
A single select component is used to capture a choice from the teammate or end user. It requires a collection of single select options, which represent the possible choices.

{  "type": "single-select",  "id": "industry",  "label": "Choose your industry",  "value": "banking",  "save_state": "unsaved",  "disabled": "true",  "options": [    {      "type": "option",      "id": "banking",      "text": "Banking"    },     {      "type": "option",      "id": "tech",      "text": "Technology",      "disabled": "true",    }  ],  "action": {    "type": "submit"  },}


ParameterPossible ValuesRequiredFunction
idAny stringYesUnique identifier for the component within this card. Single select components are submitted in a hash, with this id used as the key and the id of the chosen option as the value.
labelAny stringNoThe text shown above the input.
optionsArrayYesThe list of options. A minimum of 2 options is required, and no more than 11 are allowed. More on the Options array is below.
valueAny stringNoThe default value of the option.
actionAction objectNoThis can be a Submit Action, URL Action, or Sheets Action.
save_stateunsaved (default)savedfailedNoThe defined state of the inputted value to render a specific style.
disabledfalse (default)trueNoStyles as complete and prevents further editing or interaction.

📘 Saved States

A save_state of saved renders the input in a style which indicates a successfully submitted value, and prevents further editing or interaction with the input. It's the only save_state that changes the function and blocks any further interaction.


ParameterPossible ValuesRequiredFunction
idAny stringYesUnique identifier for the option. Single select components are submitted in a hash, with this id used as the key and the id of the chosen option as the value.
textAny stringYesThe text shown within this option.
disabledfalse (default)trueNoStyles as complete and prevents further editing or interaction.

Card View

Frame View