The intercom API reference.
The intercom API reference.
Tickets are how you track requests from your users.
The ID of the Ticket used in the Intercom Inbox and Messenger. Do not use ticket_id for API queries.
An object containing the different attributes associated to the ticket as key-value pairs. For the default title and description attributes, the keys are _default_title_
and _default_description_
{"default_title":"Found a bug","default_description":"The button's not working"}
The state the ticket is currently in
A ticket type, used to define the data fields to be captured in a ticket.
The time the ticket was created as a UTC Unix timestamp.
The last time the ticket was updated as a UTC Unix timestamp.
The time the ticket will be snoozed until as a UTC Unix timestamp. If null, the ticket is not currently snoozed.
An object containing metadata about linked conversations and linked tickets. Up to 1000 can be returned.
A list of Ticket Part objects for each note and event in the ticket. There is a limit of 500 parts.
The state the ticket is currently in, in a human readable form - visible in Intercom
{ "type": "ticket", "id": "1295", "ticket_id": "1390", "category": "Customer", "ticket_attributes": { "_default_title_": "Found a bug", "_default_description_": "The button's not working" }, "ticket_state": "submitted", "ticket_type": { "type": "ticket_type", "id": "1295", "category": "Customer", "name": "Bug", "description": "A bug that has been reported.", "icon": "🐞", "workspace_id": "ecahpwf5", "ticket_type_attributes": { … }, "archived": false, "created_at": 0, "updated_at": 0 }, "contacts": { "type": "contact.list", "contacts": [ … ] }, "admin_assignee_id": "1295", "team_assignee_id": "1295", "created_at": 1663597223, "updated_at": 1663597260, "open": true, "snoozed_until": 1663597260, "linked_objects": { "type": "list", "total_count": 100, "has_more": false, "data": [ … ] }, "ticket_parts": { "type": "ticket_part.list", "ticket_parts": [ … ], "total_count": 2 }, "is_shared": true, "ticket_state_internal_label": "string", "ticket_state_external_label": "string" }
A Ticket Part represents a message in the ticket.
The previous state of the ticket.
The state of the ticket.
The author that wrote or triggered the part. Can be a bot, admin, team or user.
{ "type": "ticket_part", "id": "3", "part_type": "comment", "body": "<p>Okay!</p>", "previous_ticket_state": "submitted", "ticket_state": "submitted", "created_at": 1663597223, "updated_at": 1663597260, "assigned_to": { "type": "contact", "id": "1a2b3c" }, "author": { "type": "admin", "id": "274", "name": "Operator", "email": "" }, "attachments": [ { … } ], "external_id": "abcd1234", "redacted": false }
A ticket type, used to define the data fields to be captured in a ticket.
String representing the object's type. Always has the value ticket_type
A list of attributes associated with a given ticket type.
{ "type": "ticket_type", "id": "1295", "category": "Customer", "name": "Bug", "description": "A bug that has been reported.", "icon": "🐞", "workspace_id": "ecahpwf5", "ticket_type_attributes": { "type": "string", "ticket_type_attributes": [ … ] }, "archived": false, "created_at": 0, "updated_at": 0 }
Payload of the request to reply on behalf of a contact using their intercom_user_id
The time the reply was created. If not provided, the current time will be used.
curl -i -X POST \ '{id}/reply' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'Intercom-Version: 2.11' \ -d '{ "message_type": "comment", "type": "user", "intercom_user_id": "667d619d8a68186f43bafe82", "body": "Thanks again :)" }'
{ "type": "ticket_part", "id": "122", "part_type": "note", "body": "<h2>An Unordered HTML List</h2>\n<ul>\n<li>Coffee</li>\n<li>Tea</li>\n<li>Milk</li>\n</ul>\n<h2>An Ordered HTML List</h2>\n<ol>\n<li>Coffee</li>\n<li>Tea</li>\n<li>Milk</li>\n</ol>", "created_at": 1719493024, "updated_at": 1719493024, "author": { "id": "991267829", "type": "admin", "name": "Ciaran375 Lee", "email": "" }, "attachments": [], "redacted": false }
curl -i -X POST \ '{ticket_id}/tags' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'Intercom-Version: 2.11' \ -d '{ "id": 134, "admin_id": 991267844 }'
{ "type": "tag", "id": "134", "name": "Manual tag" }