
The text component is used for rendering blocks of text inside messenger cards. It does not accept most styling information (e.g. font size and text color). Links and bold font can be rendered through Markdown however.

{  "type":  "text",  "text":  "Welcome to the messenger app framework",  "style": "header",  "align": "left"}
ParameterPossible ValuesRequiredFunction
idAny stringNoUnique identifier for the component within this card.
textAny stringMarkdown (ie. [](), **)YesThe text that will be rendered inside the component.
alignleft (default)centerrightNoAligns the text inside the component.
styleheaderparagraph (default)mutederrorNoStyles the text in a specific preset style.
bottom_marginnoneNoDisables a component’s default margin-bottom of 10px.

🚧 Line Breaks

Line breaks are not converted into tags in the rendered HTML, so all text will appear on a single line.

Card View

Frame View