Phone Switch Responsetypestring Default "phone_call_redirect" Value"phone_call_redirect" Example: "phone_call_redirect"phonestringPhone number in E.164 format, that has received the SMS to continue the conversation in the Messenger. Example: "+1 1234567890"{ "type": "phone_call_redirect", "phone": "+1 1234567890" }
Phone number in E.164 format, that has received the SMS to continue the conversation in the Messenger.
One of:Redact Conversation Part RequestRedact Conversation Source RequestPayload of the request to redact a conversation parttypestringrequiredThe type of resource being redacted. Value"conversation_part" Example: "conversation_part"conversation_idstringrequiredThe id of the conversation. Example: "19894788788"conversation_part_idstringrequiredThe id of the conversation_part. Example: "19381789428"Redact Conversation Part RequestRedact Conversation Source RequestRedact Conversation Part Request{ "type": "conversation_part", "conversation_id": "19894788788", "conversation_part_id": "19381789428" }
reference to another objecttypestring Example: "contact"idstring or null Example: "1a2b3c"{ "type": "contact", "id": "1a2b3c" }