Tag companies
Example Request & Response
$ curl https://api.intercom.io/tags \
-H 'Authorization:Bearer <Your access token>' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'
"name": "Independent",
"companies": [
"id" : "53427b7ecce5722303000003"
HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
"type": "tag",
"name": "Independent",
"id": "17513"
intercom.tags.tag(name: 'Independent', users: [{ id: "42ea2f1b93891f6a99000427" }, { email: "foo@bar.com" }])
# Note that you can use either id, user_id or email to tag a user.
# You only need to use one per user, e.g. the below will tag
# three users if each identifier is for a different, unique user
"name" => "VIPs",
"users" => [
["id" => "5977e20941abfc5aae4552d1"],
["user_id" => "12345"],
["email" => "camus@phil.com"]
User one = new User().setEmail("river@example.com");
User two = new User().setEmail("simon@example.com")
List<User> users = Lists.newArrayList(one, two);
Tag.tag(tag, new UserCollection(users));
You can tag a single or a list of companies.
Request Body Parameters
Parameters | Type | Required | Description |
name | String | Yes | The name of the tag, which will be created if not found. |
companies | Object | Yes | An array of objects with the unique id or company_id of the company to be tagged. |
This will return a Tag Model for the tag that was applied to the given company.### Response
This will return a Tag Model for the tag that was applied to the given company.