Create a message

Example Request & Response

$ curl \-X POST \-H 'Authorization:Bearer <Your access token>' \-H 'Accept: application/json' \-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d{  "message_type": "email",  "subject": "Hey",  "body": "Ponies, cute small horses or something more sinister?",  "template": "plain",  "from": {    "type": "admin",    "id": "394051"  },  "to": {    "type": "user",    "id": "536e564f316c83104c000020"  }}
HTTP/1.1 200 OK{  "type": "admin_message",  "id": "2001",  "created_at": 1401916877,  "message_type": "email",  "subject" : "Hey",  "body" : "Ponies, cute small horses or something more sinister?",  "template": "plain",  "owner": {    "email": "",    "id": "394051",    "name": "Wash",    "type": "admin"  }}
intercom.messages.create(  :message_type => 'email',  :subject  => 'This Land',  :body     => "Har har har! Mine is an evil laugh!",  :template => "plain", # or "personal",  :from => {    :type => "admin",    :id   => "394051"  },  :to => {    :type => "user",    :id => "536e564f316c83104c000020"  })
<?php$intercom->messages->create([    "message_type" => "email",    "subject" => "Plato Quote",    "body" => "And what, Socrates, is the food of the soul?",    "from" => [        "type" => "admin",        "id" => "814860"    ],    "to" => [        "type" => "user",        "email" => ""    ]]);?>
User user = new User()  .setId("5310d8e8598c9a0b24000005");Admin admin = new Admin()  .setId("394051");AdminMessage adminMessage = new AdminMessage()  .setAdmin(admin)  .setUser(user)  .setSubject("This Land")  .setBody("Har har har! Mine is an evil laugh!")  .setMessageType("email")  .setTemplate("plain"); // or personalConversation.create(adminMessage);

You can create a message that has been initiated by an admin. The conversation can be either an in-app message or an email.

Delay after contact creation

There can be a short delay between when a contact is created and when a contact becomes available to be messaged through the API. A 404 Not Found error will be returned in this case.

Request Body Parameters

message_typeStringYesThe kind of message being created. Values: inapp or email
subjectStringYes, if message_type: email.The title of the email.
bodyStringYesThe content of the message.Limited HTML and plaintext are supported.
templateStringYes, if message_type: email.The style of the outgoing message.Possible values plain or personal.
fromObjectYesSee From Object below for more.
toObjectYesSee To Object below for more.

From Object

typeStringYesAlways admin.
idStringYesThe identifier for the admin which is given by Intercom.

To Object

typeStringYesThe role associated to the contact - user or lead.
idStringYesThe identifier for the contact which is given by Intercom.


This will return the Message that has been created.

Retrieving Associated Conversations

As this is a message, there will be no conversation present until the contact responds. Once they do, you will have to search for a contact's conversations with the id of the message.