Import Contacts with the Intercom API

If you’re switching to Intercom from a different provider or starting out with a brand new workspace (welcome!) you likely need a way to import your users.

There are a few options for transferring your contact data that include:

  • Using an app, like these ones from Mailchimp or Mixpanel
  • Exporting your contacts as a CSV and uploading via the UI
  • Using your previous provider’s APIs to read the data and save as a JSON file or transfer directly using Intercom APIs
  • Exporting your contacts as a .xlsx, or JSON file and using the file for import with with Intercom APIs

In this tutorial you will import contacts into your Intercom app using example data from a JSON file. When complete, you should see the list of contacts in your Intercom workspace, along with a custom data attribute you will set on the contact.

About this tutorial

This tutorial is written in Node.js and is aimed toward developers familiar with making API requests. The code samples are a starting point, but very large imports will require modifications. Note that development workspaces are limited to 20 users/leads.

What are contacts?

In Intercom, your contacts are your customers or end-users of your product. Contacts can either be a user or a lead. A lead is a person who hasn’t yet signed up for your product (or sometimes, a user who’s not logged in). If someone starts a conversation with you in the Intercom Messenger, they are automatically saved as a lead. A user is a signed-up, logged-in user of your product.

You can find a full list of Intercom defined terms here.

The Contacts and Data Attributes APIs

You will use two Intercom APIs to create data for this tutorial.

POST /contacts is used to create a contact, an end-user for your Intercom app. The only required parameter for creating a contact is email

POST /data_attributes is used to create a custom attribute for your contacts. You can create an attribute in the UI as well but for this tutorial you will create one using the API. The request requires name, model, and data_type.

This tutorial is set up to read data from a JSON file: use this dummy data provided or try using your own data. If you can access your data from another application with their API, you may modify the code to transfer the data directly.


Step 1: Set up your project

Create and navigate to a new directory where you will save your data in the JSON file and the import script.

mkdir import_contacts
cd import_contacts

Then create a new Node.js project and install the dependencies: dotenv for reading your Intercom Access Token and node-fetch for using the Fetch API for your calls to Intercom.

npm init
npm install dotenv node-fetch

The setup guide should have prompted you to create a project file called index.js. Create files for the contact dummy data and the .env file. Make sure to also add "type": "module" to your package.json file.

touch contacts.json
touch .env

Find your Intercom Access Token from the Developer Hub under the Authentication section and paste it in the .env file.


Next you will add the contacts data to contacts.json

Step 2: The contacts data

This is a small data set to use as an example. If you utilize another platform’s API to export data, be sure to check the rate limits and pagination methods. Intercom’s rate limits are provided here: At present, the default rate limit is 10,000 API calls per minute per app.

Open up contacts.json and paste in the following data.

   "contacts": [
           "id": 14637613035933,
           "name": "Sarah M",
           "email": "",
           "company_id": "15257600000029",
           "custom_attributes": {
               "pronouns": "She/Her"
           “role”: “user”
           "id": 14637613035934,
           "name": "Ajay P",
           "email": "",
           "company_id": "15283600000067",
           "custom_attributes": {
               "pronouns": "He/Him"
           “role”: “lead”
           "id": 14637613035935,
           "name": "Huong N",
           "email": "",
           "company_id": "15257600000029",
           "custom_attributes": {
               "pronouns": "They/Them"
           “role”: “user”
           "id": 14637613035936,
           "name": "Jan G",
           "email": "",
           "company_id": "15259370000094",
           "custom_attributes": {
               "pronouns": "He/They"
           “role”: “lead”
           "id": 14637613035937,
           "name": "Amina R",
           "email": "",
           "company_id": "15357600000026",
           "custom_attributes": {
               "pronouns": "She/Her"
           “role”: “user”

While the only required parameter for creating a contact is email, in a real case you would probably want to import as much data as possible about a contact. In this data set you have:

  • name: The name of the contact
  • id: The ID provisioned for the contact by the previous provider
  • email: The email of the contact
  • company_id: The ID of the company provisioned for the contact by a previous provider
  • custom_attributes: These can be any additional attributes you want to add to a contact object. For this example we will look at how to add an attribute for a contact’s pronouns
  • role: Defines if the contact is a user or a lead.

