The intercom API reference.
The intercom API reference.
The name of the event that occurred. This is presented to your App's admins when filtering and creating segments - a good event name is typically a past tense 'verb-noun' combination, to improve readability, for example updated-plan
The time the event occurred as a UTC Unix timestamp
The unique identifier for the contact (lead or user) which is given by Intercom.
An email address for your user. An email should only be used where your application uses email to uniquely identify users.
{ "event_name": "invited-friend", "created_at": 1671028894, "user_id": "314159", "id": "8a88a590-e1c3-41e2-a502-e0649dbf721c", "email": "", "metadata": { "invite_code": "ADDAFRIEND" } }
You can send a list of event summaries for a user. Each event summary should contain the event name, the time the event occurred, and the number of times the event occurred. The event name should be a past tense "verb-noun" combination, to improve readability, for example updated-plan
{ "user_id": "314159", "event_summaries": { "event_name": "invited-friend", "count": 1, "first": 1671028894, "last": 1671028894 } }