Response returned when an object is deletedidstringThe unique identifier for the collection which you provided in the URL. Example: "6890762"objectstringThe type of object which was deleted. - collection Value"collection" Example: "collection"deletedbooleanWhether the collection was deleted successfully or not. Example: true{ "id": "6890762", "object": "collection", "deleted": true }
Response returned when an object is deletedidstringThe unique identifier for the company which is given by Intercom. Example: "5b7e8b2f-7a1a-4e6c-8e1b-4f9d4f4c4d4f"objectstringThe type of object which was deleted. - company Value"company" Example: "company"deletedbooleanWhether the company was deleted successfully or not. Example: true{ "id": "5b7e8b2f-7a1a-4e6c-8e1b-4f9d4f4c4d4f", "object": "company", "deleted": true }
Response returned when an object is deletedidstringThe unique identifier for the news item which you provided in the URL. Example: "6890762"objectstringThe type of object which was deleted - news-item. Value"news-item" Example: "news-item"deletedbooleanWhether the news item was deleted successfully or not. Example: true{ "id": "6890762", "object": "news-item", "deleted": true }