Payload of the request to snooze a conversationmessage_typestringrequired Value"snoozed" Example: "snoozed"admin_idstringrequiredThe id of the admin who is performing the action. Example: "5017691"snoozed_untilinteger(timestamp)requiredThe time you want the conversation to reopen. Example: 1673609604{ "message_type": "snoozed", "admin_id": "5017691", "snoozed_until": 1673609604 }
A Social Profile allows you to label your contacts, companies, and conversations and list them using that Social Profile.typestringvalue is "social_profile" Example: "social_profile"namestringThe name of the Social media profile Example: "Facebook"urlstring(uri)The name of the Social media profile Example: ""{ "type": "social_profile", "name": "Facebook", "url": "" }
A Social Profile allows you to label your contacts, companies, and conversations and list them using that Social Profile.
per_pageintegerThe number of results to fetch per page. Example: 2starting_afterstring or nullThe cursor to use in the next request to get the next page of results. Example: "your-cursor-from-response"{ "per_page": 2, "starting_after": "your-cursor-from-response" }