The intercom API reference.
The intercom API reference.
Visitors are useful for representing anonymous people that have not yet been identified. They usually represent website visitors. Visitors are not visible in Intercom platform. The Visitors resource provides methods to fetch, update, convert and delete.
Automatically generated identifier for the Visitor.
{ "type": "visitor", "id": "530370b477ad7120001d", "user_id": "8a88a590-e1c3-41e2-a502-e0649dbf721c", "anonymous": false, "email": "", "phone": "555-555-5555", "name": "Jane Doe", "pseudonym": "Red Duck from Dublin", "avatar": { "type": "avatar", "image_url": "" }, "app_id": "hfi1bx4l", "companies": { "type": "company.list", "companies": [ … ] }, "location_data": { "type": "location_data", "city_name": "Dublin", "continent_code": "EU", "country_code": "IRL", "country_name": "Ireland", "postal_code": "D02 N960", "region_name": "Leinster", "timezone": "Europe/Dublin" }, "las_request_at": 1663597260, "created_at": 1663597223, "remote_created_at": 1663597223, "signed_up_at": 1663597223, "updated_at": 1663597260, "session_count": 1, "social_profiles": { "type": "social_profile.list", "social_profiles": [ … ] }, "owner_id": "5169261", "unsubscribed_from_emails": false, "marked_email_as_spam": false, "has_hard_bounced": false, "tags": { "type": "tag.list", "tags": [ … ] }, "segments": { "type": "segment.list", "segments": [ … ] }, "custom_attributes": { "property1": "string", "property2": "string" }, "referrer": "", "utm_campaign": "intercom-link", "utm_content": "banner", "utm_medium": "email", "utm_source": "Intercom", "utm_term": "messenger", "do_not_track": false }