Intercom API (2.13)

The Intercom API reference.

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Everything about your Admins


AI Content

With the AI Content APIs, you can create and manage External Pages and Content Import Sources for your Fin Content Library.


External Pages are pages that you want Fin to be able to answer questions about. The API for External Pages is a great way to ingest into your Fin Content Library pages that are not publicly accessible and hence can't be crawled by Intercom.


Content Import Sources are the sources of those pages, and they are used to determine the default audience for the pages (configured via the UI). You should create a Content Import Source for each source of External Pages that you want to ingest into your Fin Content Library.


You can then iterate through the content from that source via its API and POST it to the External Pages endpoint. That endpoint has an external_id parameter which allows you to specify the identifier from the source. The endpoint will then either create a new External Page or update an existing one as appropriate.",



Everything about your Articles



Everything about your Companies



Everything about your contacts


List all contacts


You can fetch a list of all contacts (ie. users or leads) in your workspace.


You can use pagination to limit the number of results returned. The default is 50 results per page. See the pagination section for more details on how to use the starting_after param.


Intercom API version.
By default, it's equal to the version set in the app package.

Default 2.13
Example: 2.13
curl -i -X GET \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \
  -H 'Intercom-Version: 2.13'




Always list

Example: "list"
dataArray of objects(Contact)

The list of contact objects


A count of the total number of objects.

Example: 100
pagesobject or null(Cursor based pages)

Cursor-based pagination is a technique used in the Intercom API to navigate through large amounts of data. A "cursor" or pointer is used to keep track of the current position in the result set, allowing the API to return the data in small chunks or "pages" as needed.

{ "type": "list", "data": [], "total_count": 0, "pages": { "type": "pages", "page": 1, "per_page": 10, "total_pages": 0 } }

Create contact


You can create a new contact (ie. user or lead).


Intercom API version.
By default, it's equal to the version set in the app package.

Default 2.13
Example: 2.13
One of:

Payload to create a contact

Any of:

Payload to create a contact


The role of the contact.


A unique identifier for the contact which is given to Intercom


The contacts email

Example: ""
phonestring or null

The contacts phone

Example: "+353871234567"
namestring or null

The contacts name

Example: "John Doe"
avatarstring or null

An image URL containing the avatar of a contact

Example: ""
signed_up_atinteger or null(date-time)

The time specified for when a contact signed up

Example: 1571672154
last_seen_atinteger or null(date-time)

The time when the contact was last seen (either where the Intercom Messenger was installed or when specified manually)

Example: 1571672154
owner_idinteger or null

The id of an admin that has been assigned account ownership of the contact

Example: 123
unsubscribed_from_emailsboolean or null

Whether the contact is unsubscribed from emails

Example: true
custom_attributesobject or null

The custom attributes which are set for the contact

curl -i -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Intercom-Version: 2.13' \
  -d '{
    "email": ""



enabled_push_messagingboolean or null

If the user has enabled push messaging.

Example: true

The type of object.

Example: "contact"

The unique identifier for the contact which is given by Intercom.

Example: "5ba682d23d7cf92bef87bfd4"
external_idstring or null

The unique identifier for the contact which is provided by the Client.

Example: "70"

The id of the workspace which the contact belongs to.

Example: "ecahpwf5"

The role of the contact.

Example: "user"

The contact's email.

Example: ""

The contact's email domain.

Example: ""
phonestring or null

The contacts phone.

Example: "+1123456789"
namestring or null

The contacts name.

Example: "John Doe"
owner_idinteger or null

The id of an admin that has been assigned account ownership of the contact.

Example: 123

Whether the contact has had an email sent to them hard bounce.

Example: true

Whether the contact has marked an email sent to them as spam.

Example: true

Whether the contact is unsubscribed from emails.

Example: true

(UNIX timestamp) The time when the contact was created.

Example: 1571672154

(UNIX timestamp) The time when the contact was last updated.

Example: 1571672154
signed_up_atinteger or null(date-time)

(UNIX timestamp) The time specified for when a contact signed up.

Example: 1571672154
last_seen_atinteger or null(date-time)

(UNIX timestamp) The time when the contact was last seen (either where the Intercom Messenger was installed or when specified manually).

Example: 1571672154
last_replied_atinteger or null(date-time)

(UNIX timestamp) The time when the contact last messaged in.

Example: 1571672154
last_contacted_atinteger or null(date-time)

(UNIX timestamp) The time when the contact was last messaged.

Example: 1571672154
last_email_opened_atinteger or null(date-time)

(UNIX timestamp) The time when the contact last opened an email.

Example: 1571672154
last_email_clicked_atinteger or null(date-time)

(UNIX timestamp) The time when the contact last clicked a link in an email.

Example: 1571672154
language_overridestring or null

A preferred language setting for the contact, used by the Intercom Messenger even if their browser settings change.

Example: "en"
browserstring or null

The name of the browser which the contact is using.

Example: "Chrome"
browser_versionstring or null

The version of the browser which the contact is using.

Example: "80.0.3987.132"
browser_languagestring or null

The language set by the browser which the contact is using.

Example: "en-US"
osstring or null

The operating system which the contact is using.

Example: "Mac OS X"
android_app_namestring or null

The name of the Android app which the contact is using.

Example: "Intercom"
android_app_versionstring or null

The version of the Android app which the contact is using.

Example: "5.0.0"
android_devicestring or null

The Android device which the contact is using.

Example: "Pixel 3"
android_os_versionstring or null

The version of the Android OS which the contact is using.

Example: "10"
android_sdk_versionstring or null

The version of the Android SDK which the contact is using.

Example: "28"
android_last_seen_atinteger or null(date-time)

(UNIX timestamp) The time when the contact was last seen on an Android device.

Example: 1571672154
ios_app_namestring or null

The name of the iOS app which the contact is using.

Example: "Intercom"
ios_app_versionstring or null

The version of the iOS app which the contact is using.

Example: "5.0.0"
ios_devicestring or null

The iOS device which the contact is using.

Example: "iPhone 11"
ios_os_versionstring or null

The version of iOS which the contact is using.

Example: "13.3.1"
ios_sdk_versionstring or null

The version of the iOS SDK which the contact is using.

Example: "13.3.1"
ios_last_seen_atinteger or null(date-time)

(UNIX timestamp) The last time the contact used the iOS app.

Example: 1571672154

The custom attributes which are set for the contact.

avatarobject or null
tagsobject or null(Contact Tags)

An object containing tags meta data about the tags that a contact has. Up to 10 will be displayed here. Use the url to get more.

notesobject(Contact notes)

An object containing notes meta data about the notes that a contact has. Up to 10 will be displayed here. Use the url to get more.

companiesobject(Contact companies)

An object containing companies meta data about the companies that a contact has. Up to 10 will be displayed here. Use the url to get more.

locationobject(Contact Location)

An object containing location meta data about a Intercom contact.

social_profilesobject(Social Profile)

An object containing social profiles that a contact has.

{ "type": "contact", "id": "677c55566abd011ad17ff4f2", "workspace_id": "this_is_an_id303_that_should_be_at_least_", "external_id": null, "role": "user", "email": "", "phone": null, "name": null, "avatar": null, "owner_id": null, "social_profiles": { "type": "list", "data": [] }, "has_hard_bounced": false, "marked_email_as_spam": false, "unsubscribed_from_emails": false, "created_at": 1736201558, "updated_at": 1736201558, "signed_up_at": null, "last_seen_at": null, "last_replied_at": null, "last_contacted_at": null, "last_email_opened_at": null, "last_email_clicked_at": null, "language_override": null, "browser": null, "browser_version": null, "browser_language": null, "os": null, "location": { "type": "location", "country": null, "region": null, "city": null, "country_code": null, "continent_code": null }, "android_app_name": null, "android_app_version": null, "android_device": null, "android_os_version": null, "android_sdk_version": null, "android_last_seen_at": null, "ios_app_name": null, "ios_app_version": null, "ios_device": null, "ios_os_version": null, "ios_sdk_version": null, "ios_last_seen_at": null, "custom_attributes": {}, "tags": { "type": "list", "data": [], "url": "/contacts/677c55566abd011ad17ff4f2/tags", "total_count": 0, "has_more": false }, "notes": { "type": "list", "data": [], "url": "/contacts/677c55566abd011ad17ff4f2/notes", "total_count": 0, "has_more": false }, "companies": { "type": "list", "data": [], "url": "/contacts/677c55566abd011ad17ff4f2/companies", "total_count": 0, "has_more": false }, "opted_out_subscription_types": { "type": "list", "data": [], "url": "/contacts/677c55566abd011ad17ff4f2/subscriptions", "total_count": 0, "has_more": false }, "opted_in_subscription_types": { "type": "list", "data": [], "url": "/contacts/677c55566abd011ad17ff4f2/subscriptions", "total_count": 0, "has_more": false }, "utm_campaign": null, "utm_content": null, "utm_medium": null, "utm_source": null, "utm_term": null, "referrer": null, "enabled_push_messaging": null }

Get a contact by External ID


You can fetch the details of a single contact by external ID. Note that this endpoint only supports users and not leads.


The external ID of the user that you want to retrieve

Example: cdd29344-5e0c-4ef0-ac56-f9ba2979bc27

Intercom API version.
By default, it's equal to the version set in the app package.

Default 2.13
Example: 2.13
curl -i -X GET \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>' \
  -H 'Intercom-Version: 2.13'



enabled_push_messagingboolean or null

If the user has enabled push messaging.

Example: true

The type of object.

Example: "contact"

The unique identifier for the contact which is given by Intercom.

Example: "5ba682d23d7cf92bef87bfd4"
external_idstring or null

The unique identifier for the contact which is provided by the Client.

Example: "70"

The id of the workspace which the contact belongs to.

Example: "ecahpwf5"

The role of the contact.

Example: "user"

The contact's email.

Example: ""

The contact's email domain.

Example: ""
phonestring or null

The contacts phone.

Example: "+1123456789"
namestring or null

The contacts name.

Example: "John Doe"
owner_idinteger or null

The id of an admin that has been assigned account ownership of the contact.

Example: 123

Whether the contact has had an email sent to them hard bounce.

Example: true

Whether the contact has marked an email sent to them as spam.

Example: true

Whether the contact is unsubscribed from emails.

Example: true

(UNIX timestamp) The time when the contact was created.

Example: 1571672154

(UNIX timestamp) The time when the contact was last updated.

Example: 1571672154
signed_up_atinteger or null(date-time)

(UNIX timestamp) The time specified for when a contact signed up.

Example: 1571672154
last_seen_atinteger or null(date-time)

(UNIX timestamp) The time when the contact was last seen (either where the Intercom Messenger was installed or when specified manually).

Example: 1571672154
last_replied_atinteger or null(date-time)

(UNIX timestamp) The time when the contact last messaged in.

Example: 1571672154
last_contacted_atinteger or null(date-time)

(UNIX timestamp) The time when the contact was last messaged.

Example: 1571672154
last_email_opened_atinteger or null(date-time)

(UNIX timestamp) The time when the contact last opened an email.

Example: 1571672154
last_email_clicked_atinteger or null(date-time)

(UNIX timestamp) The time when the contact last clicked a link in an email.

Example: 1571672154
language_overridestring or null

A preferred language setting for the contact, used by the Intercom Messenger even if their browser settings change.

Example: "en"
browserstring or null

The name of the browser which the contact is using.

Example: "Chrome"
browser_versionstring or null

The version of the browser which the contact is using.

Example: "80.0.3987.132"
browser_languagestring or null

The language set by the browser which the contact is using.

Example: "en-US"
osstring or null

The operating system which the contact is using.

Example: "Mac OS X"
android_app_namestring or null

The name of the Android app which the contact is using.

Example: "Intercom"
android_app_versionstring or null

The version of the Android app which the contact is using.

Example: "5.0.0"
android_devicestring or null

The Android device which the contact is using.

Example: "Pixel 3"
android_os_versionstring or null

The version of the Android OS which the contact is using.

Example: "10"
android_sdk_versionstring or null

The version of the Android SDK which the contact is using.

Example: "28"
android_last_seen_atinteger or null(date-time)

(UNIX timestamp) The time when the contact was last seen on an Android device.

Example: 1571672154
ios_app_namestring or null

The name of the iOS app which the contact is using.

