View a Company

Example View Request and Response

$ curl \\\n-s \\\n-H 'Authorization:Bearer <Your access token>' \\\n-H \"Accept:application/json\" \\
HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n\n{\n  \"type\": \"company\",\n  \"id\": \"531ee472cce572a6ec000006\",\n  \"name\": \"Blue Sun\",\n  \"plan\": {\n    \"type\":\"plan\",\n    \"id\":\"1\",\n    \"name\":\"Paid\"\n  },\n  \"company_id\": \"141\",\n  \"remote_created_at\": 1394531169,\n  \"created_at\": 1394533506,\n  \"updated_at\": 1396874658,\n  \"last_request_at\": 1396874658,\n  \"monthly_spend\": 49,\n  \"session_count\": 26,\n  \"user_count\": 10,\n  \"custom_attributes\": {\n    \"paid_subscriber\" : true,\n    \"team_mates\": 0\n  }\n}

Each company has its own URL -


Where {id} is the value of the company's id field. This URL is the company's canonical address in the API.

Request Parameters

namenoThe name of the company
company_idnoThe company_id you have given to the company

A company can also be fetched by its name using a name or company_id parameter in the url, whose values are the ones you have defined for that company -


The name parameter value should be url encoded when sending, as company names are allowed to have values that either need to be encoded as character data (e.g., whitespace) or are reserved characters (e.g., ':').