Leads Object

Example Lead Object (i.e. example JSON response)

Lead example object

{\n    \"anonymous\": true,\n    \"app_id\": \"abc3wodw\",\n    \"avatar\": {\n        \"image_url\": \"https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/af060c6?\",\n        \"type\": \"avatar\"\n    },\n    \"companies\": {\n        \"companies\": [],\n        \"type\": \"company.list\"\n    },\n    \"created_at\": 1503488750,\n    \"custom_attributes\": {},\n    \"do_not_track\": null,\n    \"email\": \"test@example.com\",\n    \"has_hard_bounced\": false,\n    \"id\": \"599d6aeeda883ed8ba7c2\",\n    \"last_request_at\": 1503488749,\n    \"last_seen_ip\": null,\n    \"location_data\": {\n        \"city_name\": \"Pretoria\",\n        \"continent_code\": \"AF\",\n        \"country_code\": \"ZAF\",\n        \"country_name\": \"South Africa\",\n        \"latitude\": -0.0,\n        \"longitude\": 0.0,\n        \"postal_code\": \"0118\",\n        \"region_name\": \"Gauteng\",\n        \"timezone\": \"Africa/Johannesburg\",\n        \"type\": \"location_data\"\n    },\n    \"marked_email_as_spam\": false,\n    \"name\": null,\n    \"owner_id\": \"321452\",\n    \"phone\": null,\n    \"pseudonym\": \"Test from Pretoria\",\n    \"referrer\": null,\n    \"remote_created_at\": null,\n    \"segments\": {\n        \"segments\": [],\n        \"type\": \"segment.list\"\n    },\n    \"session_count\": 0,\n    \"signed_up_at\": null,\n    \"social_profiles\": {\n        \"social_profiles\": [\n            {\n                \"id\": \"123456\",\n                \"name\": \"GooglePlus\",\n                \"type\": \"social_profile\",\n                \"url\": \"https://plus.google.com/123456\",\n                \"username\": null\n            }\n        ],\n        \"type\": \"social_profile.list\"\n    },\n    \"tags\": {\n        \"tags\": [],\n        \"type\": \"tag.list\"\n    },\n    \"type\": \"contact\",\n    \"unsubscribed_from_emails\": false,\n    \"updated_at\": 1520946390,\n    \"user_agent_data\": \"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/60.0.3112.101 Safari/537.36\",\n    \"user_id\": \"e477-55c-47d5-96d3-e45bf\",\n    \"utm_campaign\": null,\n    \"utm_content\": null,\n    \"utm_medium\": null,\n    \"utm_source\": null,\n    \"utm_term\": null\n}

A lead object contains the following fields -

typestringvalue is 'contact'
idstringThe Intercom defined id representing the Lead
created_attimestampThe time the Lead was added to Intercom
updated_attimestampThe last time the Lead was updated
user_idstringAutomatically generated identifier for the Lead
emailstringThe email you have defined for the Lead
phonestringThe phone number you have defined for the lead
namestringThe name of the Lead
custom_attributesobjectThe custom attributes you have set on the Lead
last_request_attimestampThe time the Lead last recorded making a request
avatarobjectAn avatar object for the Lead
unsubscribed_from_emailsbooleanWhether the Lead is unsubscribed from emails
location_dataobjectA Location Object relating to the Lead
user_agent_datastringData about the last user agent the Lead was seen using
last_seen_ipnoThis will return null in an effort to remove PII from our API.
companieslistA list of companies for the Lead
social_profileslistA list of social profiles associated with the Lead
segmentslistThis will return an empty list of segments as part of our effort to deprecate this attribute on the lead model for performance and accuracy reasons.
tagslistA list of tags associated with the Lead.
referrerstringThe URL of the page the lead was last on
utm_sourcestringIdentifies which site sent the traffic
utm_mediumstringIdentifies what type of link was used
utm_campaignstringIdentifies a specific product promotion or strategic campaign
utm_termstringIdentifies search terms
utm_contentstringIdentifies what specifically was clicked to bring the user to the site

Information on social profile, avatar and location objects can be found under the Users documentation.