Next you will create the data attribute for pronouns to add to the contacts.

Step 3: Create the data attribute

Open up index.js and paste in the below code.

import fetch from "node-fetch";
import dotenv from "dotenv";
import contactData from "./contacts.json" assert { type: "json" };

async function createContactAttribute() {
  // Make a HTTP POST request to Intercom to create a data attribute
  // name, model, and data type are required fields, description is optional
  const response = await fetch(``, {
    method: "POST",
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/json",
      "Intercom-Version": "2.10",
      Authorization: `Bearer ${process.env.INTERCOM_TOKEN}`,
    body: JSON.stringify({
      name: "pronouns",
      model: "contact",
      data_type: "string",
      description: "The pronouns of the contact.",

  // If a successful 200 OK response, log that the attribute was created
  if (response.ok) {
    console.log("Data attribute created.");

// Make the call so the function will run

Here you begin by importing the contacts.json file as the variable contactData, then defining a function to create a data attribute for contacts.

You need to provide your Intercom Access Token in the authorization headers, and for this tutorial we are using version 2.10 of the API.

Since the data will be a string, you will provide that for the data_type and a brief description of what the attribute is.

Run the file in your terminal using the command node index.js. If successful, you will see pronouns in the list of attribute names in Settings > People data in your workspace.

Step 4: Create the contacts

Now you can create the contacts with the new data attribute. Delete the createContactAttribute() code and replace it with the below.

async function createContact() {
  // Create an array with the contacts example data
  let contacts = contactData.contacts;

  // Loop over the array to get each contact object
  for (let i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++) {
    try {
      // Make a HTTP POST request to Intercom to create the contact
      // Email is the only required field to create a contact
      const response = await fetch(``, {
        method: "POST",
        headers: {
          "Content-Type": "application/json",
          "Intercom-Version": "2.10",
          Authorization: `Bearer ${process.env.INTERCOM_TOKEN}`,
        body: JSON.stringify({
          name: contacts[i].name,
          email: contacts[i].email,
          external_id: contacts[i].id,
          custom_attributes: contacts[i].custom_attributes,
      // If the response is not a 200 OK, log the error
      if (!response.ok) {
        throw new Error(`${response.status} ${response.statusText}`);
      // If the response is successful log that the user has been created
      console.log("New contact created.");
    } catch (error) {

// Call the function to make the API call

For large sets of contacts you may want to run the imports in batches if you are concerned about rate limiting. Batch sizes will depend on the size of your contact list and other API calls you are making within your Intercom app. If you hit the limit, you will see a 429 Error in the response status in your terminal Read more about how you can handle rate limits here.

To create the contacts, you will loop over the array of contacts in the contactData object. For each contact you are providing the name, email, external_id, and pronouns attribute from your custom attributes.

You will not use the external_id in this tutorial, but it may be helpful for you in the future if you are taking actions like importing tickets. To connect contacts with tickets or companies, you need to have the Intercom provisioned ID which is only accessible once the contact has been created in Intercom. You can find the contact using the search contacts API using the external_id as a parameter.

Run node index.js again. You should see logged statements in the terminal when the contacts are created.

No duplicate contacts

If you attempt to create a contact that has already been created in your Intercom app, you will get a 409 Conflict response. You can get the contact's Intercom ID using the get a contact API and update the contact if needed.

Now if you go to your Intercom Inbox under People > All Users you should see the contacts. They may take a few minutes to populate.


In this tutorial you imported contact user and lead data from a JSON file using the Intercom APIs. If you want to try importing data from a spreadsheet, check out the SheetJS library.

If you’re transferring your contacts using another platform’s APIs, there may be a difference in mapping or cases that weren’t covered in this tutorial. Check the provider’s documentation, and you can always refer to the Intercom contacts API reference for more details on how to create or update a contact.

Let us know how it’s going for you and drop a note in the messenger in the bottom right or leave us some feedback at the bottom of this page.

Next steps