Payload of the request to reply on behalf of a contact using their emailemailstringrequiredThe email you have defined for the user.message_typestringrequired Value"comment"typestringrequired Value"user"bodystringrequiredThe text body of the comment.attachment_urlsArray of strings(uri)(Attachment URLs)<= 10 itemsA list of image URLs that will be added as attachments. You can include up to 10 URLs.{ "email": "string", "message_type": "comment", "type": "user", "body": "string", "attachment_urls": [ "" ] }
Payload of the request to reply on behalf of a contact using their intercom_user_idintercom_user_idstringrequiredThe identifier for the contact as given by Intercom.message_typestringrequired Value"comment"typestringrequired Value"user"bodystringrequiredThe text body of the comment.attachment_urlsArray of strings(uri)(Attachment URLs)<= 10 itemsA list of image URLs that will be added as attachments. You can include up to 10 URLs.{ "intercom_user_id": "string", "message_type": "comment", "type": "user", "body": "string", "attachment_urls": [ "" ] }
One of:Intercom User IDUser IDEmailPayload of the request to reply on behalf of a contact using their intercom_user_idintercom_user_idstringrequiredThe identifier for the contact as given by Intercom.message_typestringrequired Value"comment"typestringrequired Value"user"bodystringrequiredThe text body of the comment.attachment_urlsArray of strings(uri)(Attachment URLs)<= 10 itemsA list of image URLs that will be added as attachments. You can include up to 10 URLs.Intercom User IDUser IDEmailIntercom User ID{ "intercom_user_id": "string", "message_type": "comment", "type": "user", "body": "string", "attachment_urls": [ "" ] }