The data attribute model

Example Data Attribute Object

{  \"type\": \"data_attribute\",  \"model\": \"contact\",  \"name\": \"paid_subscriber\",  \"full_name\": \"custom_attributes.paid_subscriber\",   \"label\": \"paid_subscriber\",   \"description\": \"\",  \"data_type\": \"string\",   \"options\": [    \"pick_value_1\",    \"pick_value_2\"  ],  \"api_writable\": true,   \"ui_writable\": true,   \"custom\": true,   \"archived\": false,   \"admin_id\": \"1\",  \"created_at\": 1392734388,  \"updated_at\": 1392734388}

Data Attributes are a type of metadata used to describe your contact and company models. These include standard and custom attributes. By using the data attributes endpoint, you can get the global list of attributes for your workspace, as well as create and archive custom attributes.

Data Attribute Object

typestringValue is data_attribute
modelstringValue is contact for user/lead attributes, and company for company attributes.
namestringName of the attributeExamples:email``region_name for region_name stored in location_data objectimage_url for image_url stored in avatar objectpaid_subscriber for CDA named paid_subscriber
full_namestringFull name of the attribute. Should match the name unless it's a nested attribute.Examples:email``location_data.region_name``avatar.image_url``custom_attributes.paid_subscriberWe can split full_name on . to access nested user object values.
labelstringReadable name of the attribute (i.e. name you see in the UI)
descriptionstringReadable description of the attribute
data_typestringType of data stored in the attribute.Possible values: string``integer``float``boolean``date
optionslistList of predefined options for attribute value
api_writablebooleanCan this attribute be updated through API
messenger_writablebooleanCan this attribute be updated by the Messenger
ui_writablebooleanCan this attribute be updated in the UI
custombooleanSet to true if this is a CDA
archivedbooleanOnly applicable to CDAs
created_attimestampThe time the CDA was created.Only applicable to CDAs.
updated_attimestampThe last time the CDA was updated.Only applicable to CDAs
admin_idstringTeammate who created the attribute.Only applicable to CDAs