Conversation Model
Example Conversation Object
{ "assignee": { "id": "814860", "type": "admin" }, "conversation_message": { "attachments": [], "author": { "id": "5bc8f7421ae2d96695c18a", "type": "lead" }, "body": "<p>Hi</p>", "delivered_as": "customer_initiated", "id": "269650473", "subject": "", "type": "conversation", "url": "" }, "conversation_parts": { "conversation_parts": [ { "assigned_to": null, "attachments": [], "author": { "id": "815309", "type": "bot" }, "body": "<p>Test_App typically replies in a few hours.</p>", "created_at": 1539897200, "external_id": null, "id": "2202737122", "notified_at": 1539897200, "part_type": "comment", "type": "conversation_part", "updated_at": 1539897200 }, #List of conversation parts... ], "total_count": 25, "type": "conversation_part.list" }, "conversation_rating": { "created_at": null, "customer": { "id": null, "type": null }, "rating": null, "remark": null, "teammate": { "id": null, "type": null } }, "created_at": 1539897198, "customer_first_reply": { "created_at": 1539897198, "type": "conversation", "url": "" }, "customers": [ { "id": "5bc8f7ae2d96695c18a", "type": "lead" } ], "id": "1911149811", "open": true, "read": true, "sent_at": 1539897198, "snoozed_until": null, "state": "open", "tags": { "tags": [], "type": "tag.list" }, "type": "conversation", "updated_at": 1540393270, "user": { "id": "5bc8f7421ffae2d96695c18a", "type": "lead" }, "waiting_since": 64654125776 }
{ "type":"conversation", "id":"1122334455", "created_at":1567693209, "updated_at":1568367881, "waiting_since":1568367881, "snoozed_until":null, "assignee":{ "type":"admin", "id":"1223334" }, "open":true, "state":"open", "read":true, "tags":{ "type":"tag.list", "tags":[ ] }, "conversation_rating":{ "rating":null, "remark":null, "created_at":null, "customer":{ "type":null, "id":null }, "teammate":{ "type":null, "id":null } }, "conversation_parts":{ "type":"conversation_part.list", "conversation_parts":[ { "type":"conversation_part", "id":"1223445555", "part_type":"comment", "body":"We've removed this part of the conversation to comply with Twitter's terms and conditions. You can view the complete conversation in Intercom.", "created_at":1567693273, "updated_at":1567693273, "notified_at":1567693273, "assigned_to":null, "author":{ "type":"user", "id":"5310d8e7598c9a0b24000002", "name":"", "email":"" }, "attachments":[ ], "external_id":null }, ], "total_count":1 }, "customer_first_reply":{ "created_at":1567693209, "type":"twitter", "url":"" }, "conversation_message":{ "type":"twitter", "id":"409820079", "delivered_as":"customer_initiated", "subject":"We've removed this part of the conversation to comply with Twitter's terms and conditions. You can view the complete conversation in Intercom.", "body":"We've removed this part of the conversation to comply with Twitter's terms and conditions. You can view the complete conversation in Intercom.", "author":{ "type":"user", "id":"5310d8e7598c9a0b24000002", "name":"", "email":"" }, "attachments":[ ], "url":"" }, "customers":[ { "type":"user", "id":"5310d8e7598c9a0b24000002" } ], "user":{ "type":"user", "id":"5310d8e7598c9a0b24000002" } }
A conversation lets you track and describe communications with your users. Each conversation contains the message that initiated the conversation, the user involved, the admin assigned to the conversation and a list of parts describing the conversation thread. The open or closed status of the conversation is also provided.
Conversation Object
Attribute | Type | Description |
type | string | Always conversation . |
id | string | The id representing the conversation. |
created_at | timestamp | The time the conversation was created. |
updated_at | timestamp | The last time the conversation was updated. |
waiting_since | timestamp | The last time a customer responded to an admin. In other words, the time a customer started waiting for a response. Set to null if last reply is from an admin. |
snoozed_until | timestamp | If set this is the time in the future when this conversation will be marked as open. i.e. it will be in a snoozed state until this time. |
conversation_message | Message | The message that started the conversation rendered for presentation. |
user | User | The user the conversation concerns. |
customers | List of customers objects | The list of customers (users or leads) involved in this conversation. This will only contain one customer unless more were added via the group conversation feature. |
customer_first_reply | Object | An object containing information on the first users message. For a user initiated message this will represent the users original message. |
assignee | Admin | The admin the conversation is currently assigned to. Note nobody_admin indicates the conversation is assigned to Nobody. |
conversation_parts | Object | A conversation part object with a list of conversation parts. |
open | Boolean | Indicates whether a conversation is open (true) or closed (false). |
state | String | Can be set to "open", "closed" or "snoozed". |
read | Boolean | Indicates whether a conversation has been read. |
tags | List | A list of tags associated with the conversation. |
total_count | Integer | The number of conversation parts in this conversation. |
conversation_rating | object | A conversation rating object which contains information on the rating and/or remark added by a customer and the admin assigned to the conversation. |
Message Object
Attribute | Type | Description |
type | string | This includes conversation, push, facebook, twitter and email. |
id | string | The id representing the message. |
delivered_as | string | How was the message delivered by Intercom. They types of delivery are customer_initiated, automated, campaigns_initiated, admin_initiated, and operator_initiated. |
subject | string | Optional. The message subject. For Twitter, this will show a generic message regarding why the subject is obscured. |
body | string | The message body, which may contain HTML. For Twitter, this will show a generic message regarding why the body is obscured. |
author | Admin | The type of individual that sent the message (user , lead , admin or team ) and their related id . For Twitter, this will be blank. |
attachments | List | A list of attachments for the part. |
url | string | The URL where the conversation was started. For Twitter, Email, and Bots, this will be blank. |
Please note that URLs for User uploaded images & files have a 30 minute expiration. Once the expiration has passed, the link will no longer be valid and result in a 404. This means that if a URL is copied, and then reused elsewhere, it will continue to work until the expiry threshold. A new URL can be generated by fetching the conversation data again.
Customers object
Attribute | Type | Description |
type | String | This can be either a user or a lead . |
id | String | The ID for the user or lead . |
Customer First reply object
Channel | String | Over which channel did the first reply occur. Options include conversation, push, facebook, twitter and email. |
URL | String | The URL where the first reply originated from. For Twitter and Email replies, this will be blank. |
Created_at | Timestamp | The time the users messages was created. This is in unix timestamp format. |
If a user has not replied to an Intercom initiated message (e.g. auto messages, admin initiated messages, campaigns) then the customer_first_reply attribute will be null