Intercom API version.By default, it's equal to the version set in the app package.string(intercom_version)Intercom API version.By default, it's equal to the version set in the app package. Default "2.10" Enum"1.0""1.1""1.2""1.3""1.4""2.0""2.1""2.2""2.3""2.4"+8 more"2.10"
A linked conversation or ticket.typestringticket or conversation Enum"ticket""conversation" Example: "ticket"idstringThe ID of the linked object Example: "7583"categorystring or nullCategory of the Linked Ticket Object. Enum"Customer""Back-office""Tracker"null Example: "Customer"{ "type": "ticket", "id": "7583", "category": "Customer" }
An object containing metadata about linked conversations and linked tickets. Up to 1000 can be returned.typestringAlways list. Value"list" Example: "list"total_countintegerThe total number of linked objects. Example: 100has_morebooleanWhether or not there are more linked objects than returned. Example: falsedataArray of objects(Linked Object)An array containing the linked conversations and linked tickets.+Show 3 array properties{ "type": "list", "total_count": 100, "has_more": false, "data": [ { … } ] }
An object containing metadata about linked conversations and linked tickets. Up to 1000 can be returned.