Using Intercom

Track who your users are and what they do in your mobile app and customize the Intercom Messenger. Here’s how to configure Intercom for Android:

User Login

You’ll now need to login your users before you can talk to them and track their activity in your app.

There are two type of users that can be created in Intercom: identified and unidentified.

  • Identified users: If users need to login to your app to use it, such as Facebook, Instagram, or Slack, they would be considered identified users.
  • Unidentified users: If your app does not have a login option, like Angry Birds or a flashlight app, you have unidentified users.

There are three ways to log users into Intercom that visit your app:

  1. Only login identified users
  2. Only login unidentified users
  3. Login both identified and unidentified users - an example of this is where your app has a login option, but it’s not essential for users to login to use your app, like Google Maps or YouTube.

The option you choose should be informed by the design of your app, namely whether you have a login option.

Login your identified (logged in) users into Intercom

  1. First you'll have to create an user
val registration = Registration.create().withUserId("123456")
  1. Then can login your user, like this:
private fun successfulLogin() {
        /* For best results, use a unique user_id if you have one. */
        val registration = Registration.create().withUserId("123456")
            userRegistration = registration,
            intercomStatusCallback = object : IntercomStatusCallback{
                override fun onSuccess() {
                    // Handle success

                override fun onFailure(intercomError: IntercomError) {
                    // Handle failure

No User ID?

If you don't have a unique userId to use here, or if you have a userId and an email, you can use with Email(String email) on the Registration object.

  1. You’ll also need to register your user anywhere they sign in. Just call:
if (loggedIn) {
/* We're logged in, we can register the user with Intercom */
    val registration = Registration.create().withUserId("123456")
            userRegistration = registration,
            intercomStatusCallback = object : IntercomStatusCallback{
                override fun onSuccess() {
                    // Handle success

                override fun onFailure(intercomError: IntercomError) {
                    // Handle failure


Login your unidentified users (visitors)

Follow these instructions to login your unidentified users:

override fun onCreate() {
    Intercom.initialize(this, "your api key", "your app id")
            intercomStatusCallback = object : IntercomStatusCallback{
                override fun onSuccess() {
                    // Handle success

                override fun onFailure(intercomError: IntercomError) {
                    // Handle failure


Login your users and visitors

  1. First, you’ll need to login your user, like this:
private fun successfulLogin() {
    /* For best results, use a unique user_id if you have one. */
    val registration = Registration.create().withUserId("123456")
    Intercom.client().loginIdentifiedUser(registration, new IntercomStatusCallback() {
                public void onSuccess() {
                    // Handle success

                public void onFailure(@NonNull IntercomError intercomError) {
                    // Handle failure
No User ID?

If you don't have a unique userId to use here, or if you have a userId and an email, you can use with withEmail(String email) on the Registration object.

  1. You’ll also need to login your user anywhere they sign in. Just call:
if (loggedIn) {
    /* We're logged in, we can login the user with Intercom */
    val registration = Registration.create().withUserId("123456")
    Intercom.client().loginIdentifiedUser(registration, new IntercomStatusCallback() {
                public void onSuccess() {
                    // Handle success

                public void onFailure(@NonNull IntercomError intercomError) {
                    // Handle failure
} else {
    /* Since we aren't logged in, we are an unidentified user. 
     * Let's tell Intercom. */
    Intercom.client().loginUnidentifiedUser(new IntercomStatusCallback() {
            public void onSuccess() {
                // Handle success

            public void onFailure(@NonNull IntercomError intercomError) {
                // Handle failure

How to logout a user

When users want to log out of your app, simply call logout like so:

private fun logout() {
    /* This clears the Intercom SDK's cache of your user's identity
     * and wipes the slate clean. */

Best practices for logging in users

  1. Don’t use an email address as a userId as this field is unique and cannot be changed or updated later. If you only have an email address, you can just register a user with that.
  2. If you login users with an email address, the email must be a unique field in your app. Otherwise we won't know which user to update and the mobile integration won't work.
User registration

Intercom knows when your app is backgrounded and comes alive again, so you won’t need to re-register your users.

Update a user

        userAttributes: UserAttributes,
        intercomStatusCallback: IntercomStatusCallback


  • userAttributes : The userAttributes object with the attributes to be set on the user in Intercom.
  • intercomStatusCallback : IntercomStatusCallback to listen to success and failure


You can send any data you like to Intercom from standard user attributes that are common to all Intercom users to custom user attributes that are unique to your app.

The complete list of standard user attributes that can be updated are described in the UserAttributes object. Standard user attributes such as a user's name or email address can be updated by calling:

val userAttributes = UserAttributes.Builder()
            userAttributes = userAttributes,
            intercomStatusCallback = object : IntercomStatusCallback {
                override fun onSuccess() {
                    // Handle success

                override fun onFailure(intercomError: IntercomError) {
                    // Handle failure

Typically our customers see a lot of value in sending custom data that relates to customer development, such as price plan, value of purchases, etc. Custom user attributes can be created and modified by calling withCustomAttribute(key, value) on the UserAttributes object.

val userAttributes = UserAttributes.Builder()
        .withCustomAttribute("paid_subscriber", "Yes")
        .withCustomAttribute("monthly_spend", 155.5)
        .withCustomAttribute("team_mates", 3)
            userAttributes = userAttributes,
            intercomStatusCallback = object : IntercomStatusCallback {
                override fun onSuccess() {
                    // Handle success

                override fun onFailure(intercomError: IntercomError) {
                    // Handle failure
Attribute creation

You don’t have to create attributes in Intercom beforehand. If a custom attribute hasn't been seen before, it will be created for you automatically.

You can also set company data on your user with the Company object, like:

val company = Company.Builder()
        .withName("My Company")
val userAttributes = UserAttributes.Builder()
            userAttributes = userAttributes,
            intercomStatusCallback = object : IntercomStatusCallback {
                override fun onSuccess() {
                    // Handle success

                override fun onFailure(intercomError: IntercomError) {
                    // Handle failure
ID required for Company objects

id is a required field for adding or modifying a company. The Company object describes all the standard attributes you can modify.

Submit an event

logEvent(name: String?, metaData: Map<String, *>?)


  • name : The name of the event you wish to track.
  • metaData : a map of simple types to present to Intercom


You can log events in Intercom that record what users do in your app and when they do it. For example, you could record the item a user ordered from your mobile app, and when they ordered it.

val eventData = mapOf(
    "order_date" to "1392036272",
    "stripe_invoice" to "38572984"
Intercom.client().logEvent("sent_invitation", eventData)

You’ll find more details about how events work and how to submit them here.

Present Intercom Spaces

present(space: IntercomSpace)


  • space : The IntercomSpace enum for the space to be presented


Spaces are different areas of the messenger that you can open directly. Intercom defines 4 possible spaces:

  1. Home
  2. Help Center
  3. Messages
  4. Tickets

These spaces can be presented by:

Intercom.client().present(space = IntercomSpace.Home)

This opens Intercom and displays Home space.

Similarly, you can present HelpCenter and Messages by passing the respective enum.
Not providing space and calling Intercom.client().present() will open Home by default

Present Intercom Content

presentContent(content: IntercomContent)


  • content : The IntercomContent to be presented


There are various IntercomContent that you can present. The available types are:

  1. Article
  2. Survey
  3. Carousel
  4. Help Center Collections
  5. Conversations

To present an Intercom content you create the respective IntercomContent object and then call presentContent with that object

For example, you can present an Article as follows

Intercom.client().presentContent(content = IntercomContent.Article(id = "12345"))

Similarly, you can can present Surveys, Carousels and Help Center Collections.

Make sure your content is live

A piece of content must be ‘live’ to be used in this feature. If it is in a draft or paused state, end-users will see an error if the app tries to open the content.

You may also present conversations using their IDs.

Intercom.client().presentContent(content = IntercomContent.Conversation(id = "12345"))

Customize the Intercom Messenger

We definitely recommend that you customize the Intercom Messenger so that it feels completely at home on your product, site or mobile app. Here’s how:

Choose how the launcher appears and opens for your users

If you’d like the standard launcher to appear on the bottom right-hand side of your screen, just call:


If you want to set the bottom padding for the Messenger, which dictates how far from the bottom of the screen the default launcher and in-app messages will appear, you can call:


Create a custom launcher

However, if you’d like the Messenger to open from another location in your mobile app, you can create a custom launcher. This allows you to specify a button, link or element that opens the Messenger. For example, you can trigger the launcher to open when a customer clicks on your ‘Help and Support’ button.

If you have a custom launcher, you can call:


If you want to open the Messenger to the composer screen with message field pre-populated you can call:


Show your user’s unread message count

Now you can show how many unread conversations your user has on your custom launcher. Even if a user dismisses a notification, they’ll still have a persistent indicator of unread conversations.

Just grab the current count with this method:


Then, start listening for updates using:


Temporarily hide notifications

You can prevent in app messages from popping up in certain parts of your app by calling:


📘 Mobile Carousels and Surveys Visibility

The method setInAppMessageVisibility does not apply to Mobile Carousels or Surveys. They will always be displayed.

You can hide any Intercom screen in your app, by calling:


What's next?

Now that you have Intercom configured you can: