
A dropdown component is used to capture a choice from the options that you provide. You can submit the value of the select option by:

  • Using a button component (which will submit all interactive components in the canvas)

When a submit action takes place, the results are given in a hash with the id from the dropdown component used as the key and the id from the chosen option as the value.

ParameterPossible ValuesRequiredFunction
typedropdownYesThe type of component you are rendering.
idAny stringYesA unique identifier for the component.
optionsArray (See Below)YesThe list of 2 or more options.
labelAny stringNoThe text shown above the dropdown.
valueThe id of an optionNoThe option that is selected by default.
save_stateunsaved``saved``failedNoStyles all options and prevents the action.Default is false.Will be overriden if save_state is saved.
disabledfalse``trueNoStyles all options and prevents the action.Default is false.Will be overriden if save_state is saved.
actionAction ObjectNoThis can be a Submit Action, URL Action, or Sheets Action.

Option Parameters

ParameterPossible ValuesRequiredFunction
typeoptionYesThe type of component you are rendering.
idAny stringYesA unique identifier for the option.
textAny stringYesThe text shown within this option.
disabledfalse``trueNoStyles the option and prevents the action.Default is false.