Example: "Intercom"
ios_app_versionstring or null

The version of the iOS app which the contact is using.

Example: "5.0.0"
ios_devicestring or null

The iOS device which the contact is using.

Example: "iPhone 11"
ios_os_versionstring or null

The version of iOS which the contact is using.

Example: "13.3.1"
ios_sdk_versionstring or null

The version of the iOS SDK which the contact is using.

Example: "13.3.1"
ios_last_seen_atinteger or null(date-time)

(UNIX timestamp) The last time the contact used the iOS app.

Example: 1571672154

The custom attributes which are set for the contact.

avatarobject or null
tagsobject or null(Contact Tags)

An object containing tags meta data about the tags that a contact has. Up to 10 will be displayed here. Use the url to get more.

notesobject(Contact notes)

An object containing notes meta data about the notes that a contact has. Up to 10 will be displayed here. Use the url to get more.

companiesobject(Contact companies)

An object containing companies meta data about the companies that a contact has. Up to 10 will be displayed here. Use the url to get more.

locationobject(Contact Location)

An object containing location meta data about a Intercom contact.

social_profilesobject(Social Profile)

An object containing social profiles that a contact has.

{ "type": "contact", "id": "6762f0df1bb69f9f2193bb84", "workspace_id": "this_is_an_id307_that_should_be_at_least_", "external_id": "70", "role": "user", "email": "", "phone": null, "formatted_phone": null, "name": "Joe Bloggs", "avatar": null, "owner_id": null, "social_profiles": { "type": "list", "data": [] }, "has_hard_bounced": false, "marked_email_as_spam": false, "unsubscribed_from_emails": false, "created_at": 1734537439, "updated_at": 1734537439, "signed_up_at": 1734537439, "last_seen_at": null, "last_replied_at": null, "last_contacted_at": null, "last_email_opened_at": null, "last_email_clicked_at": null, "language_override": null, "browser": null, "browser_version": null, "browser_language": null, "os": null, "location": { "type": "location", "country": null, "region": null, "city": null, "country_code": null, "continent_code": null }, "android_app_name": null, "android_app_version": null, "android_device": null, "android_os_version": null, "android_sdk_version": null, "android_last_seen_at": null, "ios_app_name": null, "ios_app_version": null, "ios_device": null, "ios_os_version": null, "ios_sdk_version": null, "ios_last_seen_at": null, "custom_attributes": {}, "tags": { "type": "list", "data": [], "url": "/contacts/6762f0df1bb69f9f2193bb84/tags", "total_count": 0, "has_more": false }, "notes": { "type": "list", "data": [], "url": "/contacts/6762f0df1bb69f9f2193bb84/notes", "total_count": 0, "has_more": false }, "companies": { "type": "list", "data": [], "url": "/contacts/6762f0df1bb69f9f2193bb84/companies", "total_count": 0, "has_more": false }, "opted_out_subscription_types": { "type": "list", "data": [], "url": "/contacts/6762f0df1bb69f9f2193bb84/subscriptions", "total_count": 0, "has_more": false }, "opted_in_subscription_types": { "type": "list", "data": [], "url": "/contacts/6762f0df1bb69f9f2193bb84/subscriptions", "total_count": 0, "has_more": false }, "utm_campaign": null, "utm_content": null, "utm_medium": null, "utm_source": null, "utm_term": null, "referrer": null, "enabled_push_messaging": null }


Everything about your Conversations


Custom Object Instances

Everything about your Custom Object instances.

Permission Requirements

From now on, to access this endpoint, you need additional permissions. Please head over to the Developer Hub app package authentication settings to configure the required permissions.


Data Attributes

Everything about your Data Attributes


Data Events

Everything about your Data Events


Data Export

Everything about your Data Exports


Help Center

Everything about your Help Center



Everything about your messages



Everything about your News



Everything about your Notes



Everything about your Segments


Subscription Types

Everything about subscription types



Everything about Switch



Everything about tags



Everything about your Teams


Ticket States

Everything about your ticket states


Ticket Type Attributes

Everything about your ticket type attributes


Ticket Types

Everything about your ticket types



Everything about your tickets



Everything about your Visitors

