest.
require 'intercom'
require 'stringio'
require 'retries'
intercom = Intercom::Client.new(token: ENV['YOUR_TOKEN'])
max_retries = 3
for num in 0..20
handler = Proc.new do |exception, attempt_number, total_delay|
puts "Handler saw a #{exception.class}; retry attempt #{attempt_number}; #{total_delay} seconds have passed."
with_retries(:max_tries => max_retries, :handler => handler, :rescue => [Intercom::RateLimitExceeded]) do |attempt|
puts("Request Number #{num+1}")
# You can check for the max retry number and raise an error so you can take some action based on this event
if attempt >= max_retries
raise("No longer retrying since we have retried #{attempt} time.\n"\
"The error returned was: '#{Intercom::RateLimitExceeded}'")
puts("Request Number #{num+1}")
email = 'contact' + num.to_s + '@example.com'
name = 'Mrs ' + num.to_s + "Example"
# Make a HTTP POST request to Intercom to create/update a user
response = intercom.contacts.create(:email => email, :name => name, :signed_up_at => Time.now.to_i)
The is what the output of the above example looks like using retries:
Request Number 1
Request Number 2
Request Number 3
Request Number 4
Request Number 5
Request Number 6
Handler saw a Intercom::RateLimitExceeded; retry attempt 1; 0.328696139 seconds have passed.
Request Number 6
Handler saw a Intercom::RateLimitExceeded; retry attempt 2; 1.194656588 seconds have passed.
Request Number 6
throttle_retries.rb:14:in `block (2 levels) in <main>': No longer retrying since we have retried 3 times. (RuntimeError)
The error returned was: 'Intercom::RateLimitExceeded'
from /home/ec2-user/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.3.0/gems/retries-0.0.5/lib/retries.rb:46:in `with_retries'
from throttle_retries.rb:11:in `block in <main>'
from throttle_retries.rb:7:in `each'
from throttle_retries.rb:7:in `<main>'
[ec2-user@ip-10-0-2-162 ~]$