The segment model

Example Segment Object

{\n  \"type\": \"segment\",\n  \"id\": \"53203e244cba153d39000062\",\n  \"name\": \"New\",\n  \"created_at\": 1394621988,\n  \"updated_at\": 1394622004\n}

A segment is a group of your contacts defined by rules that you set. Contacts are automatically added to the segment every time the contact updates to match those rules. You can use Search for contacts to find contacts that match the same rules.

Segment Object

typestringvalue is segment'.
idstringThe unique identifier representing the segment.
namestringThe name of the segment.
created_attimestampThe time the segment was created.
updated_attimestampThe time the segment was updated.
person_typestringType of the record: user or lead.
countintegerThe number of items in the user segment. It's returned when include_count=true is included in the request.