The intercom API reference.
The intercom API reference.
The readable description you see in the UI for the attribute.
To create list attributes. Provide a set of hashes with value
as the key of the options you want to make. data_type
must be string
{ "archived": false, "description": "My Data Attribute Description", "options": [ "option1", "option2" ], "messenger_writable": false }
You can update a Ticket
The attributes set on the ticket.
The state of the ticket.
Specify if a ticket is open. Set to false to close a ticket. Closing a ticket will also unsnooze it.
{ "ticket_attributes": { "_default_title_": "example", "_default_description_": "having a problem" }, "state": "submitted", "open": true, "is_shared": true, "snoozed_until": 1673609604, "assignment": { "admin_id": "123", "assignee_id": "123" } }
You can update a Ticket Type Attribute
The description of the attribute presented to the teammate or contact
Whether the attribute is required to be filled in when teammates are creating the ticket in Inbox.
Whether the attribute is required to be filled in when contacts are creating the ticket in Messenger.
Whether the attribute is visible to teammates when creating a ticket in Inbox.
Whether the attribute is visible to contacts when creating a ticket in Messenger.
Whether the attribute allows multiple lines of text (only applicable to string attributes)
A comma delimited list of items for the attribute value (only applicable to list attributes)
Whether the attribute allows multiple files to be attached to it (only applicable to file attributes)
{ "name": "Bug Priority", "description": "Priority level of the bug", "required_to_create": false, "required_to_create_for_contacts": false, "visible_on_create": true, "visible_to_contacts": true, "multiline": false, "list_items": "Low Priority,Medium Priority,High Priority", "allow_multiple_values": false, "archived": false }