Pagination (Cursor)

We're starting to adopt a cursor-based approach to pagination for certain list resources.

This currently only applies when listing Contacts.

Example Initial Request

cURL (Initial Request)

$ curl \\\n-H 'Authorization:Bearer <Your access token>' \\\n-H 'Accept:application/json'

Initial Request

You can initially specify how many items per_page you want to fetch.

per_pageIntegerThe number of items returned in a single response.
Default is 50.
Max is 150.

Example Initial Pages Object


{\n  \"pages\": {\n    \"type\": \"pages\",\n    \"next\": {\n      \"page\": 4,\n      \"starting_after\": \"1HaSB+xrOyyMXAkS/c1RteCL7BzOzTvYjmjakgTergIH31eoe2v4/sbLsJWP\\nIncfQLD3ouPkZlCwJ86F\\n\"\n    },\n    \"page\": 3,\n    \"per_page\": 5,\n    \"total_pages\": 10\n   }\n}


In order to iterate through pages, you must parse the query response. A query with multiple response pages will include a next key in the pages object. When a next value is provided, the starting_after value must be sent back in a new request in order to iterate to the next page.

starting_afterStringThe cursor used for pagination in order to fetch the next page of results.

🚧 Paginating through all results

This method of pagination is used to iterate through a result set until all results have been fetched, not to directly go to page X of the results. This is not possible.

Example Subsequent Requests

cURL (Subsequent Requests)

$ curl\"1HaSB+xrOyyMXAkS/c1RteCL7BzOzTvYjmjakgTergIH31eoe2v4/sbLsJWP\\nIncfQLD3ouPkZlCwJ86F\\n\" \\\n-H 'Authorization:Bearer <Your access token>' \\\n-H 'Accept:application/json'\n