Retrieve the exported data

When a job has a status of complete, and thus a filled download_url, you can download your data by hitting that provided URL, formatted like so:

Your exported message data will be streamed continuously back down to you in a gzipped CSV format.

Octet header required

You will have to specify the header Accept: application/octet-stream when hitting this endpoint.

Example Request

curl \\\n-X GET \\\n-H 'Authorization:Bearer <Your access token>' \\\n-H 'Accept: application/octet-stream'\n
curl --compressed \\\n-X GET \\\n-H 'Authorization:Bearer <Your access token>' \\\n-H 'Accept: application/octet-stream'

Example Errors

HTTP/1.1 404 NOT FOUND\n{\n  \"type\": \"error.list\",\n  \"errors\": [\n      {\n        \"code\": \"not_found\",\n        \"message\": \"The requested resource does not exist.\"\n      }\n  ]\n}\n
HTTP/1.1 404 NOT FOUND\n{\n  \"type\": \"error.list\",\n  \"errors\": [\n      {\n        \"code\": \"not_found\",\n        \"message\": \"Object not found.\"\n      }\n  ]\n}\n


This will return a gzipped folder containing multiple CSVs, one for each message statistic that you will need to unzip. If a statistic has no records then it will not be included in the zipped file.


user_idstringThe user_id of the user who was sent the message.
user_external_idstringThe external_user_id of the user who was sent the message
company_idstringThe company ID of the user in relation to the message that was sent. Will return -1 if no company is present.
emailstringThe users email who was sent the message.
namestringThe full name of the user receiving the message
ruleset_idstringThe id of the message.
content_idstringThe specific content that was received. In an A/B test each version has its own Content ID.
content_typestringEmail, Chat, Post etc.
content_titlestringThe title of the content you see in your Intercom workspace.
ruleset_version_idstringAs you edit content we record new versions. This ID can help you determine which version of a piece of content that was received.
receipt_idstringID for this receipt. Will be included with any related stats in other files to identify this specific delivery of a message.
received_attimestampTimestamp for when the receipt was recorded.
series_idstringThe id of the series that this content is part of. Will return -1 if not part of a series.
series_titlestringThe title of the series that this content is part of.
node_idstringThe id of the series node that this ruleset is associated with. Each block in a series has a corresponding node_id.
first_replytimestampThe first time a user replied to this message if the content was able to receive replies.
first_completiontimestampThe first time a user completed this message if the content was able to be completed e.g. Tours, Surveys.
first_series_completiontimestampThe first time the series this message was a part of was completed by the user.
first_series_disengagementtimestampThe first time the series this message was a part of was disengaged by the user.
first_series_exittimestampThe first time the series this message was a part of was exited by the user.
first_goal_successtimestampThe first time the user met this messages associated goal if one exists.
first_opentimestampThe first time the user opened this message.
first_clicktimestampThe first time the series the user clicked on a link within this message.
first_dismisalltimestampThe first time the series the user dismissed this message.
first_unsubscribetimestampThe first time the user unsubscribed from this message.
first_hard_bouncetimestampThe first time this message hard bounced for this user


A click is recorded whenever a user, lead or visitor clicks a link in a piece of content. Here a link could be a regular text link, a button or an image that links somewhere.

Link this file with the receipts file to track and analyze multiple clicks within the same message.

receipt_idstringID of the receipt linked to this stat
clicked_attimestampTimestamp for when the link, image or button was clicked